Annual Horoscope 2023 (2024)

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See what the stars have in store for your sign

Annual Horoscope 2023 (1)

Surrender is not a dirty word. But, I’ll tell you what is: rigidity. And rigid is what we tend to be, you and I, when we want something. When desires arise from us, we want them to be fulfilled immediately and without delay. What we don’t realise is that there are two sides to every coin. That surrender is the other side of the manifestation process. That after we will things into existence, we must move into a space of allowance. It’s what Taoists would describe as *wu-wei* or the art of not-forcing. And if there is anything life on earth has taught us it’s that every great relationship is built on the foundation of trust. So, nurture your relationship with the Universe this year as you remember that you matter, your dreams matter and that everything you are asking for will make its way into your experience at the precise moment it’s supposed to. You just don’t get to control ‘the how’ of this magical process. Overheard at the 2023 cosmic conference: Leave room for the unexpected!

So, what does the year ahead have in store for each of the signs? Let’s explore! Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon or rising sign, Western or Vedic, depending on what you resonate with. My advice to you: savour them mindfully and intentionally. Sit down with the messages and let them unfold in your life over a period of time, and trust that you will have many powerful revelations along the way. As always, grateful to be a part of your journey and grateful to have you as a part of mine. PS: May the new year bring more blessings than you can count, beautiful!

Aries Annual Horoscope 2023

While there’s one part of you that glorifies change, there’s another part of you that dreads it with every fibre of your being. But, here’s the thing, Aries: it is your higher self that has beckoned the winds of change. It is your higher self that is gently and lovingly holding space for you to shed the old and emerge as a new version of yourself. So, tap into your warrior spirit and prepare to journey to those uncomfortable places within your psyche. As you do, begin to shift the internal beliefs that are keeping you from embracing your power and potential. Remember, the journey of coming home to yourself will require a certain degree of solitude, and that’s okay. Don’t be afraid to prioritise your needs and draw boundaries wherever necessary. Discretion is a superpower that you are being called to cultivate as a form of self-care.

Cosmic tip: Trust the magic of new beginnings.

Power crystal: Snowflake obsidian.

Taurus Annual Horoscope 2023

This conversation isn’t just about 2023. It’s about the magic that is going to unfold over the next decade. Contemplate on this, Taurus: what is the story you want to tell you want to tell your descendants? How do you want to be remembered by those who will walk this path long after you are long gone? It’s time to zoom out and look at the big picture. It’s time to lay down the blueprint of the rest of your life, beautiful. It’s time to shift your beliefs around money and power so you can level up in all the ways your soul truly desires. Overheard at the cosmic conference: nothing is out of your reach right now. Just a reminder, though: there is no planet B. So, adopt sustainable practices and find a way to honour the energy of Mother Earth in all of your endeavours. At the same, pay attention to your inner magician and all the ways it wants to be awakened. Connecting with your spiritual and intuitive side + delving into the healing arts is going to be a major theme in the coming months.

Cosmic tip: What do you want to be remembered for?

Power crystal: Labradorite

Gemini Annual Horoscope 2023

Remember who you are, beautiful Gemini. Remember your power. Remember your gifts and remember what makes you uniquely *you*. Know that this remembrance is your greatest gift not just to yourself but also the world. Working through those self-worth issues will help you level up and call in the kind of opportunities that are a vibrational match for you. The year ahead also sees you redefining your relationship with your body. Let movement meditation become a part of your everyday vocabulary. Through practises such as dance, yoga and martial arts you will be able to find your centre *and* release the trauma that you have suppressed over the years. But, that doesn’t mean everything will always be picture-perfect in your world. The Universe tends to teach us by way of contrast. If something or somebody doesn’t feel like a vibrational match, it simply isn’t. Trust what your instinct is telling you in every moment as you give yourself the permission to walk away from situations that do not serve your highest and greatest good.

Cosmic tip: Choose mental peace over everything else.

Power crystal: Blue lace agate.

