Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (2024)

Summary of Georgia O'Keeffe

Georgia O'Keeffe played a pivotal role in the development of American modernism and its relationship to European avante garde movements of the early-20th century. Producing a substantial body of work over seven decades, she sought to capture the emotion and power of objects through abstracting the natural world. Alfred Stieglitz identified her as the first female American modernist, whose paintings of flowers, barren landscapes, and close-up still lifes have become a part of the mythology and iconography of the American artistic landscape.


  • O'Keeffe incorporated the techniques of other artists and was especially influenced by Paul Strand's use of cropping in his photographs; she was one of the first artists to adapt the method to painting by rendering close-ups of uniquely American objects that were highly detailed yet abstract.
  • O'Keeffe did not follow any specific artistic movement, but like Arthur Dove she experimented with abstracting motifs from nature. She worked in series, synthesizing abstraction and realism to produce works that emphasized the primary forms of nature. While some of these works are highly detailed, in others, she stripped away what she considered the inessential to focus on shape and color.
  • Through intense observation of nature, experimentation with scale, and nuanced use of line and color, O'Keeffe's art remained grounded in representation even while pushing at its limits. From the 1940s through the 1960s in particular, O'Keeffe's art was outside the mainstream as she was one of the few artists to adhere to representation in a period when others were exploring non-representation or had abandoned painting altogether.

The Life of Georgia O'Keeffe

Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (1)

Defining the early New York avant-grade with Alfred Stieglitz, and meditations in vast and desolate New Mexico are some of the sites of O'Keeffe's artistic inspirations and explorations.

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Important Art by Georgia O'Keeffe

Progression of Art

Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (2)


Blue #2

Blue II is indicative of O'Keeffe's early monochromatic drawings and watercolors, which evoke the movement of nature through abstract forms. While the curvilinear form in Blue II is reminiscent of a plant form, O'Keeffe was playing the violin during this period, and the shape likely captures the scroll-shaped end of the neck of the violin that would have been in O'Keeffe's line of sight as she played. The intense blue color suggests that she may have been familiar with Wassily Kandinsky's notion that visual art, like music, should convey emotion through the use of color and line. The intense blue perhaps suggests the sound of the music and the mood it evokes or expresses.

Watercolor on paper - Georgia O'Keeffe Museum

Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (3)

Artwork Images


Petunia No. 2

Petunia No. 2, one of O'Keeffe's first large-scale renderings of a flower, represents the beginning of her exploration of a theme that would mark her career. In this painting, she magnifies the flower's form to emphasize its shape and color. She stated that "nobody really sees a flower - really - it is so small - we haven't time - and to see takes time... So I said to myself - I'll paint what I see - what the flower is to me but I'll paint it big and they will be surprised into taking time to look at it." Her flower images often received interpretations that O'Keeffe disagreed with, particularly from feminist critics who saw these paintings as veiled illusions to female genitalia. For O'Keeffe, there was no hidden symbolism, just the essence of the flower. In fact, the anatomy of the petunia is incredibly detailed, and O'Keeffe may have been emphasizing the androgyny of the reproductive parts in order to counter the idea that her subject matter was connected to her gender. Though American and European artists had experimented with abstraction for at least a decade, O'Keeffe, like Dove, focused on images from nature and O'Keeffe was the only artist to consistently use flowers as a motif.

Oil on canvas - Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe

Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (4)

Artwork Images


Radiator Building - Night, New York

This painting illustrates O'Keeffe's skill in articulating architectural structures as well as her use of the highly realistic, yet simplified style of Precisionism. She uses the night backdrop to incorporate a play between structure and light, and between the straight lines of the architectural forms and the ethereal smoke, which is reminiscent of the folds of flowers. O'Keeffe's portrait of the Radiator Building, an Art Deco skyscraper that was completed just three years prior to the painting, presents an iconic image that captures the changing skyline of New York City that O'Keeffe often found claustrophobic. She depicts the building from a low vantage point to convey a sense of oppression with the building's towering presence over the viewer. The painting can also be read as a double portrait of Steiglitz and O'Keeffe; Stieglitz is represented by the Scientific American Building, as indicated by his name in red, and O'Keeffe by the Radiator Building. Object portraits of this type, influenced by the poetry of Gertrude Stein, were an important theme for artists of the Stieglitz Circle.

