Wilmington News-Journal from Wilmington, Ohio (2025)

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Wilmington News-Journali

Wilmington, Ohio

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Page Seven riday' September 19 1947 THE DAILY NEWS VILM I NGTON OHIO 1 Crosley Radios Console and Table Models Kohler READ THE CLASSIIEDS Reds Continue Squibb1 KSSSB ches 5 uneral Director Why So Many People Say Phone ER AT OR NATIONAL CERTIIED LAMP WEEK" Charles Ault A oon tor EVERY Jlj STUDENT needs a PLEASE RETURNS YOURBOTTLES HOMEMADE ICE CREAM il'oerstedv Carcantar 23 CERTIIED LAMP Mr a Lura Rhozdez and Mrs James Wixon and daughter Shir ley Lane spent Wednesday 'after noon with 'Mrs William Elliott for the provide snitable We Agoin Hove i he oeoutiful And amous Have generator and timing checked by our experienced me chanics i It may solve your trou ble to the next American move was yet to be made it was authoritatively expected to call for the'sllenttreat meat for Vlshinsky Mrs Ida of Morrisville Is spending a few days with Mrs Edith Steele be or Mr and Mrs Delbert Jones of ort Lauderdale la are guests of Mr and Mrs Oscar Jones at New Vienna Take home seme today Ask about our special prices for parties pic nics reunions etc the on but OUR STOCK IS NOW REPLENISHED for SERVICE PARTS ACCESSORIES POP UP TOASTER 19 95 Helpers Class Mrs Dallas' Carey will be host esa to the Helpers Class of the riends Church for a business meeting and social hour Thursday at 1 Jl Roizk Is Appointed red Ralrk new head football coach at Wilmington College was appointed riday as of men ct the college succeeding Prof George Bowman who has been acting dean of men Raltk is set ting up his office in the gymna sium dressing room addition Mr and Mrs 'Donald Newland and little sone Byron and Mark left Thursday morning to return to their home In Brooklyn Y' aft er a 12 day visit with Mr New land's father Mr Roy Newland and Mrs Newland of Melvin' Mr Donald' Newlan is employed In New York as a chemist for Load Overturned As Trucks Coif ide No one was Injured but a load of hay was overturned in the ditch when two trucks collided on a curve on the Center road three and one half miles northwest of Wilmington Thursday at 5:45 State Highway Patrolman McClurg said A pickup truck driven by Thomas Whitacre Wilmington struck a larger truck 'operated by Milburn Coonrod New Vienna upsetting Coonrod's load Army equipment was a ahelter center in the Auditorium (Continued from page ont) before the 55 member nations the end of his charges yesterday against the United States and nine prominent Americans whom he called leading mongers" The bitter