Carriages, 3eaths. its! JOHES tad ACHES and CHES and CHES and CHES and 4CHES and CHES and N- 37,129. LONDON, MONDAY, JUNE 15, ONE PENNY. RUMMER-HOUSE. Raw Summer-house at Brighton.
Leave London Monday wek. Comedown. Have news for you. put iu Post again Expensive. Say.
-1 know by instinct you are changed or changing. longed to In- with yon. and you have never thought of me. Well, end some time, as wcU now as any other, 1 suppose so I will recuses for giving up all autumn and summer plans, and by tinstnm- we can surely meet cured. No one will ever care for yon as M.
Sunday or nine, in Hyde-park, between the Achillas Statue and Knightsbridce. a Gold Chain PURSE. A Miit.ibl.- REWARD if returned to 16. Wilton-crescent. OST, at the Roya) Academy, on Friday, June 12, at twelve o'clock, a GOLD WATCH in leather bracelet.
TWO D.S nill be given to anyone who will bring the same to OrosvjorLibrary. Chaiel-street, Belgrave-square. BOARD of MANAGEMENT of the BRITISH f-Si'K INCURABlJiS most Gratefully ACKNOWLEDGE ATION of Ten Guineas from he Hon. Mrs. E.
Lascelles. ALso Order from Miss Francke. in lieu of a contribution to the Sunday Fund, in the distribution of which fund this charity PAINS. Universal Embrocation. PAINS.
Universal Embrocation. PAINS. TJuiversal Embrocation. PAINS. Universal Embrocation.
PAINS. Universal Embrocation. PAINS. Universal Embrocation. PAINS.
Universal Embrocation. ELLIMAN'S ELLIMAN'3 ELLIMAN'S ELLIMAN'S ELLIMAN'S ELLIMAN'S ELLIMAN'S FOOTBALL. Forfar Athletic Football Club Given entire satisfaction to who have used it STRENGTHENS THE MUSCLES. From "Victorina," the. Strongest Lady in the World: It not only relieves pain, but it strengthens the nerves and muscles." JgLLIMAN'S JgLLIMAN'S JLLIMAN'S JJLLIMAN'S "171 LLIMAN'S lor for for for for for for for Rheumatism, Lumbago.
Sprains. Cuts. Bruises. Sore Throat Chest Cold Stiffness. lLLIMAN'S for Sore Throat from CoiL LLIMAN'S "If LLIMAN'S JJU TRAINING.
Walter A. Lidington, Handicanper and Starter, West Kent Harriers, writes: "For running ami cycling it is inraluahle, aud we would not be without it under any consideration." SPRAINS ANDSTIFFNESS. H. J. Burden, Peckham Harriers.
Hon. writes: Used your Universal Embrocation for some lime, and and It invaluable for sprains and stiffness." CHES 4 CHES and PAINS. ELLIMAN'S Universal Embrocation, and PAINS. ELLIMAN'3 I'niversal Embrocation, and PAINS. ELLIMAN'S Universal Embrocation, and PAINS.
ELLIMAN'3 Universal Embrocation, and PAINS. ELLIMAN'S I'niversal Embrocation, and PAINS. ELLIMAN'S Universal Embrocation, and PAINS. ELLIMAN'S 4 CHES CHES CHES ACHES J. 4 CHES Universal Embrocation.
ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION for Rheumatism. Lumbago. Si, rains. Bruises, Cuts, Sore Throat from Cold, Cnest Golds. Stiffness, c.
Is. lid. and 2s. 9ft Prepared only by ELLIMAN, SONS, and SLOUGH, ENGLAND. APPLICATION for a LICENSE of the BOARD of TRADE.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That, la pursuance of the 23d section of the Companies Act. IjW, APPLICATION has been mad to the Board of Trade lor a LICENSE directing, an Association about to be formed, under the name of the Sanitary Inspectors' Association," to be REGISTERED with Liability without the addition of the word "Limited to its name. The objects for which the Association is proposed to be established re: (a) To take to and over the whole of the assets and liabilities of the unincorporated Association, established in the month of June. liS3. under the or title of The Association of P.illio Sanitary Inspectors, and to enter into such agreements, and to make, do, and execute all such acts, deeds, matters, and things as may be necessary for the ourpos ot taking to and over such assets and liabilities, or any part thereof.
(b) The promotion and interchange among its members and others of such knowledge of sanitary s. ie nee a falls withiu the department of a sanitary insp -ctor engaged iu carrying out the duties imposed upon mm liy the Pubiic Health Acts. Local Govern-ment Acts, and other sanitary Acts tor the time being and otherwise, aud the rights, liabilities, and duties oi sanitary inspectors. (c) The general promotion of the objects of sanitary science and kindred objects. (d) To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire, or otherwise acquire any real or personal estate which may be deemed necessary or convenient, provided that in case the Association stall desire to hold more land the law shall for the time being permit it to hold without the license of tiiu Board of Trade such, license shall be obtained.
(e) To construct, maintain, and al'er any houses, buildings, ot works necessary or convenient for tho purposes of the Association. (f To sell, manage, lease, mortgage, dispose of, or otherwise dead with all or any part of the property of the Association. (g) To borrow aud raise money in such manner as the Association may trnnK lit. (h) To take any gift or property, whether subject to any special trass or not, for all or any one or more of the objects of ths Association, but so that if the Association shall at any time take or bold property subject to the jurisdiction of the Charity Commissioners, the Association shall all rules and directions of the Charity Commissioners with respect thereto, and it snail, if required by them, vest such property iu special trustees thereof. (i) To institute, establish, organise, found, snd maintain a oof var sity college or school, and to hold classes in London or elsewhere in the United Kingdom for the study of sanitary science and the laws relating to public health and science, and the rights, liabilities, and duties of sanitary inspectors.
(j). To establish, if necessary, and to maintain in London and else where in Great Britain, libraries, laboratories, lecture and class rooms, or other institutions, to institute courses of lectures and to hold meetings for the hearing of communications on sanitary subjects and discussions thereon to hold congresses for the consideration and discussion of subjects relating to hygiene to bold exhibitions of sanitary objects, apparatus, and appliances: to practically test any such sanitary objects, apparatus, or appliances, as at any such exhibition, or otherwise, may fee brought before the notice of the Association; to awanl medals or certificates of merit for any such objects, apparatus, or appliances, in cases which the Atociatioii deem worthy of such recognition; and to issue, edit, and publish books, pamphlets, or other literary matter related to or connected with sanitary science and kindred subjects. (k). To endow anil receive property for the endowment of such university college, school, library, laboratory, or other institution as aforesaid, aud to grant scholarships or other rewards to sue cejsful studeuts. (I).
To organise and appoint proper persons for the mangement of such institutions as aforesaid, as the Association may think At. (m). To remunerate any officers, professors, lecturers, instructors or teachers of sanitary science, in guod iaith. for their services in connection with such institutions as aforesaid, aud to do any or such other things to turther the spread of knowledge of sanitary science. (n).
If, and when considered advisable, to obtain a Royal Charter or Act of Parliament for tne purposes of the Association, sod continuing the work thereof. (o). To hold examinations, and to grant and award prizes and certificates of the result of examinations to any students for proficiency in sanitary science and kindred subjects provided that co certificate of the result of an examination or of competency shall be granted unless it contains a statement that it shows the result of an examination held on behalf of the Association, and provided that, except as aforesaid, the Association shall uok grant certificates of competency or any titles or diplomas and provided also that the Association shall not support with its funds, or impose on its: members, any regulation which could not legally be an object of the Association incorporated under the Companies Act of lo62, and Section 23 of the Companies Act of 13S7. Notice is Hereby Further Given, That any Person. Company, or Corporation OBJECTING to this Application may BRING SUCH ORIECTION BEFORE the BOARD of TRADE or or before the 30th day of JUNE next by a letter addressed to the Assistant Secretary, Railway Department.
Boanl oi Trade, Whitehall, London. S. W. Dated this 5th dav of June. 1801.
AUBREY RICHARDSON, t3, Lincoln's-inn-fields, W.C. Solicitor for the Association. ANDOWN. PARK CLUB, Eshcr, Surrey. FIRST SUMMER MEETING will take place 011 FRIDAY and SaI'LKOaV, June 19 and 20, 1891, Commencing at 2 o'clock p.m.
each day. Frequent trains from Waterloo, Vauxhall, Clapham Junction, sat) Other stations, as advertised. A Special Train (for Members only) will leave Waterloo Statios from No. 6 Platform, at p.m. eacn day, HWFA WILLIAMS, SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY! IMPROVED STEAM PACKET SERVICE BETWEEN LONDON and th CHANNEL ISLANDS, Via SOUTHAMPTON.
BEING THE SHORTEST, OUICK.E3T, and BEST ROUTE. New fast, powerful, and commodious Royal Mail Steamships Freds rica. Lydia, Stella, Sc. Specially constructed for the service, with every mouern improvement oininouation. inciimiiig tne electric lignt, The sea passage is shortened by part of the voyage being along ths Solent within the Isle of Wight, passing Osborne, Alum Bay, ths Needles, Bournemouth.
So. The Boats LEAVE SOUTHAMPTON for GUERNSEY and JERSEY at Midoight EVERY WEEKDAY Last train leaves Waterloo at 9.45 P. 111,, express direct to the Do-'ks. Steamers arrivn at Guernsey (under ordinary conditions) about 6.0 a.m., aud Jersey one and three-quarters hour later. Returning from Jersey ev-ry Weekday at 8.0 a.m., and Guernsey 9.45 a.m., reaching London (Waterloo) about 7.30 p.m.
Passengers and luggage transferred in the docks direct from steam, ships to train which perform the tourney London in two hours. Thmugn tickets issued from London and principal stations on ths South-Western, London and Midland, and Great Northern Railways, including convevanc through London by ths omnibuses plying between the stations, but passengers may break their journey in London. All information can be obtained upon application to the officeof he Traffic Superintendent, Waterloo Station. CHARLES SCOTTER. General Manager.
PORTSMOUTH PARK RACECOURSE. Th INAUGURAL MEETING will take place on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, the -6th and 27th of June. Special Trainswill run from Victoria and London-hridge from eleven OClocK to i-arlingi Portsmouth I'ark station) on the course. "PORTSMOUTH PA BK I.UR. II MEMBERS of the Portsmouth Pa TUESDAY, the 23d of June.
Vn ELECTION of ark Club will he held on Application tor meitiiicrsnip snoum ne aoiiresseu ro A. S. Alexander. Portsmouth or R. Mortloek, Suffolk House, Cannoifr rt'r0.
Lon.l,it fYiiiii iv. i.oil full particulars enn he had. COCHRANE and SONS. STOCKBROKERS. and 14.
London. E. and scrum, iring croiis, w. Fatanl'sbo I luii. Stocks and Shares bought or sold At lose uuirk-t prices.
Specula-ive and Investment Accounts Opened W'thoot any cover BEIV; DEPOSITED. Every Speculator ami Investor Sh ild se id for Prospectus AND LATi-SI' ADVICES. Thev coin, tin afu and RELIABLE INFORMATION respecting All Stocks an. I Shares. mr re- ent advices havsi highly successful.
TrXEGK ds "COCHRANE, LONDON." Bankers London and Westiniustor. frOCHRANE and SONS, STOCKBROKERS. This old established firm has for nearly a arte of a century sa.n.-d the highest reputation for the character of its dealings, never failing to give the fulhst satisfaction to their clients hy prompt payment ami liberal treatment. They have never recommended Pools, Symliil.ves, or other ventures of a rnicions nature. Tiiese modes of speculation are secret o.era-tiona, often designed todelude the unwary, and nearly always result in a loss to those who credulously entrust their money in'o the hands of others over whom the have no control.