Oil on canvas - Fisk University, Nashville

Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (5)

Artwork Images


Cow's Skull: Red, White and Blue

O'Keeffe became enamored with animal skulls after visiting New Mexico. Through the precise rendering of the weathered skull's surface and sharp edges, O'Keeffe captures the essential nature of the skull while also referencing the transience of life. Isolated on the canvas, divorced from its desert context, O'Keeffe uses the cow's skull and the red, white, and blue background to represent both naturalism and nationalism, or the relationship between the American landscape and national identity. Moreover, the subject could allude to the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, thereby making an environmental and economic statement. What is clear is that O'Keeffe has created a memento mori that elevates this relic of the New Mexico desert to the status of an American icon.

Oil on canvas - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (6)

Artwork Images


Black Place, Grey and Pink

O'Keeffe's landscape paintings are similar to her flower paintings in that they often capture the essence of nature as the artist saw it without focusing on the details. In works such as Black Place, Grey and Pink, O'Keeffe emphasizes the wide open spaces and emptiness of the landscape around her New Mexico ranch that she purchased in 1940 - vistas that are the opposite of her claustrophobic cityscapes. Her paintings of the area capture this sense of place and her attachment to it: "When I got to New Mexico that was mine. As soon as I saw it that was my country. I'd never seen anything like it before, but it fitted to me exactly. It's something that's in the air, it's different. The sky is different, the wind is different." The often surprising reds and pinks of the land in these paintings are accurate renderings of the colorful desert scenery.

Oil on canvas - Georgia O'Keeffe Museum

Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (7)

Artwork Images


Sky above Clouds, IV

O'Keeffe's subject matter was always inspired by her life and the series Sky above Clouds is no exception, as the painting speaks to her many travels in the 1950s and 1960s. While en route to the Far East, she became intrigued by the view of the clouds below the airplane and sought to render this aerial view in paint as if to symbolize her own expanded view of the world. Remarkably, as she was nearly 80 years old at the time, she began stretching enormous canvases, nearly 24 feet wide, to capture the expansiveness of the scene. This painting, with its high horizon line and simplified clouds that extend beyond the frame, shows the influence of Eastern landscape painting, which also often employs a high horizon line with a broad view of the land. The work underscores that O'Keeffe's art, whatever the motif, remains consistent over many decades: she renders a naturalistic scene or object in such a way as to focus on its essential formal elements and render it abstractly.

The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

Biography of Georgia O'Keeffe

Childhood and Education

Georgia O'Keeffe was born near Sun Prairie, Wisconsin in 1887, the second of seven children. She received early encouragement to study art from her mother and took watercolor lessons from a local artist, Sara Mann. O'Keeffe came from a family where female education was stressed and she was fortunate to attend the School of the Art Institute of Chicago from 1905 to 1906 where she studied with John Vanderpoel.

Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (8)

In the fall of 1907, O'Keeffe moved to New York City and attended classes at the Art Students League, studying under the artist-teacher William Merritt Chase. A prize she won for one of her still lifes, allowed her to attend the League's summer school in Lake George, New York. While in NYC, she frequented exhibitions at Gallery 291, which was owned by photographer Alfred Stieglitz and was one of the few places in the United States where European avant-garde art was exhibited. For the first time O'Keeffe was exposed to popular European artists, such as Auguste Rodin and Henri Matisse. She abandoned the pursuit of art as a career in 1908 for four years, taking a job in Chicago as a commercial artist.

She began focusing on her art again in 1912, after attending a drawing class at the University of Virginia's summer school. Her teacher, Alon Bement, professed an innovative teaching style that was heavily influenced by the artist Arthur Wesley Dow. While teaching at Columbia College in South Carolina in 1915, O'Keeffe began to experiment with Dow's theory of self-exploration through art. She took natural forms, such as ferns, clouds, and waves, and began a small series of charcoal drawings that simplified them into expressive, abstracted combinations of shapes and lines. After completing this series, O'Keeffe mailed a few of them to her friend Anita Pollitzer, a former classmate, who brought the drawings to the attention of Alfred Stieglitz in January 1916.

