Prevent Your Next Sports Injury with a Sports Physical Examination (2024)

What is a Sports Physical Examination?

As the name implies, a sports physical is a physical examination administered by a medical professional to evaluate your readiness for a sport. The goal of getting a physical for sports is to determine if your body can handle the stress and tension of your activity of choice.

What to Expect during Your Sports Physical?

Prevent Your Next Sports Injury with a Sports Physical Examination (1)While each medical professional has their way of doing things, sports physicals are often very similar across providers. You should expect a combination of tests, questions, and hands-on manipulations during your examination. The goal is to check your strength, flexibility, endurance, and other aspects of your physical health.

Your examination will also include various questions about your family’s medical history to determine whether or not you are at risk for genetic conditions.

Here’s a complete checklist of what your sports physical will most likely entail.

  • A measurement of your height and weight.
  • Questions about your medical history and that of your family.
  • Questions about how you’re currently feeling or if you have any pain, discomfort, or abnormal symptoms.
  • A run-down of your diet.
  • A list of any medications or prescription drugs you’re currently taking.
  • Check your vitals, including blood pressure, pulse ox level, heart rate, respiration, and temperature.
  • Vision and hearing tests.
  • Examining your lungs, throat, belly, nose, and ears.
  • Testing your strength, flexibility, ability, joints, posture, and reflexes.
  • If you’re a female, you may be asked questions about your menstrual cycle.

Once again, while sports physicals can vary from provider to provider, this is a general list of things to expect during your examination. Depending on who requires your sports physical, you might need to provide additional paperwork, drug testing, and other information to the person performing your examination.

Why are Sports Physicals Important?

Prevent Your Next Sports Injury with a Sports Physical Examination (2)

Sports physicals are essential to prevent injury.1 Depending on your condition and medical history, there is a chance you are more at risk of injury than others. You can avoid unnecessary injuries, including broken bones, respiratory arrest, strokes, strains, and more, with a routine sports physical.

For professional and collegiate athletes, sports physicals are a requirement. At the start of every new season or any time a player changes teams, their team will require a new physical to determine their fitness level. In most cases, their acceptance to the team depends on whether or not they pass their physical.

Where can I Get a Sports Physical?

Your team will provide a medical evaluation if you are a professional or collegiate athlete who needs a sports physical. If you are an adult seeking one for yourself or your child, you have many options. You can get a walk-in sports physical at an urgent care clinic, schedule one with your PCP or a concierge doctor, and get a CVS sports physical. CVS stands for cardiovascular system.

A walk-in or urgent care sports physical may not be as comprehensive as getting one from a PCP or concierge doctor. Getting an in-clinic sports physical from your PCP can be time-consuming between transit to and from the clinic and time spent in a waiting room.

Prevent Your Next Sports Injury with a Sports Physical Examination (3)A concierge doctor is one of the most convenient ways to get a sports physical for you or your children. In-home exams are especially advantageous if you have multiple children or other family members who need sports physicals and wellness checks.


Sports physicals are one of the best ways to gauge your physical fitness and prevent needless injuries that result from trying to do too much. They can help protect you and your children and better understand your overall health.

A concierge doctor is a fast and effective way to receive a sports physical. Concierge doctors will come to you and administer the physical exam in the comfort and safety of your home. They will perform exams on whoever needs them, making these appointments even more convenient and time efficient.

Prevent Your Next Sports Injury with a Sports Physical Examination (2024)


How can sports injuries be avoided choose exactly 2 answers that are correct responses? ›

Use the right equipment or gear and wear shoes that provide support and that may correct certain foot problems that can lead to injury. Learn the right techniques to play your sport. Rest when tired, Avoid exercise when you are tired or in pain.

Which of the following should be included in a sports physical exam? ›

During the physical exam, the doctor will usually:
  • record your height and weight.
  • check your blood pressure and pulse (heart rate and rhythm)
  • test your vision.
  • check your heart and lungs.
  • examine your muscles, bones, and joints.

Why is the AAP against mass physicals? ›

The AAP is against mass physicals (such as in a school gymnasium) and using urgent care settings. These places often lack privacy and a healthcare provider who knows your child and has access to past medical records.