Cancer Annual Horoscope 2023

If there is one thing you want to leave behind in 2022, it’s that victim mindset. Things are happening for you, not to you. *You* are the creator of your reality and it is your higher self that is calling in certain people and experience so they can trigger growth and become a catalyst for transformation. So, turn your gaze inwards, moon child. Light the lamp of awareness and embark upon that metaphorical journey within. Examine the thought patterns that are keeping you chained to the darkness. Anything that doesn’t serve you will have to go. Trust that the annihilation is a necessary part of the creation process. On the upside, the cleanse and purge you are about to experience will enable you to make room for magic. So, set your intentions and update your vision board. Spirit knows what’s best for you and will deliver it to you in divine time, beautiful.

Cosmic tip: Anything that doesn’t serve you will have to go.

Power crystal: Black tourmaline.

Leo Annual Horoscope 2023

Today, you’re waking up with a spring in your step. There’s a feeling that you’re feeling deep within your bones and it is that 2023 is going to be your year, Leo! So, don’t let anybody make you doubt that voice of wisdom within. Not the neighbour who is yelling at you for dancing to Doja Cat *this* early in the morning and certainly not the friend who prides themselves on dropping truth bombs freely. Speaking of friends, your soul circle is going to be expanding in the months to come. But, we’re not talking about the schmoozing and the air-kissing-types. We’re talking about members of your soul family who will hold space for your soul’s growth and take pride in watching you reach new heights. Career and creativity will continue to be a priority for you. The secret to creating your most profound work yet? Dropping the weight of other people’s expectations and finding your authentic voice.

Cosmic tip: Your main character energy will bring all the right opportunities to your yard!

Power crystal: Red carnelian.

Virgo Annual Horoscope 2023

But, joy is your natural state of being and joy is what you are being asked to embody as you step into the new year. Breathe, relax your shoulders and release the tension you’ve been carrying around like a badge of honour. Things have a way of turning out to be better than you imagine, Virgo. This is something you will witness first hand in the months to come. What’s more, your personal life will also take a turn for the better. You will find that you are surrounded by the kind of people who pour generously into your cup and take pride in watching you grow. If a romantic partner is something you desire, prepare to meet somebody with major potential in the months. A certain somebody who promises to be both your safe place and your greatest adventure. Your willingness to be open and meet them halfway is what will ultimately define the course of your future. Oh, and don’t worry too much about bad vibes or even the green-eyed-monster for that matter! You are safe and you are protected. Trust your spirit guides to shield you from any negativity that is being directed towards you, beautiful.

Cosmic tip: Joy is your natural state of being.

Power crystal: Tiger’s eye.

Libra Annual Horoscope 2023

Love comes in many forms and love comes unexpectedly when you aren’t looking. So, go about your life being the happiest and shiniest version of yourself as you spread them good vibes like confetti. This magnetic field around you will bring all the right people and experiences into your reality. Let ‘don’t chase, attract’ continue to be your mantra, both personally and professionally. Speaking of professional pursuits, the cards are drawing your attention to that pet project that’s been on your mind for some time now. Yes, you have given your time and energy to the said venture in the past. But, it requires more love, care and nourishment from you in the coming year. So, readjust the scales and prioritise that which awakens the song of your soul. You were sent here for a reason, Libra, and bringing more grace and beauty into existence is a part of your sacred mission. On the downside, a certain friendship (or relationship) in your life could end dramatically leaving you with a grieving heart. For the sake of your own well-being, remember to take them off the pedestal and change the meanings you have assigned to the given narrative.

Cosmic tip: Be your own greatest supporter and biggest cheerleader.

Power crystal: Rhodocrosite.

Scorpio Annual Horoscope 2023

If you’re looking for proof of magic, look no further than your own life. Observe all the ways in which you have grown and all the ways in which you have triumphed over your demons, inner and outer. Given that you are levelling up, how can anything that’s not a vibrational match stay? Yes, this includes certain friendships that have lingered on past their expiry date. Just because you have known somebody forever does not mean you should let them treat you with disrespect. Make yourself a priority even if that means befriending loneliness for a bit. The right people will find their way into your Universe eventually. The kind of people who will hold space for you to blossom and take pride in watching you grow into the most authentic version of yourself. On the professional front, you’re being encouraged to get your hands dirty. To dedicate yourself to attaining mastery. Training under the guidance of the right mentor could help you unlock your own power and potential.

Cosmic tip: Trust that you’ll find your unicorns eventually!

Power crystal: Angel aura quartz.