Mature Period

Recognizing her potential, Stieglitz began a correspondence with O'Keeffe. Unbeknownst to O'Keeffe, he exhibited ten of her charcoals at his Gallery 291. He sent her photographs of her drawings on exhibit and this began their professional relationship. While O'Keeffe continued to teach, she returned to New York in 1917 to view her first solo exhibition, arranged by Stieglitz at 291. During this time, O'Keeffe and Stieglitz began a love affair that would last until his death. In 1918, Stieglitz offered to financially support O'Keeffe for one year so that she could live and paint in New York. She took a leave of absence from her teaching position and for the first time dedicated herself solely to making art. Stieglitz divorced his first wife, and he and O'Keeffe married in 1924.

During the 1920s, Stieglitz introduced O'Keeffe to his friends and fellow artists - the Stieglitz Circle - that included Marsden Hartley, Arthur Dove, John Marin, and Paul Strand. Stieglitz and his Circle, as they were called, championed modernism in the United States. O'Keeffe was profoundly influenced by Strand's photography and the camera's ability to behave like a magnifying lens, as well as Charles Sheeler's Precisionism. Following these interests, she began making large-scale paintings of natural forms at close range, and, during this time, also switched from watercolors to oil paint. In addition to flowers, O'Keeffe depicted New York skyscrapers and other architectural forms. By the mid-1920s, O'Keeffe was recognized as one of the most significant American artists of the time and her art began to command high prices.

O'Keeffe's fascination with the landscape of New Mexico began in 1929, when she was a guest of famous arts patron, Mabel Dodge Luhan, at Dodge's ranch near Taos. O'Keeffe became enamored with New Mexico's landscape of vistas and barren land, returning every summer until 1949 to paint. Works produced from this landscape captured the beauty of the desert, its vast skies, distinctive architectural forms, and bones, which she collected in the desert. O'Keeffe's eventual purchase of two properties in New Mexico further connected her to the land.

During the 1930s and 1940s, O'Keeffe's popularity continued to grow and she was honored with two important retrospectives, the first in 1943 at the Art Institute of Chicago and the second in 1946 at the Museum of Modern Art, their first retrospective of work by a woman.

Late Years and Death

In 1949, three years after Stieglitz's death, O'Keeffe moved permanently to New Mexico. In the 1950s, she produced a series of works that featured the architectural forms of her patio wall and door at Abiquiu, one of her two homes near Santa Fe. O'Keeffe began to travel extensively, gathering inspiration for her work. She received many accolades, including membership in the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Medal of Freedom, and the National Medal of Arts. Despite waning popularity in the 1950s and 1960s, a retrospective held by the Whitney Museum of American Art in 1970 revived her career and brought her to the attention of a new generation of women in the era of feminism. Despite failing eyesight, O'Keeffe continued to produce art, working in watercolor, pencil, and clay throughout the 1970s. Although she had lost her central vision by the age of 84, she continued to paint. Her last paintings consist of simple abstract lines and shapes and hearken back to her early charcoal drawings.

The Legacy of Georgia O'Keeffe

Georgia O'Keeffe spent 70 years making art and contributing to the development of American modernism. She was a prominent member of the creative Stieglitz Circle, influencing early American modernists. She is notable for her role as a pioneering female artist, and although she disavowed their interpretation of her work, she was a strong influence on the artists of the Feminist art movement, including Judy Chicago and Miriam Shapiro, who saw feminine imagery in O'Keeffe's flower paintings. A prolific artist, she produced more than 2000 works over the course of her career. The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe is the first museum in the United States dedicated to a female artist, and its research center sponsors significant fellowships for scholars of modern American art.

Influences and Connections

Influences on Artist

Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (9)

Influenced by Artist


  • Auguste Rodin
  • Wassily Kandinsky
  • Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (12)

    Arthur Wesley Dow

  • Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (13)

    Alon Bement

Friends & Personal Connections

  • Charles Sheeler
  • Alfred Stieglitz
  • Paul Strand
  • Arthur Dove

Movements & Ideas

  • Precisionism
  • Art Nouveau
  • Modernism and Modern Art
  • Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (21)

    Asian Art


  • Judy Chicago
  • Andy Warhol

Friends & Personal Connections

  • Alfred Stieglitz
  • Paul Strand
  • Arthur Dove

Movements & Ideas

  • Precisionism
  • Feminist Art
  • Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (29)

    American Modernist Painting

Open Influences

Useful Resources on Georgia O'Keeffe




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Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Bio, Ideas (2024)


Who is Georgia O Keeffe art biography? ›

Georgia O'Keeffe (born November 15, 1887, near Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, U.S.—died March 6, 1986, Santa Fe, New Mexico) was an American painter who was among the most influential figures in Modernism, best known for her large-format paintings of natural subjects, especially flowers and bones, and for her depictions of ...

