Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (2024)

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (1)

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Sundays 9PM-10PM only on 77 WABC!


Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (2)

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show

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The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-23-24


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    Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show

    Sundays 9PM-10PM only on 77 WABC!

  1. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (3)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-23-24


    Jun 24

  2. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (4)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-16-24


    Jun 17

  3. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (5)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-09-24


    Jun 10

  4. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (6)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-02-24


    Jun 03

  5. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (7)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-26-24


    May 27

  6. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (8)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-19-24


    May 20

  7. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (9)

    Attorney Al D'Amato | 05-16-24


    May 16

  8. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (10)

  9. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (11)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-12-24


    May 13

  10. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (12)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-05-24


    May 06

  11. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (13)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-28-24


    Apr 29

  12. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (14)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-21-24


    Apr 22

  13. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (15)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-14-24


    Apr 15

  14. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (16)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-07-24


    Apr 08

  15. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (17)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-31-24


    Apr 01

  16. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (18)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-24-24


    Mar 25

  17. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (19)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-17-24


    Mar 18

  18. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (20)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-10-24


    Mar 11

  19. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (21)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-03-24


    Mar 04

  20. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (22)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 02-25-24


    Feb 27

"; } else { //episode var iframeURL = ''; iframeURL = iframeURL + '&e_id_val='+e_id_val; var iframeHTML = "

