The St. Louis Star and Times from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


ETC. FOR INVESTIGATION i BO'TER. MAEJORIE On Sunday. Feb- ruary 6, 1S3I, at 9 15 a. cesr daughter 1 of Lee and Sterk Hur.ier, sister of Mrs.

Irene Kramer. Helen Virginia, Evelyn and Lee. and Joseph Hur.ier. Funeral frora MCLAUGHLIN CHAPEL, 2301 Lafaveue avenue, Tuesday, February 10. at 2 p.

to Valhalla Mausoleum. SCHUMACHER The St. Louis Star's Directory oj Practical Schools NATURAL BRIDGE, rv rrrrn Asphalt Shingle Seconds 2 75 Call the Tradespeople Named Below for Dependable Work About Your Home or Garaee JOSTEAND. MAT Entered Into rest I JOSTEAND. MAT Entered Into rest STROOT CARROLL OF ST.

LOUIS FORCE Su.ncav, si a 3 a. rr. ha beloved cf Eert A. Jostrand. dear f) ir.e.j,fT of Mary Louse, Robert, Fran.

Ben I Jr and Mr Sumner. I 1 Funeral from CC LLTN AN EROS FT7- I SERVIES OFFERED AlTOREP AIRING Ask for Information o.aie cunacea Hon Kocimg i-a Smooth Surfaced Roofing. Sec, 65c and up. Houe $1 75 gal. A Complete Line at Reasonable Prices.

ST. LOUIS ASPHALT COMPANY The Roofine and Paint Supply House OR and 6SS9. 5626 Chouteau. Vara. Tuesday.

February If, at 8 30 a. 1 -Q- i raw Church. Interment In Cal- Sent by District Administrator Following Charges Made by 2623 CHEROKEE. PR OSPECT 0218. varv Cemetery.

Lieceafed ftas a member oi Ctildren IT' I rt WELDING MONEY? LOANS $300 AND LESS WITHIN 24 HOURS WITH ENDORSERS and WITHOUT ENDORSERS NO FEES NO DEDUCTIONS You Get Full Amount of Loan ABSOLUTE PRIVACY $5 per month, plus Interest of Stt en unpaid balance only, repays $100 loan. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Cor. 7th and Locust Sts. 9th Fl.

Ambassador Phone OAr. 0340-4567 818 Olive St. 3rd Floor Paul Brown Bldg. Phone CHestnut 4884 WELLSTON 8200 Easton Ave. Second Floor SHEET METAL DEATHS Mary cf Visi af.on Convent.

KORNFELD, ROSE On Monday. Feb- I 8, 1S31. beloved caughter ct Ears- uei and Ida Kornfeld and dear Sister ot Federal brand Jury. John B. Madden, assistant admin of the Ninth District Pro F.

J. MOR.N SHEET METAL A.NO I KNACK WORKS 10 10th St CHestnut 6S90 A Distinctive Business and secretarial Training Gregg and Pitman Shorthand Stenoti-py Accounting Machine Bookkeeping Ediphone Type- AUTO REPAIR Batterv jervicel broten glass replaced. ACME OARAGE AUTO REPAIR. 262 5 S. Broadway Ros 8 667.

AUTO REPAIRING Ceneriii: exoert er-ive ROEDER ALTO REPAIR. 3633 S. Broadway PRospec! 12f9. EXPERT auto repairing, overhauling, towl. tng; 24-hour service BLOCK FRONT OARAGE.

I2Q9 Victor 4245J RED ROSE GARAGE Polishing Washing Expert Repair inar. 1233 South Seventh. GA field 8558. THE BOULEVARD GARAGE TIRS 43 5 S. K.nghishway. 0191. Wnat It Means to You jl Is the title of that Interesting 32- jj page book of facts on America's eighth ji largest Industry. MAIL COUPON NOW lor your free copy. STOVE REPAIRS B.ncbe Korrfeld. Fur.fral Irom BEHGER CHAPEL.

4T15 McPr.erscn avenue. Tues.aay, February 10, 2 rn. American School ot Welding. Inc 3031-33 Locust St. Louis, Mo.


Convenient ii Day and Evening. BROWN'S Locations Ckll CEntral 2293 SCHOOLS 5858 S328 S. Jefferson TUCK POINTING Street City Largest School of Its Kind nation Enforcement Bureau, which! includes St. Louis, arrived hre to- i day to investigate the personnel of 1 the St.

Louis division and to confer' with al. governmental departments! -which have had contact with the prohibition agents and department. Madden arrival follows the 1 criticism made by the last! tederal grand jury of the prohibi- i tion unit here. The jury stated the agents did not get at the large -sources of liquor and only presented II 813 Olive. 'I 3522 Hebert 253.

DISCOUNT this month; tuck polnt- te Bark Bldg. Phone Mulberry 0170 meather proofing basem*nts and ils; staining. best materials used. I VI S2T6 LOY, LINCOLN K. On Saturday.

February 7, liii. at 7 4j p. beioved husoand oi El.zabe'h Uv (nee dear lamer of Mrs. W. D.

Nichois. Sheridan Knight Lov and Mrs. K. P. Spencer, our cear grandlather.

brother, brother-in-lax and uncie. in his 69th year. Funeral from WACKER EELDERLE CHAPEL. 362 Gravois aven'ie. T-jescay.

Fearu ry 10, at 2 p. to Cemetery. Uectased was a member of Meridian Locge No. 2. A.

and A. and Corap-ton HiU Council No. 555, Royal Arcanum. MELETin, FRANCES ANN nee Tetley) Of 308 Clara avenue, entered Into rest on Saturday. February 7.

1531, et 10:50 Phone 8693 EXFERT Washing Polishing Simonizinsr Greasing JEFFERSON AUTO SERVICE 3347 S. JEFFERSON WALLPAPER PAINTING BUSINESS CONDITIONS WILD IMPROVE While you are waiting for a position, why not prepare to hold arbetter one? Day lid Eimin Cltuet $100 TO $300 I At SS Per Month. No outside signers or endortaers; deduction! or fines 20 months to re- pay; pay only tor time you keep money. A BETTER JOB OF PAPERHANOINO and painting for less money; can do work at once CO lfax 2651. 4119 Newstead.


William I -r- 1 1 Meletio. dear daughter of William R. and UllSineSS OCllOOl Al PAPERINO. palntine: bargain; paper wholesale HINTZLNGER, 3963 Delmar. FPankiin 8931 ALL rooms cleaned.

ITi paper hanging, painting and paint washing; reasonable. OArfield6510. EXPERT paperhaniring: S5 per room, up. CO lfax 3549W. 3720 Glasgow.

Jessie Tetiev nee Wilcox), dear sis ster ci BEAUTY SHOPS 4333 Delmar Boulevard. shampooing, NE 16G9 BEAUTY WORK All marcelling, finger saving 34C9 S. Grand Boulevard. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE co*kn TTON FX-i-'R OFFICES SC8 COMMERCIAL BCTLDINO) 214 6th. corner Olive.

CHesi. 6934. 620 N. ORAND. SECOND FLOOR.

Opposite Fox Theatre JEff 8577. 834 GRAND BOULEVARD 223 Missouri Theatre Bldg JK1I. 6300. 705 OUVK STREET. CARPENTERS BUILDERS GIVE US A TRIAL and save money.

