What Is The Best Species For A Pet Monkey? - Ollie The Monkey (2025)

There are so many types of monkeys and the uptick in having one for a pet brings the question, is one species better than the other to own as a pet monkey?

Most Popular Species

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  • Chimpanzee
  • Capuchin
  • Macaque
  • Tamarin
  • Squirrel Monkey
  • Marmoset
  • Guenon

These are the most common species people keep as pets. One of the biggest reasons for this list is because these are the species most legal states or countries will allow. If considering getting a pet monkey be sure to double check not only your state laws but also your county laws on which species are legal. If your looking for primate toys/item you can check out Chewy USA or Chewy Canada and find bird toys and small pet items that can be used for monkeys as well.

Which Species Is The Best Pet Monkey?

Monkeys are extremely extraordinary and intellectual creatures. They are very high maintenance and are not the best pet for anyone with little expertise on handling and caring for non human primates. They require a lot of dedication and commitment to keep socially stable and enriched. Not to mention they are VERY expensive not only to purchase but to maintain on a regular as well. I’ve written an entire post on the hidden cost of primate ownership. With all that being said, which one is best comes down to each individual person and monkey.

If you are looking for a companion to snuggle in your lap and comfort you when you are sad, a monkey is not the right pet. They do show affection, but in their own ways.

Squirrel Monkey

Squirrel monkeys are extremely active and intelligent. They are also greedy and possessive. Don’t get me wrong Ollie The Monkey is cute and fun but he is a lot of work. It takes a long time to establish and learn how they communicate with different sounds. If you are curious what monkey eat you can check out my post on a Primates Diet, or my e-book!

What Is The Best Species For A Pet Monkey? - Ollie The Monkey (1)

Capuchin Monkey

Capuchin are the species of monkey that most think of right away as having for a pet. Capuchin are highly intelligent and can preform task for elderly or disabled individuals. Capuchins can be taught to open bottles, fetch items, and are typically not aggressive. However, someone who is disabled would need to have a helper to clean up after the monkey because they are extremely messy.

Marmoset Monkey

Marmoset or finger monkeys are indeed CUTE! Yup sorry Ollie but they are. With being the smallest monkey also comes it’s challenges. These little guys tend to get themselves into big trouble! Because they are small they are also generally pretty quick. Unless you really need to do cardio these little guys could easily outrun their owners.

What Is The Best Species For A Pet Monkey? - Ollie The Monkey (2)

Macaque Monkey

Macaque monkeys are one of the more common species to keep as pets. They do tend to get much larger and require more space for running and playing. It is recommended that their indoor enclosure be 30 square feet or more. That’s a pretty big chunk of room! Macaque’s are also very social animals and need attention from their owner just like the other monkey species.

Tamarin Monkey

Although Tamarins are considered to be on the top list of pet monkeys, I only personally know a handful who do own them. This is due to many states making it illegal to own them. Also, tamarins pose some health risks. Humans can transmit deadly diseases to them and catch them from them as well. Hepatitis B can be transmitted from tamarins to humans which can be fatal.

What Is The Best Species For A Pet Monkey? - Ollie The Monkey (3)

Guenon Monkey

I’m sure we could come up with many reason for and against owning a primate and as a primate owner myself I honestly think a Guenon monkey is one I’d NEVER EVER consider as a pet. Here’s why. For one, they get relatively large once fully grown. That equals not only extra mess but extra possible threats as well. And two, they are known to be aggressive in controlled situations and in the wild. Lastly, they are unpredictable.


Again, this one’s under the same line as the Guenon monkey. Everyone has read the story of Chimpanzee named Travis that was considered an animal actor. He had many castings with well know movies and commercials. He was considered a star, well at least until he attacked and ate Carla Nash’s face off. So I think I’ll pass on the pet chimpanzee 🫣.

In Closing

So is one species of pet monkey better than another? In my opinion, no. All pet monkeys take a lot of work, energy, dedication, and time. These are not the pets for a typical person who works a 9-5. Many just do not have the ability or skills to care for a creature with such depth.