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//WPB-435 //var gotADS_0 = true; //define into common php code file.var debugDivObj_playlist_0 = document.getElementById('debug_playlist_player_0'); var firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_0 = true; //global variable.var ckDomain = ''; var episode_first_playlist_id_0 = 'jp-playlist-0-0-349636'; //WPB-435 var p_id_0 = ''; // WPB-6002 var midRollExists_0=false; var postRollExists_0=false; var currentlyPlaying_0 = ''; var m_audio_0 = ''; var m_id_0 = ''; var m_title_0 = ''; var po_audio_0 = ''; var po_id_0 = ''; var po_title_0 = ''; var original_e_audio_0 = ''; var original_e_title_0 = ''; var midPausedTime_0 = ''; var midrollplaying_0 = false; var midrollplayed_0=false; var midRollDuration0=''; var playedAfterMid0=false; var mid_endedTime0; var original_endedTime0; var bothOff_0=false; var currentKeyIndex_0; var lastIndex_0=0; var lastPreroll_0=false; midrollplayed_0=false;// ============================================================function jp_playlist_episode_0(linkObject, autoplay=false) {/* outside jquery ready func. */ midrollplayed_0=false; var link_episode =; //get id this way. not used class wise jquery onclick. var idArr = link_episode.split('-'); var player_unique_index = idArr[2]; var key_index = idArr[3]; var episode_id = idArr[4]; var js_str = playlists_arr_0[key_index]; var field_arr = js_str.split('^#^'); if (typeof field_arr[4] !== 'undefined') { // WPB-6002 var field5_arr = field_arr[4].split('^@^'); p_id_0 = field5_arr[1]; } if (typeof field_arr[10] !== 'undefined') { var field11_arr = field_arr[10].split('^@^'); m_id_0 = field11_arr[1]; var field12_arr = field_arr[11].split('^@^'); m_audio_0 = field12_arr[1]; var field13_arr = field_arr[12].split('^@^'); m_title_0 = field13_arr[1]; if(m_id_0!=0) { midRollExists_0=true; } //midRollExists_0=false; } if (typeof field_arr[13] !== 'undefined') { var field14_arr = field_arr[13].split('^@^'); po_id_0 = field14_arr[1]; var field15_arr = field_arr[14].split('^@^'); po_audio_0 = field15_arr[1]; var field16_arr = field_arr[15].split('^@^'); po_title_0 = field16_arr[1]; if(po_id_0!=0) { postRollExists_0=true; } //postRollExists_0=false; } if(jQuery('#playlistEpisode-0-'+key_index).hasClass("disableLink")){ jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer('play'); jQuery('#pause-btn-0').show(); jQuery('#play-btn-0').hide(); jQuery( "#pause-btn-0").removeClass( "hidden" ); return false; } if(midRollExists_0 || postRollExists_0){ if(p_id_0!=0){ currentlyPlaying_0 = 'preroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('preroll'); }else{ if(currentlyPlaying_0 !='midroll'){ currentlyPlaying_0 = 'original'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); } } midrollplayed_0=false; }else{ // mid and post roll both off. bothOff_0=true; // ======================== WPB-6002 -- separate func. if(p_id_0!=0) { jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_0(linkObject); return; } // ======================== if(!autoplay){ currentlyPlaying_0 = 'original'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original') } else { // WPB-6002 if(p_id_0!=0) { currentlyPlaying_0='preroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('preroll'); } } } jQuery("#playlistResults-0 .playlistEpisode").each(function() { jQuery(this).css('background','none'); jQuery(this).removeClass("disableLink"); }); var bgColor = jQuery('#speed-control-menu-0').attr('primaryColor'); jQuery('#playlistEpisode-0-'+key_index).css('background',bgColor); jQuery('#playlistEpisode-0-'+key_index).addClass("disableLink"); var change_player_image_0 = true; // WPB-6002 show_hide_trailer_common_func(); firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_0 = false; //------------------------------- //WPB-435 if (typeof gotADS_0 !== 'undefined' && eval('gotADS_0')) { var retHideAudio = hideAudioPlayerShowVideoPlayer('0'); } else { var retHideAudio = false; } if (retHideAudio) { var videoPlayerContDivObj = document.getElementById('vid-container-0'); if ( == 'block') { jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer('stop'); eval('vid0').play(); /*play video direct ads. */ episode_first_playlist_id_0 =; return; } }//End of if (retHideAudio) //------------------------------- //WPB-306 : fixed problem missing stop/play button . jQuery("#pause-btn-0").removeClass("hidden"); var js_str = playlists_arr_0[key_index]; //console.log(js_str); var jsInfoArr = getJsInfo_Audio_Common(js_str); var e_id = jsInfoArr['e_id']; var e_title = jsInfoArr['e_title']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var e_image = jsInfoArr['e_image']; var p_id = jsInfoArr['p_id']; var p_audio = jsInfoArr['p_audio']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var p_title = jsInfoArr['p_title']; var pod_id = jsInfoArr['pod_id']; var ply_f = jsInfoArr['ply_f']; var e_audio_dl = jsInfoArr['e_audio_dl']; if(jQuery('#jp-playlist-status-0').length>0){ var htm = jQuery('#jp-playlist-status-0').html(); if(htm.indexOf('You have reached the end')>0){ var lastIndex_0 = playlists_arr_0.length-1; } } if(typeof lastIndex_0=='undefined'){ lastIndex_0 = playlists_arr_0.length-1; } if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original'){ if(key_index==0){ lastPreroll_0=true; }else{ lastPreroll_0=false; } } // --------------------------------- currentKeyIndex_0 = key_index; if(currentlyPlaying_0=='' || currentKeyIndex_0==0){ //console.log('here condition 1'); original_e_audio_0 = e_audio; original_e_title_0 = e_title; if(lastPreroll_0){ //console.log('cond 1.1...'); var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_0[lastIndex_0]; var field_arr_original = js_str_orignal.split('^#^'); var field3_arr_ori_t = field_arr_original[1].split('^@^'); var original_e_title_0 = field3_arr_ori_t[1]; var field3_arr_ori = field_arr_original[2].split('^@^'); var original_e_audio_0 = field3_arr_ori[1]; var field10_arr = field_arr_original[9].split('^@^'); var e_audio_dl = field10_arr[1]; var field4_arr = field_arr_original[3].split('^@^'); /*var e_image = field4_arr[1];*/ } }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original'){ //console.log('here condition 2'); if(bothOff_0) var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_0[currentKeyIndex_0] else var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_0[currentKeyIndex_0-1]; if(lastPreroll_0){ var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_0[lastIndex_0]; } var field_arr_original = js_str_orignal.split('^#^'); var field3_arr_ori_t = field_arr_original[1].split('^@^'); var field10_arr = field_arr_original[9].split('^@^'); var e_audio_dl = field10_arr[1]; var field4_arr = field_arr_original[3].split('^@^'); /*var e_image = field4_arr[1];*/ var original_e_title_0 = field3_arr_ori_t[1]; var field3_arr_ori = field_arr_original[2].split('^@^'); var original_e_audio_0 = field3_arr_ori[1]; } // --------------------------------- if(midRollExists_0){ jQuery("#player-0").bind(jQuery.