W. Meyer Dec. LA clede 0824. 3168 California. SAINT LOUIS SCHOOL.

OF EXPRESSION AND DRAMATIC DE Imar 5500. Hill Building. CA bany 0384.1 Maryland at Euclid Ave. CARPENTER New or remodeling; plastering! weather VL 3985R.

JOB3ING or repair work of any kind, by Job or hour; low price. Call HI land 7064. LAL'TZ. V. A tson 8852.

Shorthand 3Q Days COMPLETE BUSrSTliS TRAXNINO Entirely Individual Instruction Guaranteed. Day and Evening. Placement Service. DICKINSON SECRETARIAL. SCHOOL Suite 321, Victoria Bldg.

CEntral 8645. Eighth and Locust Sts. a mass of cases of no importance. It also criticized Agents Carol Byrd and Merritt Padfieid, both transferred recently. George H.

Wark, prohibition director of this district sent Madden to make the investigation. Mrs. Ford W. Thompson, state chairman of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform, denied today that she evaded service to appear before the federal grand jury and testify concerning graft charges against a prohibition agent. She said that she would have gladly testified.

In its report, the jury said that it had subpenacd persons who had written it concerning certain matters, but that these persons had evaded service. Room SOS. third floor. CEntral 7S31. i Loans Made In Near-by Towns.



BEAUTY CULTURE taught: free eataog: special terms Talbot School of Beauty Culture. 1219 North Taylor. LOANS up to $5,000 SITUATION' WANTED FEMALE EOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COAL, co*kE AND WOOD At Attractive Rmmm i llilaairf CASHIER Sit. or food checker; best of references. DElmar 4293.

COLORED WOMAN Sit. wants day work; t.ny kind: references. JS fferson 6679. CONCRETE AND CEMENT WORK CONCRETE Ail kinds; window sills, steps, floors, pits, porches, patch plastering. ing JEfferson 2802.

IontrXctor sand builder WINTO-N BARKER. jfC. GENERAL CONTRACTOR. NO JOB TOO MALL 1008 TAMM AVE ST ERLING 0325 GUARANTEED COAL PAINTING, paper hanging, interior and exterior decorating: first-class work. Fre.i Sturgess, 1631 Texas 5004W PAPERHANGING and paintTrTg gTTeVsorn.

able NE. 15C7. PAPERHANGING. painting. plasteringand tuck pointing.

Call VI ctor 3812R. 3454 DeKalb. PAPER-HANGINQ Clegnlne. painting; lst-class work. OLSEN.

2336 8. 18th. V'Ict or21 31 PAPER HANGING, painting and home decorating WILLIAMS, 1554 Mississippi ave. Victor 4163J PAPERING, painting and cleaning: first class work; price reasonable. Riverside 0752 VV.

Burns to white ash amount: call any time. lump. 14.75: any MU iberry 6458 COLfAIOl'J Refined w.dow bered; willing to leave city; Industrial Loan CoJ ti cumriTwr rrusT KO NJOLA MADE AFF, J. Orurtr. lili ay Park.

AKRK.O, Or.ofrio, 1211 N. it -61 Arthur, Maple-wood. BUhR. Louis. 1909 S.

Eleventh. Rt M)LK, rd 4'1 Gib-on. Bl.NOi.iT, Clemence Christ, Westminster pi. BfcRDEALX. George, 4140 Shaw.

BuHUfcN, Anni. 7M1S Pen-sylvania. HOHI.Fi. Magdaiena. BOVI.E.

Bobert Lee. 42t Norfolk. tlKAIlY, Matilda, 5f KKI Antoinette, tiilA Linton. CARE. Minerva L.

CAS1ILE. l.mtl nt. CAIK. Nora, 74irt Wise. HI HILL.

John 1., VIA Easton. DAMf.LS, John 11. I IS. Caroline L. IAVIS, Hmer 6f7 Fasten.

DAWKS, George 2uU N. Eleventh. DEATH! KAGE, Aujust Hilltide, Webir Orovff, Mo. DI1KK1B. Mar 4I1B Reacbwood.

Ij" KhlAfi, Leota. 44I0A HoIIt. DILLO-N. Maurice. 2tfi Fra.rie.

DOLL, Sophia Meramee. DOHSty, frank. Gnria Thornton. IbHAEnS, Thomas D. FSTES.

Matilda Beard. lOKI lf Mary E-, 130 Ashland. GOLD, Lillian. GERAU, Veronica. GLASS, Caroline.

GOOD A I.E. Roxa A. Gl I I.K1K, Robert SS21 Texaa. HARr.CK, Fred. Wi't N.

Twenty-second. 1-AFSSELS, Peter. Ballin. Mo. IIAYFS.

James Tarlor, 515 Maple. Kodoipb, SiZ'J Julian. IIOriN, Marr. I1LNTFR. Marjorie.


IMrolrt 6330 Spencer pi. JOSliJAND. May. KERR. Frank.

KLLEV. Katherlne Marie, 4223 Natural Bridee ve. KITCHEN. Kenneth. KORNrEI.D, Rose.

Catherine, I9 Ann. KRFKS. Otto, 2620 Alhambra Conrt. KROENEKE. Anna, 511S Lexington.

LOV. Lincoln K. Flizabeth. MARSDEN. Fvelrn Louise, Phoenix, Arlm.

MFI.KT'O, Frances Ann. 3 Clara. MITCHFI.L. Tom f-44 Bartmer. MOT.C.A.

Mary Salisbury. MURRAY, Edward 5Il N. Klnrt-hirhwaT. MrRPHT, George James. AC Y.

Michael 49 Baker, Webster Groves. Mo. NTrff. Julia. NELOMR.

Fannlo. OB MTSKY, Sam, SW9 Cote Brllllante. (I'KrET, 4514 Chouteau. P1I.MFR, Ethel. PARKER.

John C. 1 Trnp st. PIERSON, Nancy Ionise. Dallas. Te.

PIN'fil Anna. 401O Northland. (M INN. John 2332 Howard. Itnuy.

s-rah. PNK Ratrer. ROFSZITR, Theresa. 4011 N. 2Sd st.

ROTHWEILFJl, Georfe 4141 Pennsylvania. Frank C. BALE, Hulda C. 3R41 Potomae. RIVf IN, Mathilda.

SCHMITZ, Marraretha, 3fH Gaseonade. SCHO'-N. Marjarctta. 31." I Keokuk. srHKOrnm, Lawrence C.

Sfin iTZ. Itirinda. KCIICMAC1IER. Frieda, 4117 Strodt-Tnnn nl. M1HVFRK.

Frank. RIF.KERM ANN, Frederick, 4717 Ashland eonrt. SOIOVCTK. El'a. 2CI7 Shenandoah.

SPECKLING, Bernard Comer, 8f4 Park la-te. SPITTIFR. 8.130 Arlington. 8TERVP.FRGEH. RTOnr)RT.

Christine. G0M I.nrllle. STREICHER, Charles 6300 St, Lonls ave. STITKFR. Mary.

STl-MPLNHALSEN, Louisa, 0C8 N. Broadway. TIPPS. Catherine. TVH'1 L.

