6. THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA: TUESDAY AFTERNOON, 1, 1936 PAGE SEVEN (Classified Advertising Rates. And Regulations word, lee 1 tor error publicatica publicatica FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL Bullding Meadow brook Lots trom $1000.00 up. James Irvine. HAVE Small lot Peoples Bank stock for quick sale, Call T.
M. 12-1-1t, HELP. WANTED PANTRY Girl or maid. Apply. In person.
Mra C. A. Van Lear, 170 Rugby Road. 12-1-10. TWO Young men.
Must be able to meet the public. Give age and previous experience. P. Progress, 12-1-2t. I.Have an opening for to ambitious energetic salesman in Charlottes rille, Orange and Culpeper can quality.
for district agership and can earn $50 to $100 per week while qualifying. If are interested: 'kind of proposition call 1701-L between and 1 P. M. today. POSITION GENERAL Housework, or day 804.
Williams Street. 12-1-1t. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER Corsets, girdles, corse letter, made for you. Can 1981. Lacy Plunkett, City.
12-1-1t. QUEEN Charlotte Hotel under new management: Delightful well furnicely kept, steam heated rooms, hot and cold water in each room. To permanent guests low as $3.56 per wook. 12-1-25t: MAGAZINES For. Christmas -Lowest cost, shop early.
Service guar inteed. Phone 120, Gertrude Antrim. METAL Weatherstripping and calking keeps out alt and water. R. Bryan, contractor, 410 L.
Jeterson St. Rea, telephone 1868. MODERNIZE Your home. Re-rool or reside with. Bird producta.
Wel furnish the money, you pay month-! ty. No down payment, low rates. Phone 1880-R for tree estimate, Guaranteed Permanents Oil Croquiguole wave $3 50 Shampoo Angerwave 4. Manicure or arch 000. La Viri Beauty Studio Phone 669 11-14-t.
$1.80 $1.80 Pro Holiday Bus Excursion Tuesday, Wednesday, (Thursday. Lu: 7:45 8:80 A. Ly: Richmond 8:00 and 5:15 P. M. Tickets rood day of purchase only Comfortable, warm, buses.
Phone 11-50-8t. Auctions Lezals TRUSTEES SALE OF: RUBY ROAD RESIDENCE AT AUCTION On Wednesday, December 1, 1936, at poon, la front of Court House la Charlottesville, we will sell, the res idence and lot fronting 45 feet on east side of Rugby Road bereto fore occupied by Delta Chi Frateraity. Sale to thade under deed of trust. dated March .192. and recordes la D.
B. 42, p. 57, Charlottes tile Clerk's Once. For terms and further particulars apply to the trustees. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANT W.
ALLAN PERKINS Trustees' C. Moore, Auctioneer Miss Loving Joins Welfare Personnel The appointment of Miss Alice Loving, of Richmond, an a tempo rary case worker In the 'city and county welfare was announced today by Mrs. Outta Oliver, bead of the local welfare agency. Miss Loving, graduate of the Richmond' division of William and Mary College, has been active in nursery. work in the capital elty.
duties will be "neid work la both county city de partments. The addition of Miss Loving to the personnel of the two departments was necessitated by the limIted staff and Increased. work in the local welfare agencies. AW. E.
BUFORD CO. Bonds Stocks 3 In vestment Service Citizens Bank Bide. Charlottesville, Va James Criticizes Jails Of Virginia (Continued From brick dwelling, wooden stairway to upstairs cella, stores. Cumberland. Jail-Old brick jail, wooden stairway to upstaira cella.
stoves, A County (Warrenton) Wooden stairway and doors la ball of a stone dwelling Floyd County- Wooden stairway and floors la ball of brick dwellIns. stoves, Nuranas County (Palmyra) Wooden hall stairway and: doors in stone: building, room and hall upstairs, stoves, Franklin County (Rocky Mount) -Only approach to fall through kitchen of Jailer's house, Not Are proof, stove. Frederick County (Winchester)Old bullding, only approach to prisoners through inflammable dwelling. Grayson County "(Independence) -Only approach through wooden Vatted hallway attached to jailer's bouse, stoves. Greene County (Stanardevilie).
Brick jail with wooden floors and stairway to upstairs cella, stoves. Halifax County-Jall attached to i jetter's house, not Henry County (Martinsville) Jall attached to non-freproof building which is the only Highland County (Monterey) Jall attached to dwelling, only exit, stoves. County-Archale Jail with wooden stairway and Attings to white cells. stoves. Loudoun County (Leesburg) Only entrance through faller's house, not Louisa County- Wooden halls and 'stairs.