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, function(event) { //console.log("timeupdate : currentlyPlaying_0::"+currentlyPlaying_0) if(currentlyPlaying_0!='original'){ return; } if(midrollplayed_0){ return; } var midDuration = Math.round(event.jPlayer.status.duration / 2); var current = Math.round(event.jPlayer.status.currentTime); if(midDuration>0 && (current>=midDuration)){ midPausedTime_0 = event.jPlayer.status.currentTime; jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { mp3: m_audio_0 }); currentlyPlaying_0='midroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('midroll'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play"); midrollplayed_0=true; } }); // timeupdate func..... } // --------------------------------- if (change_player_image_0) { document.getElementById('jp-image-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change image document.getElementById('jp-body-background-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; jQuery('#player-interface-0 .AudioControls .podcastHeader .mobilePodcastImage img').attr('src',e_image); } // WPB-6002 //change download link to episode audio file as per click on playlist player audio song. //document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = e_audio; var e_audioDownload=e_audio; if(e_audio.indexOf("?")>0) e_audioDownload = e_audio.substring(0, e_audio.lastIndexOf('?')); document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = '/wp-content/plugins/wpb-show-core/download-episode.php?eid='+e_id+'&flag=playlist-js'; document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; var original_e_audio = e_audio; var original_e_title = e_title; if (p_audio) { /*if preroll then play that first.*/ e_audio = p_audio; //play preroll first. document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^preroll'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } /*if (p_title) { //e_title = p_title; //play preroll first. }*/ // *********************************************** if (p_audio) { //jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('preroll'); show_hide_trailer_common_func(); if(currentlyPlaying_0==''){ jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_0, mp3: e_audio }); var next_song_flag = 0; //play actual audio. currentlyPlaying_0='preroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('preroll'); //console.log('here3:::'+currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); } /*jQuery("#player-0").on(, function(event) { console.log('play'); }); */ // *********************************************** } else { //console.log('in else no preroll::'+e_title); original_e_audio_0 = e_audio; original_e_title_0 = e_title; var next_song_flag = 1; jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play"); } if(!autoplay){ jQuery( "#speed-control-btn-0").html("1x"); jQuery( "#speed-control-btn-0").css("color", jQuery( "#speed-control-menu-0" ).attr( "textColor" )); }else{ var speedSelected = jQuery( "#speed-control-btn-0").html(); speedSelected = speedSelected.replace( "x", "" ); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer( "option","playbackRate", speedSelected ); } // ============================================================ jQuery("#player-0").bind(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { if(postRollExists_0 || midRollExists_0){ if(currentlyPlaying_0=='midroll'){ currentlyPlaying_0='original_part'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original_part'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_0, mp3: original_e_audio_0, }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",midPausedTime_0); return; }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='postroll'){ var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='preroll'){ setTimeout(function(){ currentlyPlaying_0='original'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); //console.log('here8:::'+currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title, mp3: original_e_audio }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); },1000); }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original_part' && postRollExists_0){ jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_0, mp3: po_audio_0 }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); currentlyPlaying_0='postroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('postroll'); }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original' && postRollExists_0){ if(!midRollExists_0){ jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_0, mp3: po_audio_0 }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); currentlyPlaying_0='postroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('postroll'); } }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original_part' && (!postRollExists_0)){ var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original_part'){ jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); var next_song_flag = 0; //play actual audio. currentlyPlaying_0='postroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('postroll'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); } // ------------------------------------- }else{ if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original'){ next_song_flag=1; var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; }else{ //console.log('preoll playing in both off'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", {title: original_e_title_0, mp3: original_e_audio_0, }); currentlyPlaying_0='original' //console.log('here9:::'+currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); if (next_song_flag == 0) { document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; } } }); // End of ended event................. // ============================================================}//End of function jp_playlist_episode_