VONEY. George, 30.10 Loughborough, Wlf I.ERS. CarL Box 138-X. The Star. COOK good; best references: whole or hall tlaxs; day or night.

DE.mar DECORATORS 1813W. EMPIRE COAL 2V2 to 3 tons. 2 Tons One Ton Buy Nut Coal JEff. 2718-19 $4.00 $4.25 $4.50 $3.00 Awe. lslA GIRL 10 years' also nursery.

VI ctor 1723. RECORD HERE SPRING prices reasonable. All work done by us sirictly guaranteed. Large and small jobs a specialty. JOHN H.

GOEIIAM DEC. 2719 Park ave. GR and 8621. attractive, wants P. filRL 18: sit.l references.

FO. day work; good HOUSEHOLD GOODS DENTISTS GIRL s.i.; experienced in general house-work: plain Call HU. 0956J. GIRL. Or woman; colored; housework or laundry: experienced; neat.

FR. FUN1TUHB AND 25 A LAKY LOANS 24 per rent a month. Quick. eonfldeatlaU. ROYAL LOAN CO.

527 Paul Brown Bldg. CH estnut 1JS. 204 Weilston Bldg MO Iberry 1464. MONEY TO LOAN On diamonds, watches. Jewelry or anything of value.

Unredeemed pledges sold. SAM LIGHT, 704 Market. 881. ALL. KINDS of furniture, carpets, contents of flats, dwellings wanted badly; best prices.

6CHOBER, CHestnut 5394. SET OF TEETH, $10 up; gold crowns, extraction, 50c. Dr Graber. 620 Olive. 4830.

experienced; references. WAITRESS BEAUTIFUL RUG SxlO'n; almost new; 10. 8415 Rellly ave. JE fferson 3593. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ELECTRICS APPLIANCES R-asonable.

CHOUTEAU ELECTRICAL SHOP, 1403 Chouteau. GA rf eld 0593. ale. Call at 4029 FURNITURE For Washington. WOMAN colored; half days by wees; or day work.

JE fferson 4108. Rooms Tapered. and Ip. Cleaned, fl J. E.

GUTMA.NN SONS 3551 8. JEfferson. PRospect 0980 ROOMS papered, $5. includingi93ipat-tern paper: will hang for 20c a roll. Call PR os pect 8524.

Bantle Dec. Co. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALAU-rooms-civ-pered. 85: caper Included. t.Ac.

3314. HAEGELE DECOR ATINO AND PAINTING CO Wallpapering and patnt-lngOlS Grand CO lfax 8603? WALL PAPER cleanedbv experiencedmen. We clear, up, $1.00 per room. Moore's Decorating Grand 1854. 3638 Laclede.

Guaranteed Paper Hanging $4 room np: e'eaning. need work. Matt- mgly VI ctor 0596 WEATIIERTmPPING t- AUTOMOBILE LOANS New Medicine and Tonic Restored Health to St. Lou's Man "Gave Complete lief," He Says. What a pity it Is.

because other medicines and treatments fail to bring relief, sufferers hesitate to put their faith in Konjola. the medicine that tons of thousands have called the greatest medicine in the world. JEWELRY iriizaoetn. Kutn, louise. Virginia iee.

and Robert H. Te.ley of Dallas, and our dear daughter-m-law. In her 23-h year. Funeral from KRrEGSHAUSER HOME, 4223 South Kingshlghway boulevard, on Tuesday, February 10, at 2 p. m.

Interment Beliefontalne Cemetery. MORGAN. MARY K. Intt Brown) Of 2023 sireet, asleep Jesus on Friday, February 6, at 12.15 a. beloved wife of Clarence L.

Morgan, dear moiher of Mrs. Mae William E. and Clarence, and our dear moiher-in-iaw, sister, sister-in-law and In her 44th year. Funeral Monday. February 9, at 2:39 p.

from the SUEDEM.EYER CHAPEL, 3934 North Twentieth street. Interment Valhalla Cemetery. MURPHY. GEORGE JAMES On Weanesdav, January 28. 1931.

at 6 p. dear brother of Harry, William and Lu-cilii Murphy, our dear biother-in-law and Funeral from WACKER HELDERLE CHAPEL, 3634 Gravels avenue. Tuesday, Feiruarv 10, at 8 30 a. nr. to Et.

Vincent's Church. Interment National Cemetery. Jellerson Barracks. PINGEL. ANNA Of 4940 Northland avenue, entered imo ret on Saturday, February 7.

1931. at 5:40 p. dear mother of Mrs. Emma Voigtmann and Amanda PmgiH, deer sister cf the late Mrs. Mary Tav.s, dear aunt, grandmother and mother-in-law In her 82d year.

Funerul Tuesday. February 10, at 1:30 p. from CHAPEL. 19C5 Union boulevard, to St. Peter's Cemetery.

tJUINN. JOHN W. At his residence, 2332 HowarcT street, on Saturday, February 7. 1931, at 6 a. beloved husband of Josephine Quinn i nee Comerford), dear son of the lale Hugh aid Mary Quinn.

Funeral from ARTHUR J. DONNELLY'S Vi.ii.OKS. 334J Linceil boulevard, on Tuesday morning, February 10, at 7:30 o'clock, to St. Leo's Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery.

ROES-ZLER. THERESA (nee Reirhel) Of 4011' N. Twenty-third street, entered Into rest on Friday, February 6, 1331. beloved wifa of th; late Andreas Roessier, dear mother of Mrs. Theresa Schuerman, Mrs.

Julia and Ani'rew Roes-zier, and our dear mother-in-law, sister an1 aunt, in her 70fh year. Funeral Mondav, February 9. at 1:30 p. from EUEDMEYER CHAPEL, 3934 N. Twentieth street.

Interment Friedens Cemetery. RINK. PH1LTP Of 3420 Rutger street, on Saturtiay. February 7, 1931, beioved husband of Anna Rink. Funeral from PEETZ FUNERAL HOME, Lafayette avenue, at Longfellow boulevard, Tuesday, February 10, at 3 p.

m. Interment New St. Marcus Cemetery. ROTH WEILER, GEORGE E- Of 4141 Pennsylvania avenue, on Monday, February 9, at 5:30 a. beloved husband of Katherlne Rothweller (nee Pepplei.

and dear father of Florence Stolz. George and Charles E. Rothweller our dear brother, brother-in-law, father-in-law, grandfather and uncle, In his 67th year. Funeral from the SCHUMACHER FUNERAL HOME. 3013 Merameo street, Wednesday, February 11, at 2 p.

to Sunset Burial Park. A member of Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers No. 327. SCHOtN, MARGARETTA nee Koden-heoser) Of 3151 Keokuk, on Friday. February 1.

1931. at 6:30 p. widow of the late Christian Schoen and dear mother of Charles. William, Andrew. George R.

ELECTRICAL WIRING WOMAN colored; competent; housework, by week: stay oni place. JE. 6448. WOMAN S.t. do sewing of any kind; prices reasonable; by.

day; references. FR. S058. HIGHEST prices paid for old goid. broken Jewelry, diamonds.