Sagittarius Annual Horoscope 2023

But, what does the word ‘sadhana’ mean to you, Sagittarius? What are the spiritual practices that help you stay grounded in the midst of these turbulent times? The new year is bringing with itself the reminder that the only way out is in. So, light the lamp of awareness and embark upon that metaphorical journey within. Bringing light to the so-called dark parts will enable you to move into a space of wholeness. Given there is so much taking place in the internal landscape, you may or may not have the energy to play social butterfly, and that’s okay. Knowing that you cannot please everybody at all times is a major part of the growing up process. On the creative front, 2023 is a time of channelling new ideas and inspiration. Ideas may require you to push your own boundaries and challenge the norms of society. So, get in touch with your inherent magic as you banish the demons of self-doubt willfully. When it comes to matters of the heart, stay open. The cards are bringing your attention towards a partner who makes you feel seen and heard in ways you haven’t experienced before and understands your journey on a soul level.

Cosmic tip: The year ahead isn’t so much about doing as it is about *being*.

Power crystal: Aquamarine.

Capricorn Annual Horoscope 2023

This is the year to stay sexy + hydrated and watch miracles become an everyday occurrence! Get used to being Destiny’s favourite child, Capricorn. Get used to things happening for you serendipitously and in the most effortless manner. As always, remember that being in a state of gratitude will amplify the energy of the good in your life. Hope and healing are also going to be big themes for you in 2023. Trust that your family relationships will heal over the course of the next few months and that you will be able to attract a partner who wants to build a nest with you, if that’s something your heart desires. Committed Saturnians will have no hesitation when it comes to taking that leap of faith towards the envisioned future. If you’ve got health and wellness on your mind, upgrade your fitness routine. Overheard at the cosmic conference: it’s time to get out of your head and into your body!

Cosmic tip: Get used to miracles becoming an everyday occurrence.

Power crystal: Lapis lazuli.

Aquarius Annual Horoscope 2023

Remember when you wanted to quit your boring day job, buy a one way ticket to a tropical paradise and teach yoga on the beach as a way of life? We’ve got news for you, Aquarius: nothing is out of your reach this year. So, tune into the portal of your heart, remember your true calling and prepare to take a quantum leap towards the envisioned future. Freeing yourself from the weight of other people’s expectations will enable you to activate the portal of your personal power *and* find your wings. But, that doesn’t mean you should act impulsively, which is always a tendency with you. Having a practical plan of action ready will ensure you land on your feet. If you don’t have the option to pack your belongings in a suitcase and jetset around the world, that’s okay too. Plant the seeds of change exactly where you are. That side hustle of yours has major potential. Give it the time and attention it deserves.

Cosmic tip: Your ‘normal’ may differ from Society’s normal, and that's okay!

Power crystal: Blue kyanite.

Pisces Annual Horoscope 2023

This year, the cards are bringing to your attention the Zen concept wu-wei, which loosely translates to ‘non-doing’. Philosopher and Spiritual Entertainer Alan Watts went on to describe this doctrine as ‘not-forcing’. In order to explain this, he cited the example of sailing rather than rowing. This brings us to the real question: how and where have you been swimming upstream, Pisces? What are the ways in which you can become one with cycles and rhythms of nature? Take a moment to visualise what effortless effort would feel like and then release the tension, once and for all. Remember, every experience is perfect and every experience you are experiencing has been chosen by your higher self for a reason.

Cosmic tip: Understand the power of ‘not forcing’.

Power crystal: Rainbow moonstone.

  • In this story
  • Aquarius
  • Aries
  • Cancer
  • Capricorn
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Pisces
  • Sagittarius
  • Scorpio
  • Taurus
  • Virgo

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Annual Horoscope 2023 (2024)


What is the financial prediction for Aquarius 2023? ›

2023 is going to be a good year in terms of financial. Aquarius people may find new job opportunities and may start a new occupation. This year would be beneficial for the people who belong to Aquarius sun sign. All the desired wishes would be fulfilled this year.

What is the prediction for 2024 by date of birth? ›

The year 2024 is favorable for those whose birthday is on the 9th, 18th, 27th. People born on this date come under the number 9. This year, the influence of people with radix number 9 may increase in their jobs. If you are also in the race for promotion, then you may get this good news this year.