All communications are treated in strict confidence, and their are guided hy a intimate familiarity uith ths Stock of tli world, a knowledge which pre eminently iiiralities them as Stockbrokers for investments or every kiud of Stock operations. A A L'S SCHOOL of COOKERY. im ji. negent-streer, w. (The Largest and most siu-cessfiil in the World).
Programme for Week commencing June 15. 1801. MONDAY Fancy 'akes for Dessert. Tea. and Dinner siwt Jancy Breads for Dinner.
Luncheon, and Break-fast: Household Breau, Buns, Scones, Ac; Ornamental Icing, ic. A of New and Choicest Fancy Savouries, hoth Hot and Cold. Fancy and Recherche Hor eeuvres Suitable Dishes for Second Course. Newest. Hot Entrees for Dinner Parties.
Clear, Thick, and Puree Soup Bisques, Stocks, and Gravies, New Soups. Elegant Meat Dishes for Removes for Dinner Parties and Cold Fancy Dishes for Bill Sup. Ac. A variety of new Designs in Dinner and Dessert WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY.
Ices, including Cream and Water Ices, Iced Souffles, Mi Hisses, Bombs. The new and perfect system of dealing with Iced Dishes of all kinds. MARSH A L'S HOO'lT" of The lessons are of the most practical kind, and include, ths newest and most recherche dishes in every branch. The classes are always personally conducted by Mrs. A.
B. Marsha') The Programmes for Three Knsuiiu: Weeks are published in the "Table," every Saturday, of all Newsagents and Booksellers, nnce Id. Pupils received by day or course, resident or non-resideut. Prospectus and specimens of menus post tree. Mrs.
A. B. Marshall's Cookerv Bonk (tta 70 enrravinxtl be forwarded post free on receipt of 5s. fid. WTATri VITEDDING PRESENTS.
firths, eon LINGS EACH INSERTION, BY CHEQUE OR P.O.O., (IX aN I CROSSED 'TWINING AND HADE TAVABLE TO T. L. COWARD EIRTnS. inst the wife 8 Charles Cooper, at 69, hester, the wife of House, Teddington, the Tavisteck-square, the wife of at Ghncot, 'Wells, the wife of lUb uust at IKnlow, Biggleswade, the wife of lyl 'W )Hi in? a Tigtree House, Millbank-street, the in-- at Na-Brvn, Wimbledon, the wife of the ih. l'tli i at 76.
Bedford, r.y,''l'l,',. Middl.t..;.. of a son. "he It ii ai iwaritt u'lusMi biubuuuiur, r-i riv hr i'-th mx at Uuifimuuiit, Wallington, Surrey, the -m rtf 1Kb at Surbiton, the wife of George I -be 11th at Heath Villa, Stratford, the wife of a t- tl 1 '-h int at 2S, Wcymouth-street, Portland- T.rW of a son. U.T' Mtb inst.
at Kiidowo, Anerley, the wife of W. igfct-r (, tin l-'h int at 11. Neville-road. Waterloo. Liver- otJ.w Rice William, of a daughter, stillborn.
MARRIAGES. the 11th at St. Clements, Itev. Ciiimn Thornton, assisted by the i of Kaniabas. tlougias.
the Rev. tl'- IS ri tnr of Moy, TTone. Ireland, only mem to Frances Maria Hall-m'e. R.iunieiuouth. youngest daughter of JJall-Uare, J.
D.L., of Theydou Bois, v. Ireiabd. A I I- ri V. TT -on the Mtb at Wetnyss Bay, N.B., 1 A Hi trv i)und-f Hoojier, of Exeter of Briscoe ilooper. ot Boumbrook, of NiuianB.
Stewart, of i and Kn l. Cautyre. N.K. i II rV" llb at the parish church of St. i in ster.
by the Rev. B. Brandram, 1 1 Uev ll. nrySwann, A. of St.
Thomas, I. inddaugiiter of Oliver Lloyd, of Rumboldswhyke, ri -On the 11th at St i 'Tlley. Kenneth Campbell Lester, of Camden- i.nti. 11. Arthur winiyuij ri cbild of Thomas C.
Martin, oi (jamaen- the 11th inst. at 8t. Marys, Hadleigh. tl r- the Very Rev. Spuoner, M.A., assisted i Uarn-n HA.
William MCrae. of Dundee, to Turcr w-md daughter of Edward Prior, of Hadleigh. 1. vl I.I.I. tne lira re.u..
1 Tu-jmps'in P'dmore. rector of Aston-le-Haw to niver Brain well, younger daughter at.i Brauiwell, M.D., of Perth. PJM IN? tfceltth inst at St. Jude's Church, South t' R-v Preb- nclan' orrest. vicar or rat.
ai 'ain tlie yueen. assisted by the Rev. f.n.f Hametsham. Kent, cousin of the bride. H.
I ivil Geoa-e Walter Wrey, eldest son of i' vi- UrH House. Exeter, to Ellen Louisa (Nellie), A I Parsons, late 2d Madras Lancers, Be inr.nsu-r. VP HoLU'S the nth at St. Michael's, Bray, yi a of Itnlmn. to Louisa Roberta, daughter I r.
of Maidenhead. Fjw WA14.F.R. (M the Hth at Digswell Church, by 1 A' 1.1. r- ami uie ri o. viuuo Pnory, st-veaage.
to r.dith nary, eiage. to Edith Mary, only i the I Mailer, ot Uigswell ater, Welwyn. I I I On the 11th inst at mnstchurch, lyne-hv Rev Hi 'ks. vicar of Holy Saviours, Tyne- Rev rt Raggett. M.A ot 'r- if amea Wait, to Marv Cons'erdme, daughter i.i-j.'ie WdUaraaan, all of Northumberland-square, tit.
is. DEATHS. prrcT vr -On the 15th at Hartins; ieanua. Busses lii-slani Caroline), third daughter of the -v 1: William 14 itlatid, D.D., dean of Westminster, aged I On the 13th inst entered into rest. IMaximilian ic2ijucj3.
iw vw- uave the ll'h at Stafford, Joseph Henry Rowland i.i the late Joseph Henry Clark, of Maidenhead, -ii B' of -bnty-stl ir h- jltfi at 89, Marylands-road, Mrs. Jeesey Davis, of Divis, turaieriy of Quadrant, Regent-street, aged Tii-l i LA On the lltb of influenza, complicated with rsrd.K- debility. Snphia Matilda, the beloved and Uriny-Lavm, of Heutiierden, Iver Heath, Bucks. I ik inst. at Bngliton, Joseph Cms, of Hampton in, an Monks Balcombe, in his seventy-sixth year.
ill -On ll'h nt at Burston-roud, Putney, Frances, i .1 un- Flitcroft Fletcher. late of Holywell As' br Vr.r.:aiii. aged eighty-three. -ftti at run uottage, Manchester, i of I rtvi Hauison. p.
li'-h msu, at Montpelier-villas, Brighton, Olivia v. e.deat daughter of the late Yea. Archdeacon J-.) -On the 11th at Boultibrooke, Presteign, t- irf James Jones-Brydges, in his eigbty-I N-ifl-r.' V' the ll'h at 84. Holland-park.
Bayswater, i F.S. of the Stock Exchange, after a short M-VePT -tWO. fiiAS. 13th inst, at 46. Charles-street, Berkeley- Svtries.
ie Strange, E'luerry to his Royal Ii a ri( in his forty-ritlh year. J. -n the 11th at her residence, 5, -ih. of the late William Longmire, I lit, iliici-esu-r-syuare, and 34, Osnaburgh-street, t. th lC'V.
at Riverside House. Kingston-on- I -y Ann. wii- wof the late Adnlphus P. Moreau, and 'nr Downing, of Crawley Down, Sussex, in ur. It Mriy ved and deeply mourned.
pl -in liwt Ijiwn. Cpper Halliford, Middlesex. i dearly-loved child ofJohu and Clementina i ui ibt Bfl 'AHI Joseph Rhoadea, of Glen Tyan, I T-'-ring. in bis seventy-eighth year. 1 WATER FILTRATION.
jr an- ir.ned, in purchasing Filters, to see that malic inly water, nnd not merely strain it. which r.MieniM; water bright, do not remove theorganic of diseasel. No Filter will pemianeMlyremove -r- win -b kkihim- is used are on the old system, against fi iiiilir re cautioned by order of the Privy uucil; ij ii th more necessary as snrh are constantly "New Patent." The ONLY FILTERS containing pun st arnnia'. char. -on 1 are thosi- of the IINDON 1.1: WATEB-pritlFYINO COMPANY (Limited).
157. vvat. r. its Pncead. CHARLOTTE'S LYING-IN HOSPITAL, Maryl )one.
W. ytlivriVES and MONTHLY NURSES TRAINED. are ejiecially prejiared for the examination of the -i-ty. and tie f-ea are paid hy the hospital for those Niorty diploma. Certificated Monthly Nurses and rupjiiivd oa application t.
the Matron. For rules, fees, u. kiaj, Secretary. SONS, BUCKLEY, and CO. (Founded a d.
buuttunuiton'Stveet, Strand, Auierican House, E. East Fifueuth -street. New York. f'lX. SONS.
iVATUKU BUCKLEY, and CO. I PuN and SON. Goldsmiths. r- Si.T-nnths, beg to announce that, in conse- dftih nl Mi Henderson Watherston. their "I I UlJIl SALE, during the month of June, at idi i to purchasers.
It comprises, in addi- i of a gold and silversmith. itiiortant objects saitaole for Kvtimonials. and a large and valn- ii inrald. sapphire, black and whitepearl, t.u-f of neccut make, eminently fial- and wending presents. Watherston and i.
l.a-- i nljoimng tne National Galleryl. London. S. W. 1 the DKAD as Nature directs.
Every one "i 'he ret'i'm of funeral abuses should read the i-iiti, -hrd ny the London necropolis company. of ttif s. cretary, 2, Lancaster-place, Strand; or i Tl Vi: iFFH KS (SLATER'S) for Watching Persons, making Secret Inquiries and Obtaining Evi- I D-t-ctie8 of all ages; consultations free. iT. Fsinghall-street, City, E.C.
1 IN HkyassE, Exjvert iu Confidential Investi- Arist icraey strictest sececy; information most It I) mdwi; unrivallwl knnwlwice of French and Russian 13a. W.C. l.ondun.' I I ND A distinguished and highly-accom-, th trt-rman Ladv desires to JOIN or CHAPERON at ihe middle of July would also go to -l performances; references exchanged. in-street. Strand.
W.C. IJKl 1 H. pood linguist, desires THREE or Ml.s in JOIN her in July for the Wagner per- weeks to Dresden and Saxon Switzerland. in, -ion street, Strand. W.C.
P.l NTIN; iw-idiiw of late Mr. Runting, senior, mth- ival Family) begs to inform his numerous ATTENDED at S7. Piccadilly, by a most skilful niM.dist. Experienced Manicure in attendance. ij sympathy.
Piccadilly. Cdiropodist (onlv surviving Ron of Mr. P.untine. Cl.irnrvn1it tn th Ctno.r.1 i- (.. address.