Miller, 802', Pine st. OLD wiring a specialty Dawson. OA 7502 1120 'th n't AUTO LOANS $25 to $1000 Made tr) 9 minutes: no indorsert; do rest tape; bring title Open evenings. CJI A RA NT MOTOR COW iH6 I OCVBT. AUTO LOANS, $25 TO $1000" Mortgages paid off.

payments reduced, more money advanced Low rates Welfare Finance 1035 N. Grand HIGHEST prices paid for old gold, diamonds, bridge work and silver. We call at your home. H. MILLER.

3 NORTH BROADWAY. work or house-NE w. 2141. YO'uKG GIRIj S.t.; day work; good references. SAVE MONEY Let Williams do your elpctrical work Be satisfied or don't pay.

Forest 2338 4544 Garfield. $14 WIRES 3 rooms; old houses; new work lower Midwest Electric 3811 Hickory Phone ORand 3437W. IIELP WANTED MALE METAL WEATHER STRIPPING $1 80 4355 Evans ave DElmar 1689J per opening; work guaranteed. W. Cones.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PROMOTER For manufacturing! iome capital. 6149 Delmar. AUTO LOANS ANY AMOUNT EXPRESS HAULING MAN Settled, to take orders for moving and express: must be experienced. Call In person. 4S07 Delmar, about 6 p.

m. 13 LOCUST BT. WINDOW SHADES PARTNER WANTED HELP WANTED FEMALE NOW ls the time for window shade clean-lng. makes home more attractive "We do It right Try us. DRESS SHADE 2616 Shenandoah.

Victor 4705 BUSINESS WOMAN Wants partner, to open large bath institution downtown. FR. 9280. RENTALS HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS GUARANTEED HAULING Anything, anywhere, day or night; very reasonable SIMPSON JEfferson1 2802. Ice, Coal.

Express. Ash light Uaulini ADOLPH 6CHLFF 1642 Ohio Ave. Victor 2053 LOCAL and long distance hauling. HAYES AND FALK COAL 1730 Missouri ctor 2810VV. K'i White woman, assistant.

Apply Ellsworth Delicatessen, 109 North Ui.lC For light housework; good home; reasonable salary. -Apply 5803 Maffitt. WIRE GOODS BUS TRANSPORTATION S. WALTERS SONS. 1417 PINE BUS RAVEL BARGAINS assist with housework; $20 CA b.

8107J. 7521 Bucklng- Designs specialties and lamp shade frames. ANYTHING IN WIRE. GA rfield 1252. GIRL White; per month, ham.

FURNACES REPAIRED trtri. 338 Houseaeeping rooms; connect ing of tingle; reasonable 3730 N. 3-roora fur-nlshed apartment; 15 minutes from downtown; steam heat, laundry, phone; something better or somewhat less. vXRn6n5084 Cozy front connecting housekeeping; (team heat; Janitor service; $7 SO. housework Call PA.

assist with nice home. OIR in Refined; to exchange for 806CR. RENTALS ROOMS AND BOARD Gi.t" Housework; stay on place; be willing worker; more for home vhan wages. S512 Wells. Frequent dally schedules, eart.

west, north and south over world's greatest motor coach system at saving In travel dollars Indianapolis. 8 5 00 Kansas City, 5 00 Chicago 3.75 Tulsa 10 00 Memphis 6 00 Denver 17 50 New York 23 00 Los Angeles. 35.10 fJNION MARKET TERMINAL 6th and Morgan Tel CK 7800 PICKWICK-GREYHOUND and GREYHOUND Lines LEGAL NOTICES FIRN'ACES REPAIRED. SELIGA SHEET METAL WORKS. 6215 Gravois.

RI verslde 3851 FTJRNACES cleaned. $2: metal" "weather stripp ng $1 50 per opening; work guaranteed; repairing of a.l kinds. Conez, 4355 Evans. DElmar 1619J. FUENACE AND STOVE REPMRS 31 N.

Third. Near. Olive A. G. Brauer Supply Co.


3417 W'3'son. HI lnnd 9351. GIRL White, young: to stay on place, help with housework and children. MU 1-berry 4119. 5:7 CABANNE.

Lovely room fon 2 or splendid meals; nice home for folks board'ng. PO r. 4538. CATES. 5933--Lovely room and bba'rT.

Suitable for 2. Private batru DELMAR. 3824 Good hea and plenty to WASHINGTON, 4029 Housekeeping rooms, 85: sleeping. $2 up; garage. WHITTEMORE PL, 2329 Large house, keeping and sleeping rooms; 14 to running wster; heat.

1600 south. OKI-ROOM cottage, furnished for housekeeping; elderly lady employed; 88 month. CO lfax 4460R. TWO NICE ROOMS, complete for real housekeeping, only 67 60. EV er.

3331. Nat oral housework, assist place. Apply 746 UulL White, general with baby: stay on Kcman, first floor. WINKLER. Louisa, Vl(tn, Mo Wl-NDERLICII, Mary, 427; Bridee.

7FLL. I.llllo ZiGEL. Sarah. eat: home cooking by white lady; ween. STONE MASON CONTRACTORS BUILD- GAS PIPE CLEANERS DEATH NOTICES nOTELS AfK.

J. GEORGE Of 1112 Kingshleh-wnv Park, on Friday. Febr-ry 6. 1931. k.l And A rf K-rrrt Kf Aff Inpp Weber), dear father of Frark O.

and Sc.noen, and Mrs. Anna Oswald (nee GIRL White, over IS. willing to learn housework; good home; small family; 810 mon.h. CA. 7614VV.

GitADUAl'E NORSE Assist In operating room and floorwork. Apply Howard Hos-pltal. 446 1 Washington. OPERATORS Experienced on wash dresses only. Appiy at once.

B. Si S. Mfg. 815 N. 8th street SALESGIRLS Three experienced; salary.

Apply at once. Rosenthal Dry Goods ore. 7603 South Broadway. RI v. 3611.

STRAW SEVVER3 10 experienced only: 5 for edge to edge; steady position; week work. Frankei Bros M.llinery 1206 HAMILTON. HOTEL, 958 Hamilton 81 80 day. 87 to 814 weekly; meals optional. week 'arid up; 80o per dav.

Ill Hotel, 808 Franklin. GAS PIPES BLOWN, work guaran-teed N-holson. OA 8F9S2m 14th UTTE RINGANDS POUTING- GUTTERING, spouting, furnace repairing; reasonable, estimates cheerfully gi-n. J. SCHMIDT.

1421 U'h. Vic 1565 ROOFING. gjf.e:in?. and furnaces PAUL JACKSON. 1030 Hodia-mont CAbpny 953.

INO COMPANY Sl-OCKHOLDERS" MEET INO The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Stone Mason Contractors Building company. 2154 Bremen. St Louis. on Monday, February 9. 1931, at 8 a.

for the election of six 6 directors to serve during the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The polls will remain open from 9 a. m. to 9 m. HARRY LANOE.

Attest: President. JAS. RYAN. Secretary. St.

Louis. Jan. 26. 1931. BIDS will be received by the Board of Public Service of the City of St Louis.

H-len M. Aff. son-m-law, orotaer, schoen I and our dear mother-in-law, brother-in-law snd in his f.7A "fir 1 grandmother and aunt, ncre 81 veers. Funeral from WACKER KEiDERLEi Funeral from the SCHUMACHER 3534 Gravels avenue. Mondiy.