// ============================================================function playListNext_0(player_uni_idx, play_list_idx, next_song) { if (next_song == 0) { //console.log('donot play next song.....'); //as it played preroll and now playing actual video. //debugDivObj_playlist_0.innerHTML = debugDivObj_playlist_0.innerHTML + 'donot play next song........
'; } else { //console.log('play next song.....''; //debugDivObj_playlist_0.innerHTML = debugDivObj_playlist_0.innerHTML + 'play next song........
'; if (play_list_idx == ((playlists_arr_0.length) - 1)) { var next_play_list_idx = 0; /*first song.*/ } else { var next_play_list_idx = parseInt(play_list_idx) + 1; /*next song*/ } var js_str = playlists_arr_0[next_play_list_idx]; var field_arr = js_str.split('^#^'); var field1_arr = field_arr[0].split('^@^'); var e_id = field1_arr[1]; var link_id = 'jp-playlist-'+player_uni_idx+'-'+next_play_list_idx+'-'+e_id; var next_linkObject = document.getElementById(link_id); jQuery("#player-0").off(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended); /* off the ended event. so, next audio will bind again on into below func. */ jp_playlist_episode_0(next_linkObject,true); //call function again for next audio. } next_song = 1; return next_song;}//End of function playListNext_// ============================================================//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------// WPB-6002 -- separate func.function show_hide_trailer_common_func() { if(jQuery('#play_trailer').length>0){ jQuery('#play_trailer').show(); jQuery('#hide_trailer').hide(); }else if(jQuery('#play_trailer_ele').length>0){ jQuery('#play_trailer_ele').show(); jQuery('#hide_trailer_ele').hide(); }}// WPB-6002 -- separate func.function jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_0(linkObject) {/* outside jquery ready func. */ show_hide_trailer_common_func(); firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_0 = false; //------------------------------- //WPB-435 if (typeof gotADS_0 !== 'undefined' && eval('gotADS_0')) { var retHideAudio = hideAudioPlayerShowVideoPlayer('0'); } else { var retHideAudio = false; } if (retHideAudio) { var videoPlayerContDivObj = document.getElementById('vid-container-0'); if ( == 'block') { jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer('stop'); eval('vid0').play(); /*play video direct ads. */ episode_first_playlist_id_0 =; return; } }//End of if (retHideAudio) //------------------------------- //WPB-306 : fixed problem missing stop/play button . jQuery("#pause-btn-0").removeClass("hidden"); var link_episode =; //get id this way. not used class wise jquery onclick. var idArr = link_episode.split('-'); var player_unique_index = idArr[2]; var key_index = idArr[3]; var episode_id = idArr[4]; var js_str = playlists_arr_0[key_index]; var jsInfoArr = getJsInfo_Audio_Common(js_str); var e_id = jsInfoArr['e_id']; var e_title = jsInfoArr['e_title']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var e_image = jsInfoArr['e_image']; var p_id = jsInfoArr['p_id']; var p_audio = jsInfoArr['p_audio']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var p_title = jsInfoArr['p_title']; var pod_id = jsInfoArr['pod_id']; var ply_f = jsInfoArr['ply_f']; var e_audio_dl = jsInfoArr['e_audio_dl']; document.getElementById('jp-image-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change image document.getElementById('jp-body-background-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change download link to episode audio file as per click on playlist player audio song. //document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = e_audio; var e_audioDownload=e_audio; if(e_audio.indexOf("?")>0) e_audioDownload = e_audio.substring(0, e_audio.lastIndexOf('?')); document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = '/wp-content/plugins/wpb-show-core/download-episode.php?eid='+e_id+'&flag=playlist-js'; document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; var original_e_audio = e_audio; var original_e_title = e_title; if (p_audio) { /*if preroll then play that first.*/ e_audio = p_audio; //play preroll first. document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^preroll'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } /*if (p_title) { //e_title = p_title; //play preroll first. }*/ if (p_audio) { currentlyPlaying_0='preroll'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_11'+ currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('preroll'); //console.log('here6:::'+currentlyPlaying_0); show_hide_trailer_common_func(); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { //play preroll first. /*title: 'TEST', mp3: '', //temp mp3 */ //title: e_title + ' -- Preroll audio ', title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); var next_song_flag = 0; //play actual audio. // ============================================================ jQuery("#player-0").on(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { show_hide_trailer_common_func(); currentlyPlaying_0='original'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_12'+ currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { /*title: e_title + ' -- Actual audio ', */ title: original_e_title, mp3: original_e_audio }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); if (next_song_flag == 0) { document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; /* next_song to 1, if preroll finished to play then only pickup next song. */ }); // ============================================================ } else { currentlyPlaying_0='original'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_13'+ currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); var next_song_flag = 1; //no preroll. so, play song direct next. //play actual audio, if no preroll found. jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { //title: e_title + ' -- Actual audio -- no prerolls ', title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); jQuery("#player-0").on(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { show_hide_trailer_common_func(); /*if (next_song_flag == 1) { */ document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; /*}*/ var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); //next_song_flag = next_song; }); }//End of else above....... jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause');}//End of function jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_