Alfred place West, next door to South 1 1 -wi-uri- t'LoTHKS. LADIES and GENTLE- MENS WARlirtORFS OLD AKTIFICALTEETH. EWE EERY, PLATE, SEH iLD Fl 'RNITURE, AVAI. arwl MILITARY I VIKORM or RCHASED for CASH r'01 DAVIS attend parti. Cash remitted si ''reti to Mr.
or Mrs. Loui PURCHASED for CASH. privatalv. free of same dav. All ltur a Esv I8Ai UNIFORMS.
ARTIFICIAL IWEI.LF.RV. WATCHES. PLATE, tc -Mr. and I oil A- UI.1 Si Piccadillv-eircii m. 3i c-nt more than any other buyer for any i to the snt-i-ial facilities thev hav for Tl.e their prominent premises in the above noble lir- and gentlemen waited on hy Mr.
or Mrs. A. at Pawls or bixes receive prompt attention. ClXlTHi: ARTTl'ICT 41. TFPTTT AT HLVEIS Antique and Modern Plate.
ITnifnrmn i. K- Sl as well a Collections of Foreign Stamps, are -i r.ah at their full market value hy Mr. and Mrs. N-w Oxford-street, W.C. Established a century.
and ounty. V' I.i THUS UNIFORMS. OLD TEETiL V- Mrs GORDON HAWKINS. Raker-street, portman-sqnare. W.
RAL of all BUYERS, require large or small hoots, uniforms, jewellery, plate, old ion Prompt rash or offer ner return Aw-ointmeiifs attended privately. Ha-, over Branch. Bankers, I. To obtain the best value for your HUMS hcnd for Mr. am) L.
H. 1 i.i. road, Bavswnier. who have large orders 1 nifo-ms. Jewellery.
Plate. Linen, Old I Tjmittlpt cash Boies and Parcels sent, O. -o. Bun. refs.
Appointments free of charge CM, if l.oTHES -Important Notic-. Mr. and I'ti -s-- mad. give 10s. tr 60s.
for Ladies' to 7s. Gent, Trousers; proportionate Vi npiion of anparel cash remitted imme- tit ment free; bankers references. 1.0 I'll IX UNIFORMS, and Middle-row, Are. Mr. and Albert-cat.
jr Gentlemen's, and Children's r.j ti ,11, B--d and Table Linen. Sc. Appoint-I i-r fm for parcels and boxes sent. "n.l;. 'lime 1 -street.
f. -r everj kind ot LEFT OFF WEAR-. Furniture. avcel by post canh d.sianee uoobict-t trade supplied. 1 U'H i.S -Mr.
and Mrs. FAULKNER: CH.l r' Bayswater. PURCHASE the Above, vitl I ry. Artiticial Teeth, Gentlemen and Ladies' -an Larceis valued promptly, snd V. O.
remitted. rv re lnttl 1. nl uaugln-i. 1 Mtb a-. White rrVMAv'-'" n'st-atll Bill) a boll.
V' Aui have so it must under I haw. LOST, I I 'll mHE lON I ostal Ofhces. Th the towards HELP n.other Bnraer' one of Kor is pure nursing Sick homes certificated support DAY East Earl Every W. E. many TO misfortune, gratefully S.E.
TO sold reference North. MRS. Act ro NOTICE PERSONS, of county Widow proved Majesty's Fanny and Executors signed, of July, tribute thereto, they Assets person pa red experience, A of an highest W.C. A given. the to no risk fpHE A I THE rpHE 1 of supplied of firm JO.
J. in of 1 colours to woollen, Dress obtain Black and COAT The CI JT The h4 32. TN Squire A firm To Award escape They are Apply R' the being 1891. GERMAN EXHIBITION, Earl s-court, West Brompton, and West Kensington. HOSORAKV PIIESIDEXT.
The Exhibition Buildings and Grounds cover an area of 21 acres, and comprise the following interesting features and attractions The Schleswig-Holstein Farm House Bohemian Porcelain Pavilion Heidelberg Tun Kaiser Panorama Edison Phonograph Ober-Amuiergau Passion Play, with descriptive scenes Dr. Brodbeck's Lectures on German Art and Life. c. PI ERMAN EXHIBITION. Vj By Snecial Permission of H.M.
The most BeautifiU Gardens in London, brilliantly Illuminated with 10,000 Lamps by Pain and Sous. GERMAN EXHIBITION." At 3.30 und S.30 p.m. (wet or fine), in the Arena. GERMANIA. beraz a Life Picture of Episodes from the Military and Civil History of the German Empire, combining elaborate Scenic Effects with Realistic Incidents, from ancient times to tne present day.
Tilting hy Knights in Armour. Siege of a City. March Past. 00 Performers. GERMAN EXHIBITION.
JT Season Tickets, price half a guinea, may be had at the usual agents and box-oflices, and at the Exhibition. Admission to the Exhibition, One Shilling. Onen Dailv lLaQ to 11.30. V. A.
APPLIN, Secretary. GERMAN EXHIBITION. A GRAND GERMAN FESTIVAL will be given on SATURDAY, June 27, 1891. bv the Executive Council, in AID of the FUNDS of the GERMAN HOSPITAL. PRESIDENT.
His Royal Highness the Duke of CAMBRIDGE, and The GERMAN SOCIETY of BENEVOLENCE. PRESIDENT. His Excellency Count HATZFELDT. Under the immediate Patronage of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught. K.G.
Her Koyal Highness the duch*ess of Connaught. His Royal Highness the Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, K.G. Her Royal Highness the Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein. His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Batteuberg, K.G. Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of Battenberg.
Her Royal Highness the duch*ess of Albany. His Koyal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, K.G. IL-r Koyal Highness tne Princess Mary Adelaide, duch*ess of Tcck. His Highness the Duke of Teck. His Sereue Highness Prince Victor of Hohenlohe.
Her Serene Highness Princess Victor of Hohenlohe. His Excellency the Herman Ambassador. His Excellency the Austro Hungarian Ambassador. His Excellency the Netherlands Minuter. The Marquis of Lurne, K.T.
The Lord Mayor, T1 ERMAN EXHIBITION. JT REST A ANT KAISERHOF. Western Gardens (near the Grand Orchestra.) Under the Directorship of Gustav V. Bargen. The finest.
Open-air Restaurant in England. Dinners served in the Great Hall and on the Terrace at 5s. and 10s. 6L alo a la carte. Cuisine Excellent.
Wines of V. ry Best Quality only. Prompt attention. Comiort assured-Private Dining Rooms for Parties and Tables, can be engaged by Telegram. ne i ress is unanimous in stating mat tne tiaisernor rtestaurant is fitted up in a novel and luxurious style, well worthy of patronage." Telegraphic Address" Bargen German Exhibitii-u.
The nearest Railway Station to the Restaurant is West Kensington. ERMAN EXHIBITION. RESTAURANT POTSDAM, facins Welcome Club and Band Stand TABLE D'HOTE (High Class) at 7s. 6d- per head, inclusive. Served from six till nine.
Tables can reserved. Addrrsi Bertram and Company. INTERNATIONAL RESTAURANT (Main Building). LUNCHEON'S and DINNERS a la carte, and at fixed prices, served from 12.30 till nine. OYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION.
Chelsea, S.W. Patron Her Majesty the QUEEN. Open from II a.m. tiu 11 p.m. ARRANGEMENTS for TO DAY (MONDAY): 0.
aud 5. 0. Hesse-Darmstadt Life Guards Band (by the gr.icious permission of U.I.M. the German Emperor). 2.30.
and 5.30. Gym nastic Display hy Greenwich Boys. 3.15 and 8.15. Performances by Sons of Neptune Nautical Songs and Glees Dances Life ou Board Ship. 4.
0. and 8.0. Royal Naval Exhibition Band. 5. 0.
Action between Battle Ships and Torpedo Operations on Lake (including Whitehead Torpedo). 9.15. Royal NavaJ Bluejackets Mandolin Baud. ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. The WHITEHEAD TORPEDO and Method of Discharging.
laily programme. OYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. Close to Grosvenor-road Statiun on the L.B. and S.C.. and L.C.
and I). lines. Within a few minute of Sloaue-souare Station. from which omnibuses run direct. By Steamboat every few minutes from all piers to Victoria Pier, opposite main entrance.
Special express steamer from Woolwich at eleven o'clock. UNRIVALLED ATTRACTIONS. And the folio ving are some of the principal features: Arctic Relics. Arts Gallery containing one of the finest collections ever got together Historical Collections of Models of Ships of War and Mercantile Marine Full-size Mndrb of H.M.S. Victory and Eddystone Lighthouse, oa which will be burning the most powerful light in the World Monster Ordnance (guns of 57 tons and U0 tons) Machine Gun tiring Torp does Exhibition of Diving, kc Lake, 250ft.
long by 150ft. wide, on which Mimic Combats between models of two modern battle-ships will take place, and illustrations of Suli-marine Mining, kc. will be L'iven Nautical displays in the arena Performances hy the INS OF EPTUNE OPERA COMPANY Aquatic Fireworks Balloon Ascents Monster Iceberg, containing realistic Arctic Scenery, and Pauorama of Trafalgar Groumls magnificently illuminated (thousands of coloured lights). Decorative Lighting by James Pain and Sons. ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION.
DAILY, at 3.15 and 8 15, THE SONS OF NEPTUNE in their Unique Musical and Nautical Ske'ch. entitled THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. ALBACOHE: or. LIFE ON BOARD A MAN-O-WAR. introducing Soug.
Horupipei. and Glees. Chorus or" 60 voices with orchestra. Reserved seats Is. each, may be booked at Manager's ctlice.
ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. GRAND ILLUMINATION of the GROUNDS EVERY EVENING with TEN THOUSAND Variegated LAMPS. Japanese Lanterns and Coloured Incandescent Lamps. FIREWORKS. Brilliant and Novel Displays, comprising upward of 25 items, every Thursday and Saturday, all by James Pain and Sons.
ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. Admission Every Weekday, except Wednesdays, by payment at the doors. Wednesdays. 2s. fid.
SEASON TICKETS One Guinea. Eooks containing 2 Transferable tickets of admission on Is. days, price may he obtained at all the usual ticket agents and bos offices, at the principal railway booking offices, kc Sailors and Soldiers in uuiforni. half price on Is. days.
Hon. Sec. Captain A. JEPHSON. R.N.
Two Military Bands will play from two to seven o'clock. Tickets to be obtained at the Gardens only by vouchers from Fellows of the Society, price 5s. each or on the day of Exhibitiou, 7s. 6d. each.
DARBY and STEEVENSON PATENT. Stand No. 275, Doncaster Show Yard. Office. 150, LeadcnhU-street, London.
MISS NINA KENNEDY, the Inspirationalist, AT HOME 11.30 till 1.30. and three till five o'clock EVERY DAY. at 1(17. New Hond-street. Miss Kennedy's power of event and character reading is astounding.
Tickets may be obtained at the iibrarus or at I the door. LOCUTION. EXTEMPORE Professor HAYSACK. Original Teacher, whose Pupils are among the brst clergymen, doctors, narnsters, solicitors, actresses, singers, public personages, and nobility, GIVES INSTRUCTION. Ladies trained for Society.
c. Voice strengthened, defects corrected. Address 15. Portland-place. MR.
SIMS REEVES to announce that lie now RECEIVES PUPILS at his Studio, 6'J. Regent-street For terms apply to Grange Mount, Upper Norwood, where he Receives Pupils every Saturday. TAGE, THEATRES. MUSIC HALLS. Ladies and Gentlemen rapidly and thoroughly PREPARED.