NERAL HO-IE, 3013 Meramee 8tre. Tues-Frbrunrv 9. at 1:30 p. to New Ftbiuarv 10, at 2 p. to New St.

St. Paul's Churchyard. i Cemetery. MR. JOHN Ll'NDAK.

riioto by Krege'a Studio. Compounded of 32 ingredients, 22 of which are the juices of medicinal roots and herbs. Konjola truly proves itself as a medicine and tonic. The ROOMS. (3 per week and up: 50c per da and up.

St. Clair Hotel. 10 N. Tenth. Fairgrounds Hotel Block West of Grand an Natural Bride A comfortable home for the day, week, month or year.

Rates from 82 dally, $11.84 weekly. $45 monthly. COlfax 7440. 3744 Room with board; 2 or also couple: noma privileges. LOUGH BOROUGH.

43 fl Room and bonrd; for 2 err.plo-ed; xeellent meals; garage. RI 893'7M; MAPLE. 5463 floor comfortable room witbboerd FO rest 508. PAGE. 5041 Room and-board: loads of good eats: $7 week.

Investigate. A YM 1 La ne south ron tf or 3 closets; good heme and meals: 17 SO. WHItTEMORE" PL.72355; meals if desired. BOARD Child ren wanted to good! hOT.r: mother's care. HTJ fl.ion 2388J.

CjflLDREN Wented to boa rdgood 'food anU care: near schools HI land 8114 GIKLSWanted-to board: 2 to 6 veRrsol Near school. PR Pt 2027. ROOM, board end laundry for ne or two men: good Giman cooking RI v. 7076J. I DE LIX) A 10 Forsvthe; private residence; for 1 or 2.

Deceased v. as x. nprioer OI noarn directors Fouth Side National Bnnk. Mrr- HARDWOOD FLOORS SrillT.TZ. l.l CTNnA February 8 1 mother si I ouis F.

Schults and 1931. Ciara I Mc- rhrr.ts" Lo No. asnlngton. W-'ior'z. and our granamother.

i w.ll be forwr.rdcd from F. and A St. ChartPr Mr Konjola Man at the Walgreen drug a IF THAT vacant flat; or Louse needs new fleers, old ones mace like new, cjil FP ar.k'.ia 4567. Estimates cheerfully given. for general no washing.

housework Apply 4i23 A St. Al-'emnr Cemmarferw m. 'B. Moolah Terr.rle. A.

A. O. N. M. WOMAN Wh'ti small family; Lilburn.

Store, 514 Washington avenue, St. I Louis, ran cite hundreds of casrs I niH Sf. I ouis lodge of Perfection No. like that cf Mr. John Lundak, C617 a.

a. s. r. HAULING C.ronrTF, Fnfererl Into F.LKDF At 'PARK MANOR HOTEL 5560 PERSHINO AVE. Overlooking Forest Park.

Rates from $8 to $20 per week. CAbany 5420. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED WOMAN-To assist with housework and I uo f'- m. on babv- cood home and 3 wee'-'lv K60 1 Te la3K Ior maintaining fbs Ogc-Vn gaved, Welfston MU. V4'7 1 'J ,0 6 gas so transmitted to light, for a period YOL-KG WOMAN For general housework; cf one ver.

Plans, specifications and will give room an! boaid and $5 per other Infbrmat'on mav obtiined at week. Louisiana. office of the D. rector of Public Utilities, OiRL Vv'nfe. for general house- Room 311.

City Hall. COAL, CINDERS. RUBBISH AND DIRT HAULED. 21C9 Eighth Alex Russel r. 7961.

A ESSK NO VAT I I LAUGKL1N PARLORS. 2301 Lafayette ave-i nue. Monday. 1 p. to Burlington.

Ia. SPETHMANN. VARY-February 8. 1931. mother cf Paul Sps'hmann.

grandmother of John Mnr' and Mane Spethrnapn. Fane-al Mondav, 1'J a. McLAUOH-; LIN PARLORS. 2301 Laf.iyette. STKRVBERfira, MATHILDA At Mi- ami Beach.

on Saturday. February 7. beloved w.fe of the late Morris I mothT of Amel Sterr-j berger. sister of Mrs.

Max Rosenthal cf D.v.ennort. Ia. i Funeral from the RINDPKOPF CHAPEL, 5213 Delranr boulevard. Tuesday, Febra- 4408 WEST FLORISSANT? St. Louis avenue, this city, where Konjola has brought amazing re-1 lief to sufferers who had become discouraged.

Here is Mr. Lundak 's statement to the Konjoia Man: "My main trouble for months was indigestion. Food caused frightful rest on Siinfav. Frbruiry 8. 1931.

at 12:30 p. husband of NeKie B'Tdeaux (nee Ga'licont. deir father cf end Ravmord Berdeaux. beloved tsn cf Charles F. snd M-nnie dear brother of and Lulu Berdeaux and Mrs.

Wm. Ynhri. Funeral from re-id'T-e. 4140 Shaw averuc. Wertresr'ay rnornine.

for and care of. children: more s. CAbanv 5415M. worK home th-'n wee? MATIRTISS RENOVATING -Opening our ni'w department tot your convenience Cphoisterine. repairing DAVIDS.

3152 Cherokee PR rTvrt 505 IIIO'VAtJ CM anr 4 full rooms: 5-room efficiency; 1st floor, heat, hot water. Janitor service, fas stove: garage optional; 0 minutes to Broadway and Ollvei reasonable rent. I MILLINERY, EXPERIENCED AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ROOMMATES WANTED ROOMMATE forworking man; board If desired; reasonable. FOret 5715J. nnA 11.

at nu to oi. MEDICAL SERVICE prtius uuuukiuui, i-i. c- ewum Cmtrrh Interment in Calvary Cemetery. See manager. 4685 Pope.

ary 10, at 2 p. to Mount Smal Ceme yTcaDdominai reiTion. 'ine gas oicaiea BYLE. KOBFRT 42i Norfol tery. i FIRST NATIONAL COMPANY Broadway and Locust.

OArfleld 3000 6 FAT STICKER. MARY (nee Bauerschmldt V. A 7 avenue, on Saturday. February 1931. at i 10 a.

c'artlnt son of Jih'n and Oer- i trude Bovle me? Lee. de-T brother cf Csie until my heart act. on was af-'iet'ted. Severe headaches for at a time and often n.ajie me ONLY We have an opening for 25 more straw sewers and trimmers on brand-new tables and machines; must be steppers who can earn bi pay; d.y workers: apply from 7:3 i to 9 a. night workers apply from I 10 n.

m. STAYIN. 1111 WASHINGTON I FLATS UNFURNISHED WEST Eii ered into rrst cn Friday. Februiry 6, 1931. at a r.i..

beloved w.fe of Roy L. Stucker. dear mother cf Erie. Aiet and Eunice Svuckir, deir sister-in-law ROOMS FURNISHED BE A CO 4 72 22 urn lsh rooms qga or 4 men.

Next to beth. Good heat. UEHlAAH. 4218 S.eepmiTar!d $4 an-1 85. JEfferson 1728.

l. 9 Mirv Fi'iahe'h Boyle, ceir co I'm, nepr.ew ard rr? ncVh'ld. fl. A. I.rji" Fur.rai frorn CHAV-N i irr-e.

