Should You Keep a Monkey as a Pet? (2025)

Taking on a pet monkey is not like caring for most other pets. A well-cared-for monkey can generally live to be anywhere from 20 to 40 years old and will need your full commitment throughout their entire life. Sweet babies grow up into difficult adult monkeys and do not generally make good pets.

We break down the challenges that come with keeping a pet monkey, including behavioral, medical, and legal issues you may encounter.

Do Monkeys Make Good Pets?

Monkeys do not grow up and mature as human children do. They are, in essence, permanent toddlers. Pet monkeys also might not take well to new people in your life, including spouses and children, and they make it hard to get away for vacations. Plus, finding a new home for a pet monkey is extremely difficult and psychologically hard on the monkey.

Furthermore, a monkey needs a large amount of social interaction.A pet monkey deprived of your time and attention will likely develop not only severe behavioral problems, such as screaming and biting, but also psychological issues that can be difficult to remedy.

Legal Issues

Primates, such as monkeys, might be illegal to keep as pets where you live. Countries around the world have different laws regarding keeping monkey as pets. If you live in the United States, check state and local laws to determine if you can keep a monkey as a pet. Some states prohibit monkeys as pets entirely, others allow it, and others might have certain restrictions and requirements. And if a monkey is legal to own, permits still might be required. Sometimes permit holders are subject to home inspections to ensure proper facilities and care are being provided.

Moreover, homeowner policies might require additional liability coverage, or some insurance companies might cancel your policy altogether if they find out you have a monkey. However, not having insurance puts you at risk if your monkey bites someone.

How Much Does a Pet Monkey Cost?

In addition to the high costs of keeping a money as a pet, these animals are also expensive to purchase from reputable sources. Costs will vary based on the type of monkey. For example, capuchin monkeys might cost $5,000 to $7,000, while a chimpanzee might cost $50,000.

What Is the Life Span of a Pet Monkey?

Generally, monkeys can live 20 to 40 years, so they are a long-term commitment. A monkey’s life span will also depend on their species. A chimpanzee can live 50 years or more, while a capuchin can live 15 to 25 years.

Medical Issues

A wide range of diseases can be passed between monkeys and humans (these are called zoonotic diseases and can be quite serious).Some of the viruses and diseases that can be spread from monkeys to people include:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Yellow fever
  • B virus
  • Simian immunodeficiency virus
  • Monkeypox (also known as Mpox)
  • Viral hemorrhagic fevers
  • Gastrointestinal diseases

In addition, it can be difficult to keep a captive monkey healthy. Finding a veterinarian near you who is able and willing to treat a primate can be challenging. And monkeys often require specialized diets that can be expensive and time-consuming to prepare. Diabetes is common in pet monkeys due to the poor diets many owners feed them. This is just one disease that requires constant monitoring by you and your vet.

Behavioral Problems

A sweet, dependent baby monkey will eventually grow up to become the wild animal they were meant to be. Raising a monkey around humans won't change their wild nature, and pet monkeys will never truly become domesticated. In fact, depriving a pet monkey of normal social relationships with other monkeys can create behavioral problems and neuroses.

Pet monkeys often have a tendency to bite (and they have 32 teeth to deliver these nasty bites). While some monkeys are gentle, some are very aggressive. However, even the gentlest monkeys are unpredictable and might turn aggressive on anyone, including the person to whom they are the closest, especially during and after puberty.

Housing Pet Monkeys

Monkeys need a large, secure enclosure, which can be expensive to construct. They should spend time outdoors if possible. And they must be provided with a wide variety of ever-changing toys and exercise equipment to keep them challenged or they will suffer from boredom. Some states require certain types of enclosures to fulfill permit regulations, but you should always have a place to secure your monkey to keep them and the public safe.

Moreover, monkeys are not clean and tidy. Most can't be effectively toilet trained. Many young monkeys can be diapered or at least partly toilet trained, but that ability is often lost at maturity. Plus, they might engage in distasteful activities involving their feces and urine (such as throwing it and painting with it).Aside from the toileting messes, pet monkeys also can be extremely mischievous and destructive, especially when they're bored.

The Bottom Line

Overall, monkeys are not good pets. Yes, some can be quite sweet for a time. But the reality is monkeys are capable of causing too much harm and need too much care and attention to thrive in a human household. These issues are equally as important when it comes to apes (chimpanzees, orangutans, and gibbons). In short, non-human primates and human beings make poor housemates.