What year will Pisces be rich? ›

2024 brings an increased level of savings and financial gains from family. It will ensure that you will get over the challenges related to debt, an effort will generate new and multiple sources of income.

What is the yearly prediction for Virgo in 2024? ›

2024 promises some good news for Virgo, which will be very special. You will make great progress in all aspects of life this year. There will be challenges but they will bring great learnings for your personal & professional life, which will steer you in the right direction.

In which year will Aquarius get rich? ›

The financial prospects for Aquarius in 2024 look very promising with regard to your income and financial progress. There will be a continuous flow of money throughout the year with good earnings.

What is the money luck for Aquarius in 2024? ›

2024 Aquarius Money & Finance Horoscope

2024 will bring you good sources of income and increment, gains from property and inheritance. Investing in land will yield positive results and you will also benefit in some way from property or vehicle, as indicated by 2024 Aquarius finance predictions.

Which zodiac is luckiest in 2024? ›

Aquarius –Aquarius is the most fortunate sign in Saturn Year 2024, as Saturn is the co-ruler of this sign and will be in its own sign for most of the year. This means that Aquarius will have a strong connection with Saturn and will be able to manifest its goals and dreams with ease.

Is 2024 a good year for Aquarius? ›

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2024: The year will remain progressive but Mars indicates a hectic phase in the beginning for your career related matters. The beginning of this month may bring disruptions and may not augur well for accumulating wealth.

Is 2024 a karma year? ›

2024 has the potential! Guided by the insights of Numerology, this Saturn energy-infused year, and marked by the influential number 8 brings an outpouring of karma, abundance, personal power, discipline, and unmatched success in both your career and finances.

What billionaire is a Pisces? ›

Rupert Murdoch, chairman and CEO of News Corp., born March 11, 1931, and whose assets include the Wall Street Journal, is a Pisces.

Are Pisces rich or poor? ›

After Libra, those belonging to the Zodiac sign Pisces are most likely to become a billionaire.

What will happen to Pisces in 2024? ›

The areas that Thomas predicts will be impacted the most in 2024 include "true love and romance, creativity and passion, hobbies or sports, or even children and pregnancy." If you're feeling a weight on your shoulders at this time, he says it's a sign to "buckle down and understand your true needs."

Who is Virgos soulmate? ›

So, Who's the Best Match for Virgo? Virgo, practical and analytical, seeks a soulmate who shares their pragmatism and commitment to self-improvement. Taurus and Capricorn provide the stability and dedication that Virgo seeks, fostering a partnership grounded in mutual support and growth.

Which year will Virgo be lucky? ›

In 2024, Virgo will experience financial stability with the transit of Mercury and Venus, leading to increased income. Mars and the Sun in Scorpio will bring momentum to stalled work. Jupiter's movement in the ninth house and Rahu and Ketu in the eighth and second house will open new business opportunities.

What's in store for Virgo 2024? ›

Virgo Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2024: The year looks progressive for you but in the beginning of this year, career related matters shall look uncertain due to the complex impact of South Node. Things shall start to fall in place gradually due to the Mercury's support.

Are Aquarius financially stable? ›

Aquarius is an air sign and Saturnian in nature. Their finance is more or less stable and they strike a harmonious balance between earning and spending.

What is the travel horoscope for Aquarius in 2023? ›

Aquarius, according to your 2023 horoscope, off the beaten path is your thing this. Life will take you on many unknown journeys that will help you get to know yourself better. Let that translate into travelling as well by exploring off-beat destinations. The road less taken has much to offer this year.

What is the lucky charm for Aquarius 2023? ›

Therefore, anything blue is lucky for the Aquarius sign in 2023, especially electric blue. The tech-obsessed Aquarius will be impressed by the blue over-ear earphones with an acoustic mic. Since they choose contemporary products over antique charms. Garnet offers excellent health and spiritual grounding.

What is the financial horoscope for Aquarius in 2025? ›

Solutions For Aquarius Wealth & Property Horoscope 2025

This year, the situation of money and profit will mainly be good for Aquarius people, but the beginning of the year may be a little weak in this regard. Saturn and Venus in the twelfth house will continue to increase your expenses and increase your worries.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.