Lunenburg. County Wooden stairs and doors to approaches, stoves. A Matthews County--Wood Stale way, hall and doors, stoves. Meckienbert County (Boydton) -Wooden stairways, wooden fence and infammable building In inclosure, Northampton (Eastville) -Approach through a BOA dre proof dwelling. Pare County (Luray) -Main sp: proach through faller's house, non-, Areproof.
Prince Edward County (Farm- Wooden stairway and at tings to the only approach. (Washington) Old brick dwelling, wooden fittings land stairways, stoves. Rockbridge (Lexington) Only approach to cells through non-Are proof dwelling. a Russell County (Lebanon) -Only approach through sheriff's dwell Ing. pot fireproof, cells upstaira.
James listed the. following jails an having no supervision. of Jalters at night: Amherst, Brunswick, Caroline, Carroll, Charles City, Charlotte, Chesterdeld, Cumberland, Dimwiddie, sex, Fluvanna, Giles, Gloucester, Greene, Greenville, Isle of Wight, James City, King George, King and Queen, King William, Lancaster, Loulss, Lunenburk. Madison, Matthews, Mecklenburg, Middlesex, Nelson, New Kent, Northumberland, Nottoway, Orange, Powhatan, Prince Edward, Prince George, Princess Anne, Richniond Southampton, Spottsylvania, Stafford, Surry, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, York. Story Of L.
R. Ward Checked By Police JESUP, A Dec. Sheri's forces checked further to day the story of a fifty one yearold' Itinerant repairman, charged with stamping his fourteen-year-old step daughter to death while her mother, bound and chained, on helplessly, A Sherif E. Warren, of Wayne County, said be arrested the man, listed as L. R.
Ward, and holding him' in an undisclosed jell. The mother told Brunswick police officials that her husband "tied her in the woods," chained her hands and beat her before turning on her daughter, Maude Salter. Assistant Police Chief 0. E. Burch of Brunswick bald the mothtold officars her busbaad accur ad, her and the girl of misconduct The charge was unjust, who mid, Army Man Retires NEWPORT NEWS, Dec.
1-UP -Warrant. Omeer Eugene C. Braig, for the past fifteen years stationed 'at Langley Field, has retired from the United States Army after continuous serrice mince May 1, 1814, He resides in Hampton THE NEBBS. Passing CH HELLO, YES, YES 1 HAD 1 THOUGHT OVER A End of a Home-Made Plane For eight months Edwin Standeld and Charles Elston, Instructors In aeronautics at the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, labored in their spare time build this plane. Stanfield took it up on a maiden dight.
Attempting to land he crashed into these tress to avoid a high tension wire He was unburt. Patents On Drugs Given Government Page One) until proved the drugs will not be made available for use by phyalclans. In order to prevent any possibility of the release of the potentially dangerous untested drugs, the United States Narcotic Bureau and the Department of Justices are cooperating with the groups conducting the, experiments. The State Department, In the Intereste of International control, will aid in presenting Information International concerning them to the Narcotic Convention of the Learte of Notions at Geneva. If these drugs are proved by clinical use to be too dangerous for general medical use, the govern ment may prohibit their manufacture and use.
One such drug known dihydrodesoxyphine-D patented by Dr. Small In 1935, was extremely effective, 10 stopping pala. However, It bas strong habit-forming properties and. It has been outlawed. Kear To Take Oath As Clerk Of Court NORFOLK, Dec.
1-UP-MaJ. Paul- W. Kear was to take the onth of office today clerk of the United States court for the Eastern District of Virginia. Judge Luther B. Way; senior Judge of the court, announced his appointment to take the place of Maj.
Clinton L. Wright, resigned. Mat. Wright had held the post since April 1, 1931, Maj. Kear, Afty-nine-reat-old bachelor who served with the A.
E. P. in France, was district attorney of the Eastern court from 1921 to 1931 and, Again from 1932 to 1933. Ha has served since 1933 as special assistant to the United States Attorney General, who will Ox bia salary, 'The position at present pays $5,800 a year. Beach Apparel For Women Is Predicted CORAL GABLES, Dec.