Cc b- i ar.d aunt, in her year. -J '4 on F' Fm-Rl at 1 p. rrt from th MOVING AND HAULING SALESLADIES EVANS, 4984 4 Tooma, bath, furnace: $30; newiy decorated: open. COlfax 7295. FLATS UNFURNISHEP-SOUTIl" fOWA.

"33--3 re 28. RODIFK 5CO JVTctor J002S JUNIATA'; 3425A 3 rooms, "bath; Victor 002. BC1 HE HE WITH CONFIDENCE AIL CARS CARRY OCR GCARANTLE inh and Locust. CEntral Locum. NEwstead I'SLD CARS N'5 RCCKS.

NO CASH DOWN If you hsve a lob cr other income 1 can string" for you at rcwl3' terms, or appointment call MR RINEHART At HU DSON 0501 MOVING and hiulinzi letisonable date; t'-ompt servir-. EAGLE EXPRESS 2342 Victor 4285J YOUNG LADIES Fiv, pleasing personal- i ity; special worit Knights of Columbus I salarv proposition: in person ell ca. Apclv Mr. Rates.

3317 Lindeli. DELMAR, 3712 Owner; room: newly furnished: 1 or 2 men; rferemes. ILAMILTON. lllTNeat rm room, pr vate. Page car.

HAMILTON, 9jfNewly furnished rooms, southern exposure: slnijle cr double; board optlorial. CAbany 8I5i. IOWA. 36'i8 Lovely clesn. warm room for Tw beds- 4 car lines.

PR IJEVO'NSHIRE 1 or MOVING AND STORAGE FLATS UNFURNISHED NORTHWEST SALESMEN (COMMISSION up. ion? dis-G A rfield 0128 BONDED MOVING ttnee. 151 jo Df rr.i for city. LOCAL DEALER wants salesman Se Mr. Bates.

Hotel Warwick. COACHES rirls. r-jEl home in small private family. girls, real nome 2 Riverside 4S98W. EC'CMU, 4V48-50 5 rooms: strictly modern: hot-water heat; reduced rent.

NORTHLAND 5378- Five-room fflcienry7 I nuTiroom; garage; $45. EV ergreen 1821. 4 lovely, large modern roorne; conven ent ioeatlon. ruarv in. at 9 30 a.

m. Interment Calvary Cer.etery. F.Tlt)Y, M4TII.D4 At her 8028 Pm boulevard, on Sa'tirda v. Fet-ru-nrv 7. at 11 20 p.

wife of the lae BrVsr. Brady, r-nthrr of Bernard Leo C. fM-en! from ARTHUR J. DONNFI.LY PARLORS. 3815 bouKvard.

or. rrornire. Fcbruarv 10. at 8 to St. Mitlfs Church.

Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Bn snilfi. ANTOINETTF nee Kernl Of 4231 A aver.ue, in Jefia. FrtdSy. Fehrunry 8.

1931. 9 S-l a. of William Brusberg. dear ct Lvdia lo'i w. dear daus'iter of to and Lv-Ma Ktm ine K'otch'.

clear isu-r of Martha r.i"-r and in her 23d vear. Vr will'l-e in slu*te BmERWIFnFN 1335 St 11 a. in. Mi-vsv S'tv" s-rre day. 30 p.

at Si Fvancel cal Lutheran Church, thence to Ne" Bethlehem Ccme-tcrv. r.K. MINFKV. re i B'ilDERWIEDEN CHAPEL. 1336 St Louis avenue Interment in Mascoutah.

111. CATHTRINF (nee IIMiner) On Friday. February 6. beloved wife of Waiter T.rps. rear itcr cf Harr- KolTtv-r.

1 Mr. Lii Kelly. M. Drape and Mrs. i Charles Crew and our dear s.ster-ln-laT end aunt.

Funeral from PEKTZ FVNERAL HOME, I-efayette at Icnrfellow boulevard. Mon- dny. February 9, at 2 p. to Missouri Crematory. TVEKMt, JOHN into rest on Sunday.

February 8. 1j31. at 4 p. tiesr son cf trs. Frances Tiller T'rrall i the late Jchi r.

Tyirall, dear brother of Nicholas T. Tvrrall Fun'-'fl from 3THVR J. DONNELLY? PARLORS. 3SA6 I r.c., b.v!ie-.ard. Wedues-I rt.iv.

Fcbr'iarv 11. t-t 8 30 a. ra to Cht! ch. rr.cnt in National Cfr-e-y. rr.ic'is.

Mo i StRMI-On February 9. beloved w-; of Ph ho 2t-! and 1 ceor mother of Albert and Samuel Zizel. Furitra; frotn LERGER CHAPEL. 4715 i McPheron avenue. Tuesday, February 10.

terribly Weak kidneys caused backaches arrois the region of my hips. "Konjola proved a success and gave me complete relief from ail my ailment-. I am frc? from 'or Konjola has bowel tAtion. My back no longei bothers me and I fc-1 100 per cent fctioner in every possible way. My entire system lias been helped by Konjola and I shall always it." Konjoia Ls free from alcohol or harmful drui.s anyone can take it.

The Konjola Man is at the Wal-prcen drug store. 514 Washington avenue. St. Lcuis. where he is moet-ins the dily.

There is also a Konjola Man at the Waijreen dvwz store. and Missouri avenues. East St. Louis. FREE SAMPLES GIVEN BY KONJOLA MEN.

Advertisem*nt. CHRYSLER COACH 62 Pe: feet condition' 835.terms. 8628 Gravois HP dson Jfcis'. lite 1 923 rcfinlsea 'u'nd hrom plated; terms or trade Open Sunday. 2P9 N.

Orr.d. QlJiNCY, 5310 Attractive sleeping room; 2 tr rls or ccu'ile ernploved. Rf v. 79MR. f.l'r.'iElieON.

41SCA Sleeping room: south IF you are mov.r.g. I can save yru mow; Iirge, padded vans; bone'ed and insured; 1 irge or small lo's: go anywhere: low rnfc to Chicago Give rr. a call. Kortkatr.p COlfax Tin--, i r.s" mo co F.ften exrerie: re; rales 3 rooms S7. NE 0717.

SALESMEN For country club membership camce.ign. Mr. Lambert, 324 Waln-wright steady nrk- no necessary: appiv af er l.3f. Johnson Products Co 7C9 P. re.

rocm ern exposure: private porch a.l. con- FLATS UNFURNISHED veniences: w-h small private lamhy. FR ar.klin I SOL TIlYtEST PAGE.4704Fu ish room: man. latly LA 3 4 20 4ia rse rooms, steam new open STAR Coscn: late model: runs ii'-ie will sacrifice: $125: terms or Sunrtfv. 2T43 N.

Grar.d SOLICITORS 10: Imme. late.y; exper- ler.eed. Appiy 2 5TTSICAL INSTRUCTION Jex h. rea. i plenty clowts;; Jani- I COUPES nr te it tin ana (-.

SALESMEN for "reduced SHAW, 4057A Cheerful single rom gentleman rt other roorr.ers; reference. THOLOZAN. 4329 4 rooms, batr i ORand 57W. 1 KODIEK St CO VI ct tn. or 0028.