What are three things that make O'Keeffe unique as an artist? ›

The power of Georgia O'Keeffe's artwork derives from her mastery of essential elements of art making: line, color, and composition.

What do Georgia O Keeffe paintings symbolize? ›

Georgia O'Keeffe was a modernist painter, renowned for her distinctive enlarged flower paintings. Though she rejected efforts to prescribe specific meanings to her art, O'Keeffe's flower pieces frequently evoke themes of femininity, sexuality, and organic abstraction.

What was Georgia O Keeffe's style of painting? ›

Artists didn't just want to show how something looked but were using colours, shapes and brush-marks in unexpected ways to express meanings, ideas and feelings. This encouraged Georgia to develop her own unique style – a combination of abstract and realistic. Look at this painting of hills, above.

What was Georgia O'Keeffe's famous quote? ›

To create one's own world takes courage. Georgia O'Keeffe once stated, "To create one's own world takes courage." This profound quote encapsulates the essence of O'Keeffe's artistic philosophy, highlighting her belief in the importance of individuality and fearlessness in the pursuit of one's creative vision.

What was Georgia O Keeffe's most expensive painting? ›

O'Keeffe holds the record for the highest price paid for painting by a woman; Sotheby's sold her Jimson Weed/White Flower No. 1 for $44.4 million in 2014.

How did Georgia O'Keeffe have a growth mindset? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Georgia O'Keeffe grew her mindset by zooming and cropping his pictures. She could magnify her flowers and trim them to bring a new dimension to the image. Through zooming and cropping, she created unique and abstract compositions.

What was Georgia O Keeffe's visual analysis? ›

O'Keeffe's landscape paintings are mostly a frontal view, showing horizontal bands of intense color, much like the hills of New Mexico. Her paintings are void of human presence. They express the essence of her inner vision, without the distraction of human form.

Why did Georgia O'Keeffe say flowers were better than models? ›

Georgia O'Keeffe, an American artist known for her paintings of flowers, may have said that flowers were better than models because they didn't move. Unlike models, who may shift positions or change expressions, flowers remain still and provide a stable subject for artistic interpretation.

What was Georgia O Keeffe's favorite color? ›

For O'Keeffe, color was “one of the great things in the world that makes life worth living.” I suspect that her favorite color was blue, likely cerulean blue: “that Blue,” she wrote, “that will always be there as it is now after all man's destruction is finished.” I used to walk right past the flowers.

What was Georgia O Keeffe's daily routine? ›

Sated by an early-morning dose of nature and grub, she'd head to her studio, breaking at noon for lunch. Throughout her life, she kept her studios clean and neat. In 1951, she described her Abiquiu workspace to a friend with a description that, these days, recalls the hashtag #thingsorganizedneatly.

What was Georgia O Keeffe's philosophy? ›

The Philosophy Behind Georgia's Art Work

Many say that she drew them in order to show the essence, the importance, and the beauty of a flower. Since a flower is so small, it seems insignificant, and people do not have time to take time and look at something small. She wanted to change this.

How old was Georgia O Keeffe when she died? ›

Georgia O'Keeffe died in Santa Fe on March 6, 1986, at the age of 98.

What did people tell O'Keeffe when she said she wanted to paint scenes from New York? ›

Painting New York was a huge challenge for her. “I was told it was an impossible idea,” she said, “even the men hadn't done too well with it”. But O'Keeffe was to prove it could be done better by a woman.

What is the main reason O'Keeffe turned to pottery later in life? ›

In 1974, when she was 87 years old, she took up an entirely new medium: ceramics. The tactile form was more conducive to her altered senses, and it allowed her to experience the thrill of learning something entirely new. GEORGIA O'KEEFFE, Abstraction, 1946 (modelled 1946; cast 1979–80). Estimate $200,000–300,000.

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