Engagements procured. Send stamp lor the Practical Adviser, "Simple Steps" Igratis). Harry Roberts, ItS, Stamford-street, Waterloo, London. Resident Pupils received. Consult here free.
Absolutely reliable. PASTORAL-PLAYS. The most charming Entertainment for At Homes, Garden Parties, Season commenced at Worcester College, Oxford, on Saturday, June 13. Address Ben Greet. Old Charlton.
R. FREDC. PENNA can RECEIVE PUPILS for SINGING who are acouainted with some of the true principles of the art and are not without a good knowledge of music. His Papers. "Thoughts About Singing." read before the Musical Association, are published by Novello and Co.
New address, 2, Clarendon- gardens, W. CARLISLE-CARR, Professor of Voice 1TJL Production and Singing, RECEIVES PUPILS at. her Studios, 22, Old Bond-street, W. Prospectus of terms on application. PRATTEN (Guitariste).
Instructress to H.R.H. the Princess Louise. CONTINUES her LESSONS at 22a, Dorset-street, Portman-square, where may be had her celebrated book, "Learning the Guitar Simplified." 10s. and her descriptive catalogue of her guitar compositions, instrumental and vocal, one shilling. M1 ENGA "ISS NELLIE LEVEY, Vocalist and Guitariste, having returned from Italy, has RESUMED her TEACHING and Address, by letter.
60. Oxford and Cambridge Mansions. Hyde-park. W. fXITHER, GUITAR, and MANDOLIN.
H. CON-JlA STANTIN SCHWARZ, now returned from the Riviera, has RESUMED his TEACHING (London and Brighton), also his cond. of the Ladies Amateur and M. Society. 21, Victoria-square, S.
W. MRTC. F. READ GIVES LESSONS on the ZITHER-BANJO, a charming instrument for concert or drawing room also Lessons on the Organ and Piano, aud in Singing and Harmony. Musical Studio.
26, Old Bond-street, W. PIANOFORTE and SINGING LESSONS. Eminent Lady Professor from Paris and Milan, brilliant pianist and vocalist, most successful in technique and voice production. VISITS or RECEIVES PUPILS. Schools attended.
"Diva, Hollis, 63, Ehury-stri-tt, S.W. PIANOFORTE LESSONS. A LailV (certihca ted pupil of the late Stephen Heller, Paris, and of M. Auguste Dupont, Brussels ls Conservatoire), nesires riniii; great experience; nigbest reierence.s inoueraie lerius. vuuress care 01 re of Mrs.
Cullen. 80. Gloucester-road, h. V. "kTlIANOFORTE TAUGHT on the Denpe Method Young Lady Pianist Accepts Engagements for Lessons, Concerts, At Homes, also Accompanies Violin terms moderate 43, Eardley-crescent, Kensington.
rESSONS GIVEN in VOICE PRODUCTION hv Ladv for At i VlU itf Aeeomnaui'st 7. Great Curaui-street. Russell- 6nUare lllfni' CWN rCOOVC lVf1 tiinDU ui 111 SINGING and RECITATION at own or pupils' resi dences; references. Hermann ezinaml Aladame l.ewy terms. 2 2s.
a course. Address Glenalmon.l. Burghill-road. Syuenham. HUNGARIAN CYMIJAL.
LESSONS mi this novel and fascinating Instrument by Mr. EDWARD CROSSE, at his residence, 30, Gloucester-crescent, RegentVpark. 10 LEARN FRENCH. A Young Man will find a Comfortable HOME with M. le Curt de MENARS.
who has already had many pupils; Menars is in a charming country on the River Loire, tour miles troni tlois: moderate terms reference to Mrs. Wyllie. 13 De Vere-carderis, London. Address M. le Cure de Menars.
prcs Blois, France. SIR FREDERICK MILNER can most strongly RECOMMEND Miss SPRING, of 33, Edgware-road. from whoni he has had lessons, as a thoroughly-competent teacher of the Oral System tor the Deaf. QRDERS TAKEN for REPLACING any BROKEN ARTICLES tn Dinner He'-, Brenkfusi Cieti, hy ie. Ar r.aa UuK Tl l' W.
Wrcntbam Sactoor. Bufiolk, Egypt, aa Ports mails, as June July July Aug. Aug. Sept. only
A AK one ling of or or i. to and I 2s. day 11 La at on a i TRIENNIAL HANDEL FESTIVAL, CRYSTAL PALACE. MONDAY, June 22. SELECTION (Sacred and Secular).
Solo organ, Mr. W. T. Best. Organist to Festival.
Mr. A. J. Evre. Conductor, Mr.
AUGUST MANNS. TRIENNIAL HANDEL FESTIVAL. GRAND REHEARSAL, FRIDAY next, June 19, at twelve. Numbered seats, 7s. Cd.
and 10s. unnumbered seats, 5s. Ail tickets in- auunssion to I'aiace. "JADAME ALBANI, ADAJIE NORDICA and Miss MACINTYRE. MARIAN M'KENZIE ami Mine.
ALL TICKETS ON SALE, from 10.0 to 6.0. i V. raiace, ami ai. mefsrs. -Novello, r.wer, 1.
Berners-street, Oxford-street, andti0and81.Queen-s Bide. E.C. The same stall for three days of Festival at Crystal Palace, and at Messrs. Novello, Ewer, and stivLl 3 single stall for one day, and unnumbered feats, for three days. 13s.
for one day, 7s. Cd. AU tickets include admission to Palace. CRYSTAL PALACE. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT, TO-DAY.
at 3.30 (free) Picture Gallery and Aquarium, all day (freel Organ Recitals. 1.45. 6.15 Maid of the Moon," from 2.0 (6d.) Military Band, 2.30, 5.0, 8.0 The Trained Animals, 4.0, fi.O f6d. to 2s.) Entertainment bv Miss Nellie Ganthnuy, Mr. C.
E. Nott and Mr. M'Call Chambers, 7.0 (fn e): Panorama. Switchback and Toboggan. Palace open 10.0 to 9.0, children half price.
CRYSTAL PALACE. WILD BEASTS. Marvellous Show Lions and Tigers Walking on Globes and Riding Tricycles! Lions, Tigers, Bears, and Cheetahs playing at Seesaw Lions riding in Chariots drawn by Tigers, with Boar-hounds for Running Footmen, Seats, numbered and re-served, unnumbered, 6d. and Is. TO-DAY, at 4.0 and 6.0.
CRYSTAL PALACE. TRAINED WILD BEASTS. The Novelty of the Age. Such a show has never before been seen in any country in the world. First instance of carnirora living and playing together as one happy family.
THURSDAY, at 3.0, Mr GEORCE ALEXANDER and the St. James Theatre Company in SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW. Numbered seats, 2s. 3s. unnumbered seats, Is.
KENNEDY'S LAST WEEK here. Afternoon, at 4.15 Evening, at 8.30. iu the Theatre. cau be booked in advance. Box-orhVe open all day.
to Naval and German don't miss seeing KENNEDY, 4.15 and 8.30. ROYAL AQUARIUM THEATRE. KENNEDY, KENNEDY, KENNEDY, Mesmerist, King Laugh-maker of the World. The Lion of the Season. AQUARIUM THEATRE.
4.15 and 8.30. 1JUYAL AO" ARH M. Iwice Daily, at 3 and 8 p.m GRAND ENTERTAINMENT, including The Troupe in their rial show. Oiwratic Sketch and Ballet, the Lily of Trouville. Wright and Palmer's musical act Mat-art's inimitable dogs.
Barnard's retin-d Marionettes. Paula with her alligators, en icodiles, tc Brooks and Duncan's intensely funny act. many others. open a' 12, close at 11.30. Admission children, 6d.
Cheap including admission, are issued at all District Railway Stati-jns. OYAL AQUARIUM. FTRST APPEARANCE in England of the Great LUPPER TROUPE in their astounding aci on nve Horizontal oars ilia UA.X (Atternoou anu venmg). RAND EXHIBITION of VARIETY ARTISTES to be seen nowhere but the Royal Aquarium. The only Daily Aft-'-rnoon Performance in London.
JAMES'S HALL (Banqueting Room), THURSDAY, June 18, at three. Under the Patronage of her Royal Highness Princess LOUISE, duch*ess of FIFE, and his Grace the Duke FIFE. K.T BASKOOMBS ANNUAL MUSICAL and DRAMATIC MATINEE, supported by the Princess Ahmadee, Miss Ginlia Mrs. Ambler Brereton, Mrs. Pemberton-Hincks, and Miss Rees MissNorreys.
Miss Elita Procter Otis (amateur), and Laura Johnson Mr. W. II. Brereton, Mr. Charles Ganz, and Orlando Harley.
Vi din. Madame Auna Lanir. Pianoforte. Mrs. Baskcomb and Mr.
W. G. Cusiiis. Mr. Lionel Brough.
Mr. Edward Mr. Gtorge Giddens, Mr. Harry Nicholls. Mr.
Frauk Liodo, I Mr. Hermann Vezin: Mr. Herbert Harraden, Mr. Frederic and Mr. Marshall P.
Wilder. Conductors. Mr. Wilhehn Dr. W.
H. Coliisson, and Mr. Milton Wellings. Honorary i manager, Mr. Sydney Alport.
Tickets, 6d. each, at Mitchell's Royal Library, and Basil Tree's ticket-office, St. James'B GANZ'S MORNING CONCERT TO-MORROW (TUESDAY). June 16, at Dudley House, Park-lane, by kind p-rmisfion of the Countess of Dudley, at three o'clock. Artistes: Nordica, Miss Oeorgina Mi-s Macintyre.
Madame Antoinette Sterling, and Madame Belle Cole Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Lawrence Kellie, and Mr. Ben Mr. Norm-in Salmund and Mr.
de Lira: M. Johannes Wolff. Mr. Van Waefelghem, M. Holl-man, Mr.
Wilfied Bendall and Mr. (ianz. Stalls, one guinea tickets, a guinea, at Chappell's. Mitchell's. Tree's ticket office, and of Mr.
Ganz, No. 136. Harley-stteet. W. 1ADEREWSKL TO-MORROW TUESDAY.
PADEREWSKI PIANOFORTE RECITAL, St. James's Hall, TO-MORROW (TUESDAY), at three Programme Bach, antasia et Fugue: Beethoven, Sonata, Op. 109: Schumann, Etudes Symphoniques Chopin, Nocti rne, Valse Prelude, Mazuika. Etude: Paderewski, Legende, Scht-rzino Mendelssohn, Lizst, "WediUng and "Elfs- Dance." Tiekets, 10s. and at Tree's ticket St.
James's Hall, and usual agents. Daniel 18), New Bund-street, W. IENIAWSKI. JOSEPH WIENIAWSKI'S PIANOFORTE RECITAL, at. St.
James's HaU. on FRIDAY, June 28, at assisted by M. Paderewski and M.Joseph Holiman. Tickets, 61., and at Basil Tree's ticket -office, St. James's Hall, and agents.
Daniel Mayer 180, New DE SILKA regrets to announce that in con-Ji sequence of an accident to his left arm he is obliged to ABANDON his SECON RECITAL at St. James's Hall, THURSDAY, June 18 Daniel Mayer. ISO. New Bond-street. MADAME JANE MAY has the honour to announce that owing to a prior cont pact she is n'd at liberty to give her ASSISTANCE at Madame THEN ARD SOIREE at the Lyric Club, June 16.