CHEVIOT. FT COCPE Earlv gcod tires: WE bter 1222M. 1 1923 CHRYSLER 72Cl05E I to OFFICES AND DESK SPACE PAINTERS 1 S3 nanttd who can qual'fy as sates- i If you a-e Interested in increasing i earnings for year 1931 and looking a greater future, we heve an opening th: ee men, with automobiles preferred. J.m BROCK. MANCHESTER.

CAN ADD THREE MEN on fur.ii:'.-. anl of DESwJ PAC2 -Several gen'lemen to shar office room: servicei of a stenog rapher. Call CHestnut 6164, Mr. Oliver. .3 Mr.

Josephine at 1 tr. yi.IL. I II I IF A. tnee Kirwln On Sun-i I dav. February 8.

1531. cf the Au- V. clear mother of Mrs. Ellen Hton. Arthur, EJrr.ur.d.

Ruth Vir- 1 Zell. and our dear daughter and A. KEco* CO. and general cor.trac'ing 83-7 Broadway RI S7C3. Res.

P.I 45E3W. OCHA deroratlng. up- Chouteau ve. OA r- of Ascer.sion. gr: Cirr N.chnls Mvtr ct Serices from Ctir and Ci'' Februar' 10 The popular 4-passenger model i; driven only 22.003 miles; finish, upholstery and tires new; trades accepted.

ea.y O. M. A. terms. SDTTTH SIDE BiTCK.

i St64 S. Grr.i Uclere 7X4. DODGE SPORT CCUPE1 2J standard like r.ew; $2- easy 5618 i Oravo.s. HU tson ISIS. TERRY.

4921 furnished; Pr on. ler.ees: gentleman. FO rst 7SIR. AUV taking sffem-beated house would like to hear frrm parties wanting rooms or bfird- pi a room for cluidrea 3S47 GR end SS23M BOOT-IS In apartment home; ger.t.emnn. CA bar.7 67jVr.

HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS BARTMEP" 5323 KitcTIene' apartfrients. 7 er.1 SIC FO ren 6 V5- experience: at 815 Ar- r.i. Interment in with collection workers. Call a. tii.

Prefer men be good cace B.i. alt' BUNGALOWS AND COTTAGES-WEST 5 fontair.e Cerr.e ery. C'STHE. 8. 133.

rr.o -r of Chanes and cur bath; TAMM, 1015 Two-room cottage; ft- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Funeral frern I Lafavitte a venue luri. to til? Ch'iror EET3 FrNERAL HOME. Lcngfellow 11. st 30 a cf the Con-it Ca'n ary Cerretery. rear pa--.

Market car; 1V FO? -Cojr e. run 3.0CJ m.les. TLASTERING CEMETERIES ND LOTS Mr- BUNGALOWS AND COTTAGES SOUTH T-iefsv. 10 UIOHIJS PARLORS. see this car before tiring a new tern'- cr wi.l traie; open Sur.dav.

2843 Orar.l 1 3f CATE3. 550 3 roorr for homefceep.iig; A A A ex-. is repa ret. PLASTERING Stuevo. sicv old coated with a- forest 5J1IM molem; gsrspe NE 1)07 CS.ROITNE l'.

v. 'S c.e.irlv ms'he OHf.SHAM, 52074 rooms. 2-car garage; l-: tile cedar ess s.r.K. good best, sew- 102S STUDKHAKER COCPE like new: terms ter; F.

Kou-k and Stuart F. Davis. M.i A VANCE EMFLOYM ENT 2163 Railwar Ercher.e ElJg. GA rfield 5353-5354 We Place Dutendable Men. Wcrr.en.

Help. Na C'-arse to Employer People Who Spend a little time with The Star jrc em PERSONAL HAIR" ON t'lTs" BOD Yr7iriavVd ftr by ci "a.n cr R.a.:o The Bx-ciet cn req-jest. AND FOUND PLUMBING AND HEATING TRIBLTOR5. BUSINESS PROPERTY iy rduced Iroi (8 to 84.50. EN RIGHT.

4529 Lerge room and! 449 PTON'S M'lrTITARY. Rt fli-KLh-ARROW DI 1 rr. a 0 68 4612 Washmg'n 329 perfect cn- fc.tcer.ettp eorr.p.ete for housekeeping FOR liEASE i'ii late 77SW. Cein r.rortc.E "THE CEMETERY BEA1 ril-'UL' Crematory. Columbarium Mausoleum CAbany Un nt'tn CEntral ri KPUl Al.

CAKE FUNERAL DIKECTOJiS rAc it fi Z71 "tRiji at co Broadwa Victor 2118-11 3634 Otjt.v Ave I Aelede 4122 coT. lion- 821 S. 135 down. Sar.f L-ter- Of. Air.j ar.d ntay THORNTON ft "hap.u tzil to.

Seam fi-Baar fctat.i.g. Jurats LA JOSzJli i Tl" PLC MBINCi 1214 P. re -st EVCI.ITJ. 134 Neatly furrnrhed bed- I 2M9 N. Grand sr1-merit in pi i FoLr nunlap.

C-Tf ive. rtfl Of JI7-19 N. Third: 6-story bulidir.g: basetnnt: 26.25 stjuar- feet; sprinicleri st an attractive rental. SEDANS 'lAssified Ads often spend a ttle less monev acquir our s1 M. A-.

1 Tof-rr. very ressonab.e. 1333 3 well furnish'-d rooms; adults' FORESTFAR'K "438ioorc7kIichenT5T i Others. LE iinar 4258. on ir.d m.

BHCK SEDAN 1S3I B.z 8 model -87 low perfect. 1061. EARF.INO-Lr-t: g-e-n: silver mount: r- FO rt 7 -03 NFCKXA-7E list: and pearls, tcr." 'ne car between Qtir.s Oro.r.d Fridav. between 8 and 9 a. CO ifaji Rewsrd.

TR NliA ND ATCHElr-LcstT bet eea Louis ana Bpx 13iX, Lotit* Star. FIRST NATIONAL COMPANY GArfieid 2X0 Broaditay and Loca OlfERl.sO pee ai pr.res cn repair went. Fei e-a M-rch P. P. LAMBERT HFATll-'O A- PICV.3 CO FR G4 2 a Member of cf T.

PARLORS 834. Entered ins the things thev 1930 ALEXANDER SERVICE 4-DOOR SEDAN FOR SALE MISCELANLOUS Ls a St. The famcus Ch mc-rll: low rew tires fin sh and era lrv? Is the Bast ar.d Xo More reao-- KAF.S-owrs Pits inters. rest on Ffhraar-. 7.

at II i p. it- in lv. b-'evei r.u2rd of Lretto F.if tc tee dear 5Cn cf Mrs. Mirv F.

Er.warl ar.d the ia-e FO TIES ity map and PLUMBER Rera-eble Rar 2'2 FLUV BIN'O s-jr 1 "Third is ir.r..ud:r. trtir.t:. see.t gas TV- -arn (itiT i M. trades and eas New car route 410 WASHINGTON AVE. FOREST

442S ecrlnectJug houseeeep.r.g also rmg.e DEI GRAN 2 520 A sT--0 ne' rt lar i roorr.s: every convenience i GRAND. 17C0N urrHi? F.o-:i- rooms: s'so NEw Oisl. KZ Ti? reTT Front f.rtt floor; 84 others, ti 75: heat ENNETTnp'LACEri3'T La rge froi.t room 1 and bu 25c p. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES CITY WEST 7167 WASHINGTON AVE. room.