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What Is The Best Species For A Pet Monkey? - Ollie The Monkey (7)

Published by Natasha Woodruff

Hi I'm Ollie. I am a 4 year old rescued squirrel monkey. Here you will find answers to all your pet monkey or general monkey questions. Be sure to follow me on social media as well where I share my day to day life as a pet monkey.View all posts by Natasha Woodruff

What Is The Best Species For A Pet Monkey? - Ollie The Monkey (2025)


What type of monkey is the best pet? ›

Guenon. These 10-pound monkeys hail from the forests of sub-Saharan Africa and can live up to 25 years in captivity. Guenons are also high maintenance. There are almost two dozen species of guenons; the green monkey, vervet, and grivet are the most popular species kept as pets.

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In terms of physical strength, the largest and strongest monkey species is generally considered to be the mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx), which is native to the rainforests of central and western Africa. Male mandrills are much larger and stronger than females and can weigh up to 120 pounds (55 kg).

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Bonobos, the friendly hippies of the primate world, are willing to help strangers even if there's nothing in it for them, Duke University researchers report November 7 in the journal Scientific Reports.

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Did you know that the world's rarest primate is actually a gibbon? The Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) is critically endangered. In fact, this ape is found only in the Bawangling Nature Reserve on Hainan Island, China, located in the South China Sea. There are fewer than 30 individuals left alive.

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Capuchins are the most intelligent New World monkeys – perhaps as intelligent as chimpanzees. They are noted for their ability to fashion and use tools.

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An average gorilla is 4-6 times stronger than a chimpanzee however there have Fights between gorillas and chimpanzees are quite rare because a number of gorilla families have been recorded living harmoniously between one another but with a number factors, even though a chimpanzee is not as strong compared to a gorilla, ...

What's the most aggressive monkey? ›

Here, we discover the top 10 most dangerous primates in the world.
  • Gorillas. ...
  • Slow Lorises. ...
  • Rhesus macaque. ...
  • Mandrills. ...
  • Baboons. ...
  • Spider Monkeys. ...
  • Chimpanzees. ...
  • Capuchin Monkeys. Some pet capuchin monkeys have attacked their owners.

What is the cheapest pet monkey? ›

Summary Table Of The 5 Cheapest Monkeys To Keep As Pets
2Tamarins$1,500 – $2,500
3Squirrel Monkeys$2,000 – $4,000
4Macaques$4,000 – $8,000
1 more row
Jun 8, 2024

Do monkeys make good pets? ›

They're potentially dangerous - while they might look cute, they can become aggressive when they mature and have been known to bite and attack their owners. Not suitable house pets - primates need space, companions and mental stimulation - not what you find in someone's living room.

Are macaque monkeys friendly? ›

Our results suggest that rhesus macaques are especially aggressive and unsociable towards humans, long-tailed macaques are more cautious and fearful, and pigtailed macaques are more sociable towards humans and less aggressive than the other species.

What is the sweetest monkey? ›

Found primarily in Malaysia but also in Thailand, the dusky leaf monkey has to be one of the sweetest natured primates on the planet - in fact, they are said to be one of the least aggressive animals on earth, preferring to focus on reconciliation in the instance of aggression within the group.

Which monkey has twins? ›

Twins are extremely rare among many primates such as Old World monkeys, because each baby takes a lot of time, energy, and food to rear. Thus, scientists were pleasantly surprised to record the first instance of twins born to a wild group of stump-tailed macaques, in a hilly, forested area in central Thailand.

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Intelligent and social, capuchin monkeys exhibit a behaviour that sometimes include curiosity towards humans. There have been several incidents of positive interactions between vloggers or trekkers and these monkeys.

What are the most affectionate monkeys? ›

The macaque is one of the most affectionate monkeys on the planet; individuals maintain relationships by grooming one another, they communicate with grunts.

Do monkeys make good house pets? ›

They're potentially dangerous - while they might look cute, they can become aggressive when they mature and have been known to bite and attack their owners. Not suitable house pets - primates need space, companions and mental stimulation - not what you find in someone's living room.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.