R. HARRY FURNISS has honour to announce that he has arraneed appeur in THE HUMOURS OF PARLIAMENT. Illustrated by numerous Original Scenes and Political Portrait displayed upon the screen by the oxv-hydrogeu light. At Princes' Hall, Piccadilly. MATINEE WEDNESDAY next.
June 17, at 3.0, and on SATURDAY, June 20, at 3.0. Rtalls, 10s. 6d. reserved seats, area, 2s. 64 balcony.
Is. Stalls reserved seats can always be booked in advance at Princes' Hall not obtainable at the uua! annts. THE PARLIAMENTARY PUPPET SHOW. Mr. GALE will (before leaving for Canada I TELL STORY of FORTY YEARS in the PARLIAMENTARY WORLD, from the days of the Railway Mania and Corn Bill, at the Hall, Westminster (close to St.
James's-park Station), on FRIDAY next. June 19. at eight o'clock. D. M.
LITTLER. Q.O., C.B.. will take the Chair. Tickets, reserved and numbered. admission and all information at Muchell's Royal Library, 33.
Old Bond-stnet. and 5, Le.idenhall street, E.C. Messrs. Mefchim ami Sou. 20, Parliament-street, Westminster; Mr.
Murdoch, Lord's secretary's office, County Cricket Ground, Kennington-nval and at the Halt IHE CORRUPTION of the CHURCH. MOMERIE REDELIVER his ORATION on the above at Princes' Hall. Picendiilv. on SATURDAY EVENING. July 4.
at 9 p.m. Tickets (10s. and 2e obtained from the managers, Messrs, Capper aud Newton, 62, W.C: at, the hall; and at all libra ries. AWN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP MEETING. AU England L.T.C Wimbledon.
finals and semi-finals of gent's 2s. 6d. Admission tickets for wh'de meeting. 10s. each: and reserved seats for whole meeting.
10s. each, mav lie had on application to the Secietary, AU England Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon. LOUIS TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION. Regent-street (close to Oxford Open 10a. ei.
till 10 p.m. ALL THE WOULD IN WAX. Pearcevand the Victims. The Mdidren's Gallery of Fairy Pictures. EVERY DAY.
FREE ENTERTAINMENTS, at 3. 5. and 8 p.m. Victor Andre's Wonders and Metamorphose, the startling trans-formation of a wax figure into a heautifulliving voting lady. Mr.
PERCIVAL CRAIG'S TALKING WAX'VORKS. World renowned Nuremberg Collect ion of INSTRUMENTS of TORTURE. Including the FAMOUS IRON MAIDEN, lent by The Right Hun the Earl of Shrew sbury and Tilbot, Is NOW ON VIEW at LOUIS TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION. Repent-street. Admission to see everything.
children fid. No extra charges. Tickets, including admission, at all District Railway Stations. NIAGARA I JERUSALEM ami CRUCIFIXION HALLS, CYCLORAMA. Westminster ten to ten.
is. James's- SELECT FREE LOUNGE, BAZAAR, Station). MUSIC. Cheap Restaurant, tc. ADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION (adioinins i Baker-street Station).
The Count VON MOLTKE. Over LIFELIKE and REALISTIC PORTRAITS. History of Costume. Uniforms and Dresses. Grand Promenade.
A LTnique Collection of the most Terrible Instruments of Torture from the Bastille Principal Prisons in France. Relics of Music all day. ADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION (adjoinine Baker-street Station). HAMPSTEAD TRAGEDY. Mrs.
PEARCEY. Every Relic connected with the case. Admission children under 12. 6d extra rooms bd. Open ten till ten J.
POYNTER. R. A. Great Woik THF OTTFFV vf OF SHEBA'S VISIT TO KING SOLOMON, on View for a Time at Thomas M'Lcau's Gallery, 7, Haymarket. Admission including catalogue.
THE TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of OIL PAINTINGS by Artistes of the British and Foreign Kchocls is NOW OPEN at THOMAS 'LEANS GALLERY, 7, Haymarket (next the Theatre). Admission, including catalogue. Is. THE NEW GALLERY. SUMMER EXHIBITION.
The FOURTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of PICTURES by Artists. NOW OPEN, fmm nine till seven. Admission Is. J. W.
BECK. Secretary. 121. Regent-street. TkORE GALLERY.
GRANDEST COLLECTION of RELIGIOUS PICTURES in the world, bv the eminent painter. AVE DORE: also an ininortant new Picture, by EDWIN i LONG. R.A., entitled the Market Place at Nazareth." ON VIEW 35. New Bond-street. W.
Daily, ten to six. Admission Is. OYAL SOCIETY of BRITISH ARTISTS. Suffolk- I street Galleries. Pall-mall Eas.
OPEN DAILY ten to six. Admission Is. TAN VAN BEERS' PAINTINGS. Thirty of lift leading works, also sculptures by Van der Straeten. NOW OPEN, at the Continental Gallery, 157.
Pali-Mall East, from ten till six. Admittance catalogue Ik ALFRED D. FRIPP.R.W.S., Secretary. GYPT. CAIRO, and the NILE.
Piccadilly, W. The ANNUAL EXHIBITION NOW OPEN from ten to six. Admission Is. W. T.
TICKETS in all the best positions, at OLLIVIERS Telegraph and Telephone (3.515) Ticket Agency, 38, Old Bond-etreet, W. The lies', quadrille performers, jtlee Infers, and lawn bands. Stalls for the Handel Festival in ttm But positions, lf IM, three. di song, tnree. and TVf UM.
three. destroy," in three. and If J. three nart, three. minor Ballet three.
(Verdi). three. 12s. agents; A At AID M' si bcu Hall. Hall.
Tiff ITA 15 (Verdi), 1 vi MR. di si Hall. TtT IT DA M. 0 M. 2s.
ticket A On The services Mrs. New Solo Stalls, lefer Til ML The Hon. with ticket 208. will July other will 10s. John Basil 330.
Mr. XfA Mis SI at at If If Mr Mr. ham The tion Geo. bole the his the size OYAL ALBERT HALL. ADAME ADELINA PATTI, at three, SATURDAY next, MADAME ADELINA PATTI.
Royal Albert Hall. Messrs. HARRISON'S CONCERT. SATURDAY next, at Madame Adelina Patti will sing Ardon gl'incensi (Lucia Lammermonr), (Donizetti): flute obbligato, Mr. Radclyffe; new "Only (Gounod) and new vocal waltz, Rosebud." (Anliti).
ADAME ADELINA PATTI. Royal Albert Hall. Messrs. HARRISONS CONCERT. SATURDAY next, at Antoinette Sterling will sing, ihe Gilt (tJenrend), The Three Fishers (Hullah).
Mr. Edward Lloyd will sing. Recit, "Tis thy words that air. "Our hearts in childhood's morn entwining" (Iphigenia Tauiis) (Gluck), and I'll sing thee songs of Araby IF. Clay).
Santley ill sing. Si les filles d' Aries" (Mirella) (Gounod), Simon the Cellarer (Hatton). ADAME "ADELINA PA3TI, Royal Ahgrt Messrs. HARRISON'S CONCERT. SATURDAY next, at The Members of the Leeils Choir '(Conductor, Mr.
Alfred proughton) will Sing glees and part songs, Sly true love hath my serenaue iBiuaixj; "evening unusm rw Kosy 'The Lass of Richmond Hill' (Leslie). MADAME ADELINA PATTI. Royal Albert Hall. Messrs. HARRISONS CONCERT, SATURDAY next, at.
Chevalier Emil Bach will Play pianoforte solos. Concerto in (Part (Beethoven); and (a) Etude (L. Emil Bach), (b) Air de (Deltbes). MADAME ADELINA PATTI. Albert Hall.
Messrs. HARRISONS CONCERT. SATURDAY next, at The Orchestra (conductor, Signor Anliti will play Overtures, "Oberon" (Weber), "Mirella" (Gounod); March, "Dou Carlos" MADAME ADELINA PATTI. Royal Albert Hall. Messrs.
HARRISON'S CONCERT, SATURDAY next, at Accompanist. Mr. Sieveking. Boxes, 2 2s. to 5 5s.
tickets, (xL, 10s. and at Royal Albert Hall: usual and at Tree's office, St. James's Halt N. Vert, 6, Cork-street, W. GRAND MORNING CONCERT will be eiven.
under the direction of Mr. Wilhelin Ganz. on WEDNESDAY I'ERNOON next. June 17. at three o'clock, St James's Hall, in of the LADIES' BUILDING FUND of the GREAT NORTHERN CENTRAL HOSPITAL, when "ISS MACINTYRE will SING "L'altra notre Boito).
Nella Calma (Gounod), and in the nuartet. "Un di (Verdi), on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON next. St James's MADLLE. ANTOINETTE TREBELLI will SING "The Niehtingale's Trill" (Canz) and Io son Titania (Thomas), on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON next, at St. James's ADAME BELLE COLE will SING mio Fer- nando (Donizetti).
Sweet Genevieve (Adams). Mv Love raB ltnJe nranueisi. anu in me quartet, unui.Moen jin WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON next, St, James's iHalL TR. BEN DAVIES will SING -The Requital" (Blumenthal). in the quartet.
"Un di si ben "(Verdi), on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON next, St. James's HaU. miR. LAWRENCE KELLIE will SING "A Winter i ove Sonc" IKellie) and "My Heart's Delizht" ITosti) on WEDNESDAY AFTEKNU03 anies Hail. NORMAN ALMOND will SING "Love Sons:" and To Julia (Mary Carmichael), also in the quartet "Un oen (Verdi), on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON next, St.
James's JOHANNES WOLFF will PERFORM VIOLIN I AFTERNOON next. St. James's Hall. HOLLMAN will PERFORM VIOLONCELLO Johannes Wolff, on SOLOS and in a duet with M. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON next.
St. James's Hall. MR. WILHELM GANZ will conduct the Grand Morning Concert, St James's Hall. WEDNESDAY AFTER-N next, iu aid of the Ladies' Building Fund of the Great Northern Hovpiial.
milE MEISTER GLEE SINGERS will SING a SELECTION of PART SONGS, at St. James's Hall, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON next. Tickets. 10s. and at ChappeU and usual agents, and Tree's office.
GRAND MORNING CONCERT In AID of the BUILDING FUND for the FRENCH SCHOOLS lin Leicester-square), At No. la. Ovington-snuare, S.W. (by kind penniision). FRIDAY AFTERNOON next, June 1891, at half-past three.
following eminent Artistes have kindly offered their valuable Madame ME DORA HENSON, Madame BELLE COLE. Hr. WILBUR GUNN. Mr. FRANCIS WALKER, and Master ALFRED LONG.
M. JOHANNES WOLFF (violin). Mr. HOLLMAN (violoncello). Conductors Dr.
Tl) RPIN and M. D'EVRY. Tickets, one guinea, of Alexander Gordon Lennox. 25, Pont-street. 8.W.; the Hon.
Lady Macdonald. 1a, Ovington-square. S.W.; Towneley, 15, Upper Grosvenor-street; and Chappell and 50, Bond-street, W. ISS MERVYN KEATINGE'S CONCERT, TO-MORROW (TUESDAY), at 8.30. l'ortman Koorus.
Miss Edith Tulloch, Mias Mervyn Keatiuge. Mr. Braxton Smith, Mr. Lawrence Kellie, Mr. Arthur Taylor, Mr.
and Mrs. Frederic Upton. violinist. Mons. Elkan Kosman.
Solo pianist, Mons. M. Sieve-kin. Accompanists, Miss Florence Phillips and Mons. M.