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Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (2024)


What time is Curtis Sliwa on WaBC? ›

Sundays 8PM-10PM only on 77 WABC!

What channel is Curtis Sliwa on? ›

Curtis Sliwa: WABC Host – 77 WABC.

Is Wabc Radio conservative? ›

WABC (770 AM) is a commercial radio station licensed to New York City, carrying a conservative talk radio format known as "Talkradio 77".

Who is the cast of the Wabc radio show? ›

The station's on-air lineup includes some of the biggest names in media and politics, including Dominic Carter, Frank Morano, Noam Laden, Sid Rosenberg, Brian Kilmeade, Bill O'Reilly, Curtis Sliwa, Greg Kelly, Rudy Giuliani, Bo Snerdley, John Catsimatidis, Rita Cosby, Mark Levin, Larry Kudlow, Steve Moore and the ...

Is Lisa Evers still married to Curtis Sliwa? ›

Guardian Angels

At that time she was married to its founder, Curtis Sliwa; was known as Lisa Sliwa; and worked as a model with Elite Model Management in New York City and Paris. With Sliwa, she co-hosted a talk radio show on WABC-AM in New York City that ended shortly before their divorce.

What nationality is Curtis Sliwa? ›

Was Curtis Sliwa shot? ›

Murder attempt

On June 19, 1992, Sliwa was kidnapped and shot by two gunmen after entering a stolen taxi in Manhattan. The taxi picked up Sliwa near his home in the East Village, and a gunman hiding in the front passenger seat jumped up and fired several shots, hitting him in the groin and legs.

What time is Mass at Guardian Angels Church Denver? ›

Mass | Reconciliation | Adoration
  • WEEKEND MASS. SATURDAY: 5 pm (Anticipatory Mass) SUNDAY: 7:30 am, 9 am, 10:30 am.
  • DAILY MASS. TUESDAY: 8 am. WEDNESDAY: 5:15 pm. THURSDAY: 8 am. ...
  • RECONCILIATION. SATURDAY: 3 – 4:30 pm. TUESDAY and THURSDAY: 9 – 9:45 am. ...
  • ADORATION. TUESDAY and THURSDAY: After 8 am Mass. WEDNESDAY: 4 – 5 pm.

Who owns Wabc TV? ›

NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- WABC-TV, which is owned by the Walt Disney Company, has been broadcasting to the New York City metropolitan area since August 10, 1948.

Where are the new WABC radio studios? ›

77 WABC Radio, 800 3rd Ave, Fl 2, New York, NY - MapQuest.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.