Should You Keep a Monkey as a Pet? (2025)


Should You Keep a Monkey as a Pet? ›

Primates can become violent toward humans who try to domesticate them. If kept isolated in captivity, they can develop mental health problems that can cause them to attack and injure people. Most primates need to live in social groups to survive and thrive.

Do you think it is advisable to keep a monkey? ›

Answer: No it's not advisable to keep toto as a pet because he's a very mischievous monkey. ... His continuous mischiefs would result in frequent losses... Moreover an animal like monkey needs to live in a free forest and not in houses..

What are the pros and cons of a monkey? ›

They are incredibly social animals, intelligent, and able to learn tasks and tricks quickly. Those are the pros. There can be a rather sizable expense with owning a monkey. You will need to create a secure enclosure and have the proper permits.

Is it moral to own a monkey? ›

The ethical implications of keeping a pet monkey for conservation and welfare of animals are complex. Primates, such as monkeys, are highly cognitive beings with sophisticated social requirements. They may experience stress, behavioural problems, and a terriblequality of life if they are kept in captivity.

Is it hard to care for a monkey? ›

All primates, big and small, have complex social, physical and psychological needs that require expert care. Monkeys are social creatures that require constant interaction with their own species as part of a large group. They need space to climb and play, a proper diet, and lots of mental stimulation.

Is it cruel to keep a monkey as a pet? ›

Primates need to be socialised with other primates - primates are highly social animals, and keeping them alone is inhumane. Human company is in no way a replacement for living with other compatible primates of their own kind.

Do monkeys bond with humans? ›

Both Arnedo and Fuentes gave personal accounts of growing bonds with monkeys they studied in the field. "If you spend enough time with them, it feels like you're part of a group," said Arnedo, but she added that, just like humans, primates are shaped by environmental factors and individual personalities.

What kind of monkey makes the best pet? ›

Marmoset monkeys are the most commonly kept and traded species of primate as pets.

Why can't monkeys be potty trained? ›

Sometimes, younger monkeys can be partially potty trained, but they lose that ability as they mature. In addition, as they're attempting to potty train, they tend to throw their poop and play with their pee. Because of this, pet monkeys have to wear diapers throughout their lives.

What not to do with a monkey? ›

Try to avoid making eye contact and do not smile at a wild monkey. To a monkey, showing your teeth is a sign of aggression and threat. Similarly, don't yell at a monkey or otherwise tease / heckle it.

Why is it illegal to have a pet monkey? ›

Oh, the allure of owning a monkey as a pet! But in California, it`s a different story. Answer no, legal own monkey pet California. The state considers monkeys to be wild animals and prohibits their ownership as pets.

Are monkeys aggressive? ›

Monkey attacks are extremely rare in the wild; the creatures tend to be scared of us and often scamper away when a person gets within 100 feet. As monkeys lose their habitats around the world, though, they've started to live in closer proximity to humans, and that causes conflict.

What is the lifespan of a monkey? ›

Growth and longevity

Although humans are the longest-lived members of the order, the potential life span of the chimpanzee has been estimated at 60 years, and orangutans occasionally achieve this in captivity. The life span of a lemur, on the other hand, is about 15 years and a monkey's 25–30 years.

Do you think a monkey would make a good pet? ›

Taking on a pet monkey is not like caring for most other pets. A well-cared-for monkey can generally live to be anywhere from 20 to 40 years old and will need your full commitment throughout their entire life. Sweet babies grow up into difficult adult monkeys and do not generally make good pets.

Why should we save monkeys? ›

These primates, once abundant in their habitats, are now critically endangered, pushed to the brink by deforestation, climate change, and poaching. Their plight serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance of our ecosystems and the urgent need for conservation action.

What benefits do monkeys have? ›

Monkeys are the only mammalian animal model with menstrual cycles and hormonal patterns comparable to humans, providing crucial insights into fertility, pregnancy and menopause. Many serious diseases still threaten our well-being: AIDS, Alzheimer's, cancer and Parkinson's disease, to name a few.

What are good things about monkeys? ›

Monkeys are intelligent animals that are good at solving problems. Almost all types live together in groups. A monkey group commonly includes several related females, their young, and one or more males. Monkeys use facial expressions, body movements, and various noises to communicate with each other.

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