How to prevent fracture injury in sports? ›

Sports Injury Prevention Tips
  1. Maintain flexibility. It is extremely important that you do dynamic stretches before starting your activity. ...
  2. Strengthen your core. ...
  3. Use proper technique. ...
  4. Take time to rest. ...
  5. Ensure proper healing of a previous injury.

What are examples of injury prevention? ›

Examples of effective injury prevention:
  • National highway speed limits.
  • “Cycle” helmet laws.
  • Child passenger restraint laws.
  • Apartment window guards.
  • Smoke detectors.
  • Violence/penetrating injury programs.

How can sports injuries be prevented and first aid? ›

First aid for sprains, strains and joint injuries
  • Rest – keep the injured area supported and avoid using for 48-72 hours.
  • Ice – apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes every two hours for the first 48-72 hours.
  • Compression – apply a firm elastic bandage over the area, extending above and below the painful site.

What is a sports physical exam? ›

The physical exam is similar to your annual checkup, but with some added things that relate to playing sports. The provider will focus on the health of your lungs, heart, bones, and joints. Your provider may: Measure your height and weight. Measure your blood pressure and pulse.

What's involved in a physical examination? ›

Physical Exams

Some things that are performed during the physical include weight, blood pressure, temperature, heartbeat, as well as checking your ears, nose, lungs, throat, and eyes. A pap smear in women or a genital exam in men may also be performed to assess their different risk factors.

Do doctors have to check your privates during a sports physical? ›

Majority of the exam would be the same for boys and girls. For boys, during the physical examination, the medical doctor will examine the genitals, including the penis, and testicl*s. He or she may ask the participant to cough while examining the scrotum to check for hernias.

Do parents need to be present for sports physical? ›

Does the athlete's parent need to be present for the physical? A parent does not need to be present in the patient room for a sports physical, however Advanced Urgent Care & Occupational Medicine needs to have the parent's consent form on file.

How to bill a sports physical? ›

CPT code 99212 and diagnosis code Z02. 5 should be used to bill for a sports physical.

What do they do at a sports physical for a boy? ›

The doctor will examine the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, abdomen, back, legs, arms, and thyroid gland. In addition, the doctor will complete an assessment of growth and evaluate pubertal changes. Screening for hypertension, scoliosis, and obesity may be performed.

What is the most common sports injury? ›

By far, the most common injuries are sprains and strains. Obviously, some sports are more dangerous than others.

What are the 6 general rules for injury prevention? ›

The following tips can help prevent injuries no matter what sport you play:
  • Avoid overuse. ...
  • Develop a consistent stretching and warmup routine. ...
  • Condition your muscles to increase stability. ...
  • Focus on technique. ...
  • Wear the right gear. ...
  • Pay attention to warning signs.
Oct 24, 2017

Why is injury prevention important in sports? ›

Injury prevention should be an important part of every physical activity, because it not only helps you achieve your training goals but also keeps you healthy and safe. Performing complex mathematics without adequate preparation can hurt your brain; running a marathon without adequate preparation can hurt your body.

How can sports injuries be avoided brainly? ›

Explanation: The two correct ways to avoid sports injuries are to wear proper sports gear and to know your limits. Wearing the right gear, such as helmets, pads, and shoes designed for the specific sport, can help protect your body from injuries.

How may it help an athlete avoid injury? ›

More tips to reduce the risk of youth sports injuries
  1. Take time off. ...
  2. Wear the right gear. ...
  3. Strengthen muscles. ...
  4. Increase flexibility. ...
  5. Use the proper technique. ...
  6. Play safe. ...
  7. Stop the activity if it hurts. ...
  8. Take breaks.
Mar 9, 2023

What is the best way to deal with sport injuries? ›

Use the R-I-C-E method to relieve pain and inflammation and to speed healing:
  1. Rest. Limit activities that involve using the injured area for at least a day or two. ...
  2. Ice. Apply an ice pack to the injured area for 20 minutes at a time, four to eight times a day. ...
  3. Compression. ...
  4. Elevation.
Sep 1, 2021

How can you avoid injury during activity? ›

There are some simple steps that can help you keep injury free during your workout:
  • Warm up and Cool down. Every workout should begin with a warm up and end with a cool down period. ...
  • Stretch. Dynamic stretches before and after you work out. ...
  • Ease into it. ...
  • Cross-Train. ...
  • Dress right. ...
  • Rest. ...
  • Treating Workout Injuries.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.