-Dr. AJ. Howard of New York predicted today that: 1040 women will wear. only, trunks on the beach: and will cause leis comment than their mothers, who rolled their hose, "Women' are becoming more conscious of the beauty of their bodies," he said in an Intarview, men are becoming conscious of the brevity of their Read The Dally Progress. Ada.
Barney a Ca 2. M. C. A. Phane (Quotations At 1 P.
Alleghany Artis Chalmers: Allied Chem. Allied: Mills 14 American Bank Note Amer. Can 123 Amer, Frgn, Power Amer, International. Amens Locomotive 42 h4 Amer. Radiator 8.
8. 24 Amer, Tel, Tel. 187 Amer Tobacco 100 Amer. Water Works 26 Anaconda Atchison Atlantio Coast Line Atlantic Refining Auburn Baldwin Locomotive Balt. Ohio R.
R. Bethlehem Steel 12 Canadian Pacino 13. 3-8 Cerro de Pano Cher. Ohio R. R.
10 Chrysler 124 13 Collins Alkman 59 Columbia 4 Commercial Solvents 16 Commonwealth Sou, Con, Gas of N. Y. Continental Can Consolidated. Oil. Corn Products Ret.
Curtis Wright Del. Lack Western Domes Mines Douglas Aircraft DuPont General Electria General Motors Glidden Co. Goodyear Tire Hudson Motors Harvester Inter, Harvester Inter. Nickel Lad. Inter.
Tel. Tel Johns Manville Kelvinstor Kennecott Loewe, Inc. Lorillard Mathleson Montgomery Ward Nash Motors Nat. Dairy Producte Nat, Power, Light Nat, Distillers N. Y.
Central R. North American North Amor. Aviation. Packard Motors Pennsylvania R. R.
Plymouth Oil Public 8er. of N. Radio Corp. 6t Amer, Remington Rand Reynolde Tobacco Sears Roebuck Socony Vacuum 18 Echenley Distillers Southern R. R.
32 Pac, R. Standard Brands Standard Oil of N. Stone Webster Texas Corp. Timken Roller Bearing Tri Continental 10 Union Carbide 104 United Aircraft United Corp. United Gas, Imp.
U. 8, Indus, Alcohol. U. 8. Rubber U.
B. Steel Western Union Westinghouse Co Woolworth CURB QUOTATIONS Elec. Bond Share American Super Pows Cities "Service Ferro Enamel Root Pete Frankly Speaking We don't say we're the best insurance agency in town. We say we're one of the best. We don't say we represent better companies than other local insurance We say our companies are financially.
strong, and among the best. We don't say we give the best service. But we would like to prove. to you that none can give better. WHY NOT GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY City Mortgage And Insurance Co.
Encircled By Expanding City Useless Lighthouse To Be Abandoned By Government WASHINGTON, Dec. 1-UMFor Male -one secondhand lighthouse United. Atatein govern. menu Through trick, of the, waves and man's ashore, the Old Absecon Lighthouse bas, after eighty years, found Itself' In: the Justness section of Atlantic City Instead of out with the gales and billowing water. Built in the 150-foot tower was 1.30 feet from the ocean waterline and far from anything like a bustling city, By 1876 the water.
had made its way to within -seventy Ave feet of the beacon. Apprehensive, the government threw up a series of jetties. The engineering feat worked -the beat a retreat until it la now 1,600 feet from the lighthouse. While the government was batthing the waves, Atlantic City be gen expanding. L'acine Avenues one of the city's main arteries, grew past, the old structure.
The street, la now occupled. by large bulldinga, obstructing the ot the lighthouse from the making it practically useless ships. Is Bitten JOHNSTOWN, Dee, 1- -Frank Alstedi went bunting and: ended up in hompstal, put there by squirrel which buried teeth in his hand. Judge Not Ready To Rule On Bond Issue. LEXINGTON.
Dec. 1 Superior Court Judge Wilson: Warlick indicated today he would; not rule on the legality of a hon I Inaus authorized by' the: City of High Point for an electric: power plant for several daye yet. The hond twue, which will match TWA grant for: the erection of $6.000,000 plant on the Yadkin. River 25 miles north of High Point was approved by the High Point City Council In special acanton yesterday, and atopa were taken immediately to test the pro cedure. FOR RENT Room for lady arch included, cheap.
12-1-1t. water, lights, bath, garden. Phone garage, furnished rooms, Locust room. heated, anay. Reasonable.