4 roorns, including maid ro-rn ar.d bath on first floor; 4 belroorr.t end bath on soor.d floor: hot-water heat. CRANE WHX.MORE OROANIZA. TION. LNC 7271 Delmar. CAbany 24SJ Mr? rf Le Fv Mrs.

Edw.iris. ft Arr.a 1 ND BY POI ICE. Pven kvs Fourth D.Mr.ct. F-lre dci D.srr.'.t h'i-l's ra.r.coit Central trtrt. Six fceis on r.r.j district.

B.cvcle Elevetith HINPS Ft I MfTNfl HEATING CO hn Ec seph rrst SOVTH SIDE EHCK. 654 Grnd LA -en. BUILDING MATERIAL Call CA bany 053' ALEXANDER SONS FUNERAL CHAFEL cia.ty rOrst FOrfSt 7S7J pa ring cur Sun 'lay -if-? 1929 FORD -Al condition. LI 5 W7- rONN MOTOR FV ereren 4444.

KUFS-WRIOKT Broadiay. ill! P345 INSTRUCTIONS a.ou; iron, j-o-teicep- i r.ADIO SERVICE OI WAKEHOt'SE STOCK Cf lurrcer, roof shingles, doers, win-dew. mast be sold- lese expiring Amer.cap. Lumber Co 673 Kocia-mmt CA bar.v 23 70 nil 6175 Delmar Blvd r.

S4 50 i WAnAinffS AN'D COTTAUiuS Cliurch. from ARTK CHS. Lmc'ell res'av Rosary F5TFS-. MHlir vpits. cn Ewi.cav, Fel ti; work LA TRI-CITY Call BiKEfE (.

I a 1 1 1 or write. SI I st. HALLE. 1320 Cont-ec'ing roorns; tins, TRUCKS AND TTIACTORS NORTH 2- VS an Ttr.ARn rtiary c. Tf? rriern "wlr'u "front rcesni: E2.

46:3 roojrs. Jbreakfas noes, sor- Tlieo. V. Heiderwieden SH1RVIUE Co- rrsvrr fl A r-irfl J.n..c, COAL. co*kE bfst trr.s.

14 25 rut. 12 ANDWOOD MP PR cprt 2J 2d floor; si: alt cor.ver. ences. MV.r Stewar: 1.1m IS-: Stesdv 'cur' Ccrr c- t.t a-J rrt FRti Write tc-lar sure Box S3A 1938 St Lf U' Ave CS I'tta K.7 CHAFEL. Ferruery It'FHiRSCS.

4C.3 Neatly HKB.TV, fSanklla 4 r.g rr.Ti: very reascnao.e- -nrrr--rrr- rts 7 Reliable Solid Tired Trucks to McPhercn Ave CLEAN CC-AL- per tor BKRGKK- Lc i-: r. REPAIR LNG second BUMiALOiVS Jrit ujuiuw end ki tehee. S245- Roo LE. DE in-sr rrlli Ki r. 1.1.

st Cm GfR 1 1 p.rr.ia. NORTHWEST 3est wcncerful quality. Hu -it-d COAL- Cail SITUATION WANTED MALE fioor. runrr rtg waj ter. MAFLE 5452 Elegantly dea urn shed 3 -room lb CULLIXAXK nnos.

171C Oramt Bivi LI rly C-era-u, aT.1: CTH bricit, fteara. heat, hard wood roori. tile bath, i 3 rage; -e--t invention. COAL urn; 1 Fre-f S4.CC-. e.

S4 CC -h coal. S2 25. r.ut, 25; 2C82. General Motors Truck Cn. 2543 Washington JZIferscn 02OT 120 Kouw-eening.

sr.g!e and MAPI Of I'm Men i nemi'o-ed. Will you tire me day "rk for one man? Eo'ld az. pi-rt-inr. paperhmn-I, fitting, loek point-inr. etc.

f.d niech-Dic and gocd work. in JOHN" n.f AP.T. 17 SOCTH SPEING AVE. ca-. wee cr rr: CH es 6Xrman'--1 employe, cotit GKRAUHTY -L et ROY1E rE FON S7O0 special S-to idard.

J4 CC. Il.n-.s 4 r.ut. J3 75 tn ncre CaU C-R and S215 FL. 42.5 5 HAIt'TWIG-PCHrNOE-t, FRaaUi- -51- SUBURBAN PROPERTY WEBSTER GROVES le fcr izt re cr ccr.ntrr.?- aio reason f.i ta r.d f.V tie furn shed fcr he -eeeping, 3d IL; ga. hot steam heat; rea-son-Jtl- FO rest -2-SW.

5 K.r.gshigl-.way. Tns'iy. Inter er.t SS. Peter and FOX4 A. (r, Swift BODIES Iv I TA i hi II.

IV i 5- jrr i Cf---' nronr. I 4 sble. OF. and BODIE: -For bus ROOFING ior new map oi W-bxter end of or phorie WE 240O. Vbier Groves Trett Kealtcrs.

TNTHVA. SI 29 2 roorrn for 1-gfct l.ou&e-see- r.5: sir. it. 17 'ds. cr i club 51-it: b'e for lete bu i CC4L- reet mine, rnine run 3 25; rea- clean lum.

13 75. $2 cltv lead le-t? FI ver'ice 2is' KLTTN CCAL CO GarTnteed ccal er. ii frcm tt 7 to YX eter r. iy hour, QUALITY LCTdP COAL 'est ccii rr mr- HI Isn P. niiTter e.

Mortuaries Auto Parts. 2-rcrn com; L'a Lan OAK WOOD. 4113 ette. VI ctor 4i- CLUBHOUSES k' ecm-s e-rr-n 2331. nsr 1 Ft: tiers i Herres tf-rv -e at No Extra Cost Vl-rr AN S.t 21 Unequaiec P-ul rri dsy, February REPAIRING DO CK? elc-4 (-1 Con-ect light hou -ii'-ti- a- N.

Spr.rr 1 fr--o-i 5 1. AT T. A VDT I ROOF EE. Nw rans cn-er-. f-il 5 vir Chi- O.

Kirbert. 4L --lev F-es. 3. 14. i yjy A yc as cn MOTOR reuuo P.AVMOND ut.

J2 tr Or.TTF 5i2 ins rootii COAL CO; iu p. '-a cr fi-ore. 4Q. CI." LKO- 5n- -s. 4-roo3i r.ome; corn-furnished: Weriusec; VOIta 4j.

BJ. reriiCe 0 u.evard, ca e- 17.50- 54, par re l. at 4J-'H K.ltik-1; ih'na. Facce Kl. 4104-05 iaCt--er Av.

GRasd MIT FO JAlfr. lei. all auto welded end slra.git t.Ci ZmostT FO tea 3iii. use, ner icijoo'i, cfcwca. Fiote: lii.

rr. C3 CD.

The St. Louis Star and Times from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.