Sieveking. 10s. 6d. and admission If. Farley Sinkiiu, 24, Brook-street.
The Proceeds of this Concert will lie devoted to HE IBERO-AMERICAN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. The following Artistes will appear: Madlle. GHERLSEN. First Appearance in England. Mr.
STERN. Conductor, Mr. RAPHAEL ROCHE. Stalls. 5.
reserved balco.iy, and Is. Tickets may be had by of the Secretary of Ibero-American Benevolent Society, 21, Billiter-street, E.C. P.O.O. or cheques kindly cross City Bank." FARLEY SIN KINS. 24, Brook-street.
H.R.H. the Princess CHRISTIAN. H.R.H. the Princess FREDERICA. Next MEMBERS' CONCERT takes place THIS EVENING, at 9.30.
The LONDON MALE VOICE CLUB. Solo Pianoforte-Madlle. JEANNE DOUSTE. Solo Violin-Signor A. SIMONETTI.
Conductor-Mr. W. DE MANBY SERGISON. Extra tickets, through members, price 5s. each, to be had of the Secretaries, at the Galleries.
pRINCES' HALL, Ticcadilly. THIS (MONDAY) AFTERNOON. June 15. 3.30. Under the patronage of the Princess CHRISTIAN.
The Ear) of ABERDEEN prestdinir. REMINISCENCES of the OBER AMMERGAUERS AND LAST YEAR'S PASSION TLAY. Over 160 Limelight Pictures, 19ft. by 19ft. Passion Play Music by a Choir HerrCurt Schulz (Zitherist to H.R.H.
the Princess of Wales) will. Madame Schulz, introduce the Philomele, also the national in- stroments, the zither and hackbrett. common in the Bavarian Alps. Tickets 7s. at box office, Piinces' Hall: Basil Tree's offices.
St. James's Hall and at the Oberammergau Art Depot, I Piccadilly. AH profits forOberammcrgau Organ Fund. Amount still required, 180. MR.
JOHN THOMAS (Harpist to her Majesty the Queen) begs to announce that his GRAND HARP CONCERT take place at St. James's Hall on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOi Of. 1. at three o'clock. Harp Solos.
Harp Duets. Songs with Harp Accompaniment, and several works for a Band of Harps. Amongst novelties. Mr. Thomas will perform, for the first time, a New Fantasia of his own composition for the Harp.
Further particulars be duly announced. Tickets Sofa stalls, r-served seats, balcony, area, 2s. ga'Iery. to be obtained of Mr. Thomas.
53. Welbeck-street, the usual agents; and at I Tree's office. St. James's Hall. MISS MARY TRAVERS MORNING CONCERT at the Portnian Rooms.
Dorset-street. SATURDAY, June 20, at Madlle. Marie de Lido. Miss Marian Mr. W.
H. Cummings. Mr. Frank Quatremayne: M. B.
Albert, Mr. C. Gardner. H. R.
Bird, and Miss Mary Travers Tickets. 5s and Stanley Weber, and 81, New Bond-street; Edwin Ash-down, Hanover-square: Charles F. Ash bee. 23, Spring-street. Hyde-nark: at the Hall; and of Miss Mary Travers, 8, Delamere-terrace, Westbourne-square.
MISS AGNES ZI MM ERM ANN'S EVENING CONCERT. Princes' Hall. THURSDAY. June 18: assisted by Miss Marguerite HaU, Miss Carmichael. Messrs.
Straus, Gibson, and White-house. Tickets, 10s. and of Miss Agnes Zimmerman Chappell and and at the hall. Tt.fR. AQUILAR will PLAY SONATA.
Op. 31, in (Beethoven), and "Daydream" and Romanza (Anuilar), at L. Aldridites RECITAL at Collard's Rooms, TO-MORROW (TUESDAY I AM'fcKiNUOrii, June lb. MR. CLIFFORD HARRISON'S RECITALS, Steinway Hall.
EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at three. Stalls, reserved seats, gallery, 2s. Scats at the Hall and Libraries. CAFE CONCERT at the Savoy Hotel, TO-DAY. and every Afternoon, from 4.0 p.m.
to 6.30 p.m. Drescher's Vienna Oichestra. Admission 2s. J'ETAIS ROI, Romance, by BOTTESINI. Words! hy Victor Hugo I J'ETAIS ROI (Bottesini).
Monsieur EDOUARD DE TO-NIGHT Wilton-crescent. London Musical Bureau. C. Ducci and 61, Recent-street, and of all music sellers. 2s.
net, post free. LIFE'S LESSON, New Song, hy Wadtlington Cooke, will be SUNG bv Miss ME DORA HENSON TO-DAY at Cadogan-place, and at all her engagements; 2s. post free. London 1 Musical Bureau, 61, Regent-street, C. Ducci and and of all music 1 sellers.
M' R. and Mrs. GERMAN REED ENTERTAINMENT. Under the management of Mr. Alfred German Reed and Mr.
Corney Grain. TO-NIGHT, at eight, an Entirely Entertainment entitled KILLIECRUMPEE. written by Malcolm Watson, music by Edward Solomon and a New Musical Sketch, by Mr. Corney Grain, entitled DINNERS AND DINERS Monday. Wednesday.
Friday evenings, at eight Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday afternoons, three. Stalls, admission, 2s. and Is. St. George's HaU.
MR.ALFRED GERMAN REED, TO-NIGHT, at eight, in KILLIECRUMPER. Mr. Avalon Coliard, Mr. Arthur Wilkinson, Miss Isabel Girardot. Miss Fanny Holland.
I at R. CORNEY GRAIN, TO-NIGHT, at 9.30, in his New Musical Sketch, entitled DINNERS AND DINERS. and Mrs. German Reed's Entertainment. St.
George 3 HaU, Lang. -place, W. XFORD MUSIC HALL, TO-NIGHT, at 0.45. Tiie Vernon exclusively eneaced. illustrated with scenic and choral effect entire press unanimous in declaring this to be the finest produc ever seen on any lanety stage.
EO APPEARS at the ONFORD ONLY. Dan Lenn. Fannie Leslie. Imro Fox. Lily Bornand.
Sisters Lloyd. Robey. Minnie Clarke. G. Leyton, Tom Bass.
Brown and Miss Roma. I Miarlie Kw. Rose rvullivan, and The Armstron EVERY EVENING, at. 7.45. at 3.0-Free list entirely suspended.
Fautetiils and boxes can be booked in advance, i ana responsiDle manager, U. K. lirigliten. EGYPTIAN HALL (England's Home of Mystery). Lessee and Manager, Mr.
J. N. MASKELYNE. Nineteenth aiivi iCTuut-iuic uiaMacci, v. tv.
jJllbilLCll. consecutive vear in London. The Pntmtav Mxkvieiil Kntj.rtjiinra.iii rf World. Inimitable, consequently unique. PERFORMANCES DAILY, at three and eight.
Stalls, reserved and numbered, 5s. and unreserveii seats, uaicnnv. is. (tne nest in lionuon). Schools, choirs, and children under 12 half-price.
E( GYPTIAN HALL LAST WEEK prior to the annual vacation. Last Week of BU AT IE It DE ICOI.TA and Marvellous Illusion, The Captive's Flight." IMPORTANT NOTICE. SECURE LAS TING PORTRAITS of loved Friends and Relatives. SEND your FADING PHOTOGRAPHS MONOCHROME COMPANY (specialists) lor reproduction of oy tneir arxisuc anu permanent, process. Un porcelain, 12in.
by one guinea. Vide Press notices. Illustrated prospectus post free gn application to the Monochrome Company, 191, Piccadilly, London, W. (opposite Sackvllle-sti-eet). mHE RHODODENDRONS and AZALEAS in Rottn-row, Hyde-park, are SUPPLIED by ANTHONY WATERER, Kaap HiU Nuosqr, Wokisa.
Svrs I I 1 i I i I I I 1 I i PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL COMPANY (Carrying H.M.'s Mails) to India, China, the Straits, Australia, Ceylon, Malta, and Gibraltar. Accelerated Throngh Services as under BOMBAY and KURRACHEE. bv P. and from LONDON and BRINDISI, EVERY WEEK. Dates of departure: London.
Brindisi. Peninsular I 5,045 tons I June I'J Juno 1 Parramatta 4,771 tons June 26 July Miraapore I 3i3tona July 2 July 12 Britannia I 6,257 tons I July 10 I July CALCUTTA and CEYLON DIRE(T. by P. and from LONDON EVERY FORTNIGHT. Dates of departures follow Loiidou.
Chusan Ganges Rosttta Thann 4.4C3 tons tons tons 4.113 tons Friday. 26 Fridav, July 10 Friday. July 2i Friday, Aug. 7 CHINA, STRAITS, and JAPAN by P. and O.
and O. Company's steamers, carrying her Majesty's leave LONDON for SYDNEY. Melbourne. Adelaide, and Albany direct calling at Brindisi, every fortnight. Dates of departure ruuo war- Tons.
ii. P. L. Parramatta! Capt. R.
G. Murray. R.N.R. 4.71 10.. I Capt.
J. Oruian, RN.R. 6.2-J7 21.. Maiwiha Capt. O.
Fras -r 4,913 7.. Carthage I Capt. M. De rne 5.013 21.. Victoria I Capt.
A. W. Adanison 3.. Shannon C. R.
Edwards 4.1S3 5.00J 5.o )) Cheap single and return tickets. First and second saloon passengers carried. Fares, second saloon, 30 to .37. MEDITERRANEAN and EGYPT by P. and O.
WEEKLY, from London to Port Said and Isinailia, vi-i Gib- Malta, and BrindisL Calling at Gibraltar. Cheap Return rickets. LEXANDRLV by P. and O. FORTNIGHTLY, LEAVING VENICE EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY I'ERNOON.
BRINDISI EVERV ALTERNATE SUNDAY EVENING. LONDON EVERY FORTNIGHT, calling at Br.udisi I T. The P. sOHEAP RETURN TICKETS to the EAST and O. COMPANY issue Return Tickets at reduced fares to India, Ceylon, China, Janau, Australia, Tasmania.
New Zealand. Mediterranean Ports, and Egypt ENINSULAR and ORIENTAL COMPANY. For uassaue and freiht anply at 122. Leadenhall-street, and 2-, ocksnur-street. London.
Freight brokers. Escombe Liverpool, Manchester. Soethamoton. Gliisgow, and liOiiiloii. Parcels 4d.
FORTNIGHTLY MAIL SERVICE. Tae following Steamships leave LONDON as under, PLYMOUTH day latta Naples nine days liter, for ALBANY, ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE, aud SYDNEY, with her Majesty's mail calling at Colombo, and taking passengers tor all ports in Australasia OROTAVA 5.352 tons. 7.000 h.p. June 19 AUSTRAL ORUBA cuzco LUSITANIA 5,524 5.5V2 3,313 July 3 July 17 July 31 Aug. 7.00) 4,000 4.UO0 3.S77 6.0)7 OROYA 7.00J Aug.
25 Passeneers leaving London seven days later than above, and travel overland, can overtake the steamer at Naples. Loading Berth, Tilbury Docks. Fares frmn 17 I7s. to 70. The owners will not he responsible for detention, demurrage, or low any description arising from strides or locks-nut.
Managers F. Green and 13. Fenchurch-avenne: and Anderson, Anderson, i.nd 5. Fenchurch-avenne, London, E.C. Fur Freight or Passage apply the latter firm, or to the West-end agents, Grindlay and 55.