816 11-30-2t. Hasted with REED Rasonable, Call after Peride; Meth of $25.80. Jefferson bouse Dr. December T. St.
in H. 11-30-2t. 11-30-St. com 6th St. 8.
W. a Phone 1549-R or call 11-50-2t. modern new bome ta Dr. J. E.
Early. 11-1-41. of tand, room water and electrio from. city limita Phone 192. Fry's Spring.
line, rooms and water beat, garage, quarters, $35.00, Phone FOR SALE pI Soaked fruit cakes: a cellophane wrapped citrons, raisins, cur cherries, to dates, lemon and orange Made with wine at 50c Ib. instantaly eighty month old per 10. Also cakes not and at 40c per lb. Delicious pot prepaid. Mrs.
1 Goodall, Madison, Vir12-1-1t. 1-rolt Excepa dose -out prices. Ritchie 11-40-8t. old half thoroughbred Phase Rural Mra. Filaria 11-25-64.
Fe have repossessed two asly known pianos, one I apartment size Baby Grand, a besutiful Bungalow botti almost paid for. than reship these pianos, like to sell them to any able family for the small due at $4 per month. tacount for cash. Write for G. W.
Reynolda, De of Accounts, Box 201, Virginia. Will, advise fasos can be seen. Please 11-26-54. victrola, caly new. Records Ap 11-23-8t.
1 1-2 ton. truck, dump the motor. I Carrolet 1.1-2 ton truck, lat class condition, it Garage. Phone 1318. 11-28-3t.
Store Bargains 122.50, $27.50, $34.50. Visher Piano $57.50, other 18.00, 4 $47.50.. Dining linger Sewing Machine Fidel Singer Machines $34.50. awes $18.50, ranges Furniture Co, 1 12-1-0-7. ANTURE STORAGE Space Private Room Storage Dept J.
Piano Tuning: Musicians Phone ural and Long Distance HAULING Crating J. E. Norcross Phone 1033 I DuPont Campaign Gifts Announced (Continued From Page One): 230, not itemized. Henry P. Du Pont, Wilmington, $25,000, Including $10,000 to the American Liberty League and omaller sums to Republican mittess.
Pierre 8. Da Pont, IL, Wu. mington, $3,200, to' Republican national and State committee. Andrew W. Mellon, Pittaburgh $20.000, including $5,000 to the Independent coalition of American women and $5,000 each to three.
Republicaa committees. Richard K. Mellon, Pittsburgh, $20,000, Including $5,000 to the Penneyivania protective union of Palladelphia and $5.000 each to Republican committees, Charies E. Oyster Lay, La $1,000 torthe Democratic national committee. George Pr Baker, New York Anancier, $55,000, Including' $5,000 to the Crusaders and $5,000 each, to ten Republican committees.
Albert Bradley, of Greenwich, Conn. $16,150, to the Republican national committee. and to RepubState: units da Maine and New York. Donaldson Brown, of New York, $31.000 to twelve organisationa, Iheluding $5,000 each. to the Republi can committees of Maine and Michigan, $2,500 to the Ohio State Republican committee and $1,000 to the Jeffersonian Democrats of Virginia, WPA Worker Strikes JOPLIN, Dee.
1 George Workman was swinging pick on a WPA ditch project. Two feat below the surface his pick struck a pocket of laid ore. Workman promptly leased the property on which he was digging and announced. he would become a lead miner: shall be glad to make loans on Charlottesville real estate. 1 will try to make our service fit your needs.
Long Term Loans. Monthly Payment Loans, Short Term Construction Loans 4. FRED L. WATSON Peoples Bank Bids. Quick Relief STUFF HEAD FOR Just few VICKS and you breathe tro easily VATRO-NOL clears clogging mucus, reduces swollen mom- Nose Throat branes brings Regular come relief.
Double guanilty 506 Fine Furniture For Every Home! and "The Price Is Less" M. C. Furniture Company' 4 A is easier with 1 SEMET- SOLVAY co*ke uniform temperature of about seventy degrees should be maintained la your home during the cold weather moothe to promote physical comfort sad to lessen the liability, of Staking cold." 1. temperature of seventy degrees is the healthy temperature of the akin, when no seasation of either warmth or chill la noticeable. It will be cary to keep your bone at the comfortable seventy degrees it you use co*ke, the rained household fuel, because it contains ninety more of hard, best producing carbon: it fuel, burns evenly, leaves very few ashes gad requires but little work at the furnace.