S.W PLEASURE CRUISES to the LAND the aul-NIGHT SUN. hy the ORIENT COMPANY'S Steamships CiIIMBORAZO, 3,317 tons and GARONNE. 3,376 tons register. LEAVING LONDON luth June, for 27 days. 1 231 July, for 27 days.
1st July, for 27 davs. I 5th August, for 23 days. Calling at Leith two days later. The steamers will be navigated through the Inner Lead," inside tha Fringe of Islands iff the Coast of Norway, thus securing smooth water, and on the first three trips the North Cape will be reached while the sun is above the horizon at midnight. The Chimborazo and Garonne are fitted with electric light, electric bells, hot and cold baths, Managers F.
GREEN and 13. Fenchurch-avenne ANDERSON. ANDERSON, and 5, Feuehurvh-avenue. London, E.C. For passage apply to the latter firm, or to West-end agents, Grindlay and 5, Parliani-it-stieei- NEW ZEALAND, TAS.tlAJtiA.
NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS to New Zealand LEAVE LONDON (Albert Dock) EVERY FOURTH THURSDAY (Plvmouth two ilays Liter). landing Passengers en route for TenerilTe, Capetown, and at Hobart. for Tasmania and Australia. Through bookings. Next departures June 25.
RIMUTAK A .4,473 tons. Wellington and Ports. July 23. RUAPl-'HU tons. and Ports.
Aug. 20, 4.474 tons Wellington and Ports. Sheltered promenade deck, second saloon on upper deck, cabins amidships, perfect ventilation, electric light, lilvral cuisine. Cheap Single and Return Tickets. Passengers outwards may break their journey ar.
Capetown or Hobart, homewards at Rio de Janeiro Tetientle. Apply to liny. Dawes, and 4, Pall-mall East. S. to the Company.
l.K ZEALAND, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA, OsUitqg at Tenei-iffe, Capetown, and at Hobart, to land passengers 'or Tasmania and Australia (through bookingsl. SHAW, SAVILL. and ALBION COMPANY ( DESPATCH their magnificent modern full-powered Royal Mail Steamers from London (Royal Aibert Dock) to New Zealand every four weeks. Passengers conveyed the Cape at numerate fare. The next departures are July 9 IONIir Capt.
W. Kidley. RN.R. Aug. 6 TA1NUI ..5.051 tons Cant.
E. J. Evans. From Plymouth two days later. By this route the intense heat of the Red Ses is avoided.
Reduced fares. superior second saloon accommodation at specially low rates. Cheap return tickets. Apply to the Company's offices, 34, Leadenhall-street. E.C: or 51, Pall-mall.
London. MARGATE, RAMS' ATE. DEAL, and DoVEK, from LONDON-BRIDGE WHARF, at 10.30 EVERY TUESDAY. THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, calling at Blackwall Tilbury Piers. Fares Margate or Ramsg-ite, 5s.
and children fid. Deal or Dover, 7s. return. 12 oa The Daily Service (Sun-! excepted) will commence Jump 27. HAMBURG, via Harwich.
Exnrew Route. EVERY TUESDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, from Liverpool- Street Station, at 8 p.l 2 Ills. 3d. or 18s. 3d.
Fares, 1 173. 6d. or 1 5s. 9d- Return, BORDEAUX. Every Friday.
Saloon, 2 fore cabin, 1 15s. Keturn, tl ami OSTEND. Every Wednesday. Fares, 10s. and 7s.
Cd. Return, 15s. and lis. 3d EDINBURGH Every Wednesday and Saturday. Fares Saloon, fore cabin.
16s. Return, 34s. and 24s. fid. HULL.
Every Saturday. Fares Saloon, 10a. fore cabin, 7s. Return, 15s. and lis.
Apply to the G.S.N. Great Tower-street, E.C: or 14, Waterloo-place. S.W. BORDEAUX. The GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY GIVE NOTICE.
That THIS WEEK'S DEPARTURE from LONDON is on SATURDAY, 20th at a.m. THE CONTINENT via DOVER aud USi'hNU bv the FAST MAIL STEAMERS of the BELGIAN GOVERN MENT. The quickest and most convenient passenger route for oermany, hwirzerlanrt, anu Italy. From London at 10.0 a.m., 5.30 p.m., 8.15 p.m. Dover 12.0 noon.
7.30 p.m., 10.15 p.m. The splendid new steamers Princess Josephine. Princess Henriette, Flandre. Villi de Douvres. and Prince Albert leave Dover DAILY.
12.0 noon and 7.. a) p.m. For tiekets, time-books, and information apply at the Belgian Mail Packet Office. 53, Gracechurch-street. E.C.
TNMAN LINE, The INMAN and INTERNATIONAL CO. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK. EVERY WEDNESDAY, via Queeiistown. viiy oi nii-ago it i.av iuik Apnly to KieharuSOci.
Spence. and Liverpool K. H. Uraefe. 9, I Rue Scribe.
Paris Fives and Allen. 'J9. Cannon-street, and 99. Leaden hall-street and at Company's office, 3, co*ckspur-street, London. OYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY, Under contract for her Maiestv's Mails.
Regular WEEKLY DEPARTURES from Southampton to West Indies. Panama, Spanish Main, Pacific. Brazil, and River Plate. Return, tourist, and family tickets issued. Apply at the Company's offices, IS, Moorgate-street, E.C.
or 29, S.W. SEA VOYAGES for HEALTH or PLEASURE hy the ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY'S STEAM ERS. fr three to 12 months. Return Tickets We-st Indies. 40 15: River Plate.
2 lOi. Lis Palmas (Canarv Islamist, Venezuela, Spanish Main, and Isthmus of Panama comprised in itineraries. Apply at the Company offices, 13, Moorgate-street, E.C: or 29, co*ckspur-street. S.W. VAOHTING CRUISE to the LAND of the MIDNIGHT SUN and the NORWEGIAN FJORDS.
The Steam Yacht CEVLON. 2.20) tons register, LEAVES TILBURY on 30th JUNE for a 25 Days' Pleasure Cruise, exploring five of the principal fjords the West Coast, visiting Bergen. Molile, Trondhjem. Tromsoc. and other places of interest, and finally roundiug the North Cape to view the Midnight Sun.
This will be followed, on the 28th July, by a 16 Davs' Pleasure Cruise to the Fjords of Norway, and by another of 30 Days, on 18th August, to the Baltic, including the Russian and Scandinavian capitals. Apply for further particulars to Manager. Steam Yacht Ceylon offices, 27, Regeit-street, Piccadilly-circus. S.W CHAPLAIN- ST. GEORGES HOSPITAL, Hyde-park-corner, S.W.
A VACANCY having occurred in the above office. Candidates are requested to send their applications, written on forms to be obtained from the Secretary, accompanied by copies of not more than three testimorials of recent date, to the Secretary of the Hospital, not later than the 30th June. Candidates must be in full orders in the Church of England, within the ages of 28 and 40 years, unmarried, or widowers without encumbrance. The stipend is 210 a year, with board and residence in the Hospital. The Chaplain is elected for tie years, but is eligible for re-election.
Copies of the laws and regulations of the Chaplain, and the form of application may be had from the Secretary. The appointment is in the hands of a committee, and candidates canvassing any member of the committee will be deemed ineligible for election. Candidates are requested to state in their application how soon they could undertake the duties of the office if elected. line 10, 1891. C.
TODD. Secretary. A RMY CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Giosvenor-road, London. S.W. ASSISTANT INSPECTOR of Army Cloths, Serges, and Made-up Clothing.
Applications (in writing) for this appointment will he received by the Director of Clothing, on or before the 30th June, 1891. from duly qualified persons, whose age does not exceed 40 years. The salary is fixed at 300 per annum, with superannuation under the provisions of Acts 22 Vic, cap. 26 and 50 and 51 Vic, cap. 67.
Candidates will be required to show that they are in every way properly qualified to perform the duties of this appointment, and the selected candidate will also be subjected to an educational examination by the Civil Service Commissioners. GEORGE D. RAMSAY. Director of Clothing. Army Clothing Department.
5th June. 1891. AUSTRALIA. An OPPORTUNITY is OFFERED to a Gentleman's Son to RESIDE with a Squatter owning a fine cattle and horse station in the healthiest part of New South Wales: comfortable home, and every prospect of steady employment a moderate premium required first year a most desirable opening for a young gentleman fond of country life highest references. Apply Scott and Jackson, Sand 6, Palace-chambers, Bridge-street, AVestmiu-ster.
S.W. TO PARENTS and GUARDIANS. Desirable OPPORr TDN1TY of PLACING TWO or THREE YOUTHS for LEARNING PRACTICAL FARMING on good Farm in healthy and rising part of America under the immediate supervision of resident farmer and bank president, whose brother, a vicar near London, will be happy to give any information and take charge of any going out in August. Address "Vicar," 5,344. 17.
Wellington-street, Strand MARLBOROUGH f6N7SIS.fAOT3lXtlWNT WANTED, an Assistant to the Matron of the Workhouse single woman or widow, age 30 to 40 the duties comprise nursing and cooking, ai.d the elected person to enter on duties immediately copies of recent testimonials to be sent not later than the 19th salary 20, all found E. LI. Gwillim. clerk. TV-VLMISTRY.
Madame DE LA TOURS whr, ha M. studied under Eastern evperts the science of intemret- ing the lines of the hand DELINEATES CH IP. 11 tTPl? niir rom eleven till five. At Homes. Garden Parties, and Bazaars AMenued in private costume only.
13, Old Cavendish-street. Caven- "OALMISTRY. Miss EDITH C.GRIFFITH, Delineator ML of Character, RECEIVES Ladies and Gentlemen DAILY, from twelve to tour clock: fee half a cuinea. 40. Wevnmiith.sti-eer.
Cavendish-square. At Homes, attended. Appointments I should be made. THE TABLE. HANDWRITING.
Your Character Told from Handwriting, free of charge, by one of the leading Professor of the day. See the Table." published every Friday, price One Penny, of all newsagents and Walls: post free. ljd. The Table Newspaper Company 2, Newcaatle-street, Strand, W.C. JALMISTRY.
Misa CARRINGTON HOPE, the a. Celebrated Palmist, havinc lnnir studied the science TtRrKIVS-ft DAILV eleven to five; fee 5s. written delineations from nhoto- I graphs anil drawings. 10s. lessons arranged.
At Homes attended, 'ii rmiia in cosrume. cascnourne terrace. Hyile-parlc. W. OD8IGUKS' A S.
aii.hs. Litwr. ana appkesh dies Engraved as Gems, from Origiual and Artistic Designs. PAPER and ENVELOPES. Illuminated by hand in Gr.ld.
Silver. Bronze, and Colours. Best Relief Stamping. Is. per 100.
ALL the NEW and KASHIi iN ABLE NOTE PAPERS, A I AKl) PliATE Flrcantly Engraved III) Snpeipnf aids printed for 4s. 64. BALL PROGRAMMES. MENU t'ARDS. GVkST CAkHS.
Many peoide have old Jewellery and Silver which is nut of date, useless, and actually an encumbrance, Irll rnlllrl Urn r.lirnjt.l inln I -V, n.M 3 at jeweller snd silvetsmith. 183, Sloane-strest. London. 3.W.. ui usvmat- I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 "'c'raiif scnerers aoes nt E.C.
R. G. SALMOXD. Secretary. ROSVENOR HOSI'ITAL for WOMEN and CHILDREN, Vincent square, S.W.
COMMITTEE h-fl to RETtRN their Sincere THANKS to TRUSTEES or SMITH CHARITY for a DONATION of jSIOO the General Fluid of the Hospital. F. C. HOWARD, Secretary. is Earnestly SOLICITED for sending poor Women and Children of the parish of St Mary, Plaistow the parish of the district, originally known as "London over the to St.
Mary's Holiday Home at Southend-on-Sea. This is the largest and poorest parishes in all East London. For 10s. a ailing child frmn our day nursery, whose only chance of recovery air, can be kept at the sea for a fortnight. There are three homes in the parish a Maternity Charity, a Creche, and a Nursins Club for nursing the poor Night and Day at their own under Sisters Katherine and Maud, who are trained and nurses, assisted by a staff of 20 ladies.
Cheques for of home or purchase fund to be made payable to the Rev. T. Given-Wilson, Vicar of Plaistow, and crossed Prescott and Co. in COUNTRY. For every shilling sent, a day in Epning Forest with substantial meal, can be given to a poor London child.
Many little intluenra convalescents waiting to go. of Warwick-Anon. and "Bramshott" warmly thanked. gift, ereat or small, will he promptly acknowledged by Rev. J.
ATKINSON (22 years Latimer Church, Cawley-road, London, Balance-sheet by chartered accountant CHANGE in the COUNTRY or SEASIDE for the wan and weary. Miss FAITHFULL, The Institute, 136. Regent-street, PLEADS for FUNDS for the above, and CLOTHING, for necessitous gentlewomen and families. T. 1.
the BENEVOLENT. Will anyone HELP a LADY who is destitute and friendless, and through long-continued in the deepest distress? The smallest relief would he acknowledged by "Omega," 64, Nunhead-lane, Nunhead, the WEALTHY. A Widow Lady, aged 70. in bad health, APPEALS for HELP to save a- small home from being up. Her sad case is known to the clergy and others to whom will be given.
Address Hope," 28, Westbourne-terrace MARY HANNAH WEIR, Deceased. Pursuant to the Statute 22d and 23d Vic, cap 35, intituled An Further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trustees," IS HEREBY GIVEN. That All CREDITORS and Other having anvCLAIMS or DEMANDS against the ESTATE MARY HANNAH WEIR, formerly of Pilhmn Rectory, in the of Lincoln, but late of 128. Kensington-park-road, Middlesex, (who died on the 6th day of May, 1891, and whose W'ill was in the Principal Keeistry of the Probate Division of her High Court of Justice, on the 27th day of May, 1891, by Hilton, of 24, Lansdowne-crescent, Notting-hill. Middlesex, Frank Milner Russell, of 4.
Bedford-row, Middlesex Esquire, the therein named), are hereby reouired to SEND the PAR TICULARS, in riting, of their Claims and Demands to the under- i the 8 iliHtors for the said Executors, on or before the 14th day I 1891. after which date the said Executors will proceed to Dis- I the Assets of the said Deceased amongst the persons entitled having regard only to the Claims and Demands of which shall then hai had notice and they will not be liable for the of the said Deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any or persons of whose Cla-ms or Demands they shall not then na.i notice. uaten iay ot May, liwi. COLLYEU 4. London, SoUcitors for the said Executors.
ACCARAT. Mr. HENRY SLATER, of Slater' Detective Association, of 27. Basinghall-street. City, is re- to supply Male and Female Assistants, with Monte Carlo to ascertain if play is properly conducted.
A Tl 1 i 1 nrn.r;n rwws Jt student successfully for examinations would be clad to hear of APPOINTMENT for the Summer Vacation as CHAPERON references and testimonials. Address 40, Queen's-suuare, YOUNG WIDOW LADY, highly accomplished and of prepossessing appearance, having recentlv given up her own establishment, wishes a POST as LADY-HOUSEKEEPER to superintend the home of a Gentleman of position highest references Write Mirabelle, May s. 1C2. Piccadilly. W.
PARTNERSHIP (services optional). A Sporting Gentleman, having large connection, travelling to all parts of country, wishes to meet with another who could find few hundreds extend most lucrative business and share profits; splendid income; with capital, small fortune; undeniable reference. Write Bookmaker' May's. 162, Piccadilly. JAMES YEITCH and SONS.
THE ROYAL EXOTIC NURSERY, 544, King's-road, Chelsea, 8.W. following PLANTS are NOW IN BLOOM: ORCHIDS CATTLEYAS, LflT.TAF, ODONTOGLOSSUMS. NTHURIUMS, now in great perfection. LOXINIAS in gieat variety. DOSES, AZALEAS, LILIES, and Miscellaneous Flo wen.
NURSERY is OPEN to VISITORS DAILY (Sundays excepted), from 9 a. m. to 6 p.m., on presentation of cards. JAMES VEITOH snd SONS, THE ROYAL EXOTIC NURSERY. 544, King's-road.
Chelsea. S.W. TklAMOND ORNAMENTS at JJERCHANTS' CASH PRICES. LARGEST and CHOICEST Necklaces, Tiaras, STOCK of Stars. Bracelets.
Brooches, Rings, tc. the finest quality, mounted in novel and exclusive designs, by the GOLDSMITHS' COMPANY, 112, REGENT-STREET, and direct to the pu'ilic at Merchants' Cash Prices, thus saving purchasers all intermediate profits. Purchasers may select unmounted gems, and have them mounted to special designs in the Goldsmiths' Company's own workshop. All articles marked in plain figure8it fixed rash nriccs. Awarded Nine Gold Medals and the Cross the Legion of Honour, the highest distinction conferred upon any in the world, for the excellence of their manufactures.
DIAMOND ORNAMENTS at Merchantg' Cash Prices. OLDSMITHS' COMPANY, OLDSMITHS' COMPANY, 112, REGENT-STREET, W. (opposite Vigo-rtreet). MOURNING. In reply to many inquiries, we RECOMMEND the MAISON JAY.
vmiiiinueu, iiiukcs miiumiun a Ax o. speciality, and is excelled by no other house in London I or Paris for the beautv of the work, the quaUty of the materials, or tee siyie oi manutacture. REGENT-STREET. LONDON. W.
A A and SNELOROVE. As usual during the Summer Months. MARSHALL and SNELCROVE are OFFERING their STOCK of Sealskin PALETOTS and Fur-lined MANTLES at a considerable reduction price. The Stock is large and well assorted, and csjiecially worthy the notice of intending purchasers, as the price of ail furs is steadily increasing. Inspection respectfully solicited.
a MARSHALL and SNELGROVE, VERE STREET and OXFORD-STREET. W. "VfOTICE. ALFRED WEBB MILES and SHOW ROOMS are Replete with a Large Assortment of SUMMER OVERCOATS, in every fashionable material, in all and textures. A.
W. M. and Co. wish to draw special attention the Shetland overcoats, laceu witn silk, at 2gs which are the lcn tn Travelling ITlaters. with' (Viwi mi! fbuS made from pure Scotch Himespuns and Tweeds, which have attained a world wide celebrity.
Waterproof Venetian Covert Coats. Inverness Capes, Dress Dinner Jackets in great variety for immediate use. 12, 10. and 8, Brook-street, Hanover-square. OBB and SON.
1 and 2. Baker-street, Invite Gentlemen who do not require credit and eannot a perfect fit at a moderate price to visit their establishment. Elastic or Vicuna Cloth DRESS SUITS, with silk roll cellar, lined with silk. fiv guineas. Black Vicuna or Diagonal Cloth FROCK COAT, with silk breast facings, four euineas.
MORNING of ditto, three guineas. ANGOLA TROUSERS in all the newest patterns, one cuinea, SERVANTS' LIVERIES Prices upon application. Established 'over 50 Years. 1 and 2, BAKER-STREET. Portman-sqnare.
SERVANTS' LIVERIES. LMPSON and SON'S NEW PREMISES are NOW COMPLETE, including Workshops on Modern Sanitary Principles. only house that give all thir attention to servants' outfitting. Estimates on application. Country gentlemen waited upon.
ALDFORD HOUSE, 63. South Audley-street. JEWELS AND PLATE. EORGE EDWARD (late of Poultry, E.C, and Buchanan-street. Glasgow).
only House that makes a speciality of BEST QUALITY at fan-prices in all Departments. Diamonds. Jewellery, and Silver Plate. Estimates on apnlication. ONLY ADDRESS- PICCADILLY.
W. (comer of Albemarle-strect). STARTLING REVELATIONS: rpHE rpHE rpHE DWARF. Look in the "Dwarf." published to-morrow, for Sir William Gordon-Oummirg's fac-simile Letter, written on the TjTvr 4 Jp morning of his marriage to the Editor of the Further extraordinary revelations. Price 2d.
Publishing offices, 12, Crane-eourt, Fleet-street, Iyondon, C. To DnAKF, be had at all Smith's bookstalls and news- agents. GARDEN HOSE, Retail at Manufacturer Prices. BRITANNIA INDIA RUBBER COMPANY, Actual Manufacturers of INDIA RUBBER ARTICLES of Everv Description. Retail Entrance.
32. Cannon-sTt. 5. Queen Victoria-street, E.C. GARDEN INDIA RUI1BER TUBING, CARRIAGE MATS of Every Kind.
FISHING and YACHTING BOOTS. TENNIS SHOES, BRITANNIA INDIA RUBBER COMPANY. Retail Entrances: Cannon-street, and S6. Queen Victoria-street (Closed Saturdays). RE PARRISHS CHEMICAL FOODT Edward Parrish.
by contract, transferred the manufacture of his Svrup to and Sons, her Majesty's Chemists. The PUBJL.IC are CAUTIONED that Inferior IMITATIONS (differing in composition) are sold as Parrish 's. statement from time to time appears to the effect that another has obtained a Cold Medal for Parrish 's Chemical Food, in competition with the principal manufacturers, English and American," inrluding. by inference, ourselves. prevent any possible misunderstanding, we wish to state that no of any kind has ever tieen obtained in any Exhibition whatever in conietition with the Food of our manufacture.
To imposition demand SQUIRE'S CHEMICAL FOOD. Of all ageuts, or free per parcel post. 3. ci, SQUIRE and SONS. April.
1831; 413, oxford-street. London. W. CIGARS, de CARVAJAL OS CABANAS CA. Direct from the well-known Cabanas Factory, Havana.
None genuine without the Mouopole Label on each box (Spanish national colours). Of all Dealers. wholesale Depot, 5. Water-lane. E.C.
FECIAL, NOTICE. We recommend Cigarette Smokers to trv the New vivivniRRR an- manufactured from the finest Turkish tobacco imported, and exceedingly mild and aromatic Price 6s per 100, large size. to SPILLER and CO Importers, US aud 120, Chariugross-roud Loudon. HEUMATISM. GOUT, and all kindred complaints.
POSItiVelyCURED in a few daVK. nn mutter linir lone Ktan.linf uric ncid, which is the cause, uken right out of the system purely vegetable cannot do harm -Sufferers call or write immediately for particulars and testimonials, Mr. C. Montagus, Rheumatic Specialist, 1 Bed Lioo-sauars, Bloomsbury, W.G. MISS TJL Seats ROYAL XV And Dors tickets, nzi 1T ST.
the of Mrs. Warwick. Eleanor Miss Mr. Righton, and Upton, Ganz, ncting Hall. MR.
Madame Isidore half Wilhelm 1 March" Basil Mayer. three, usual IEO on and when the Town R. Surrey T' TY le Strand. singles, Mrs Mr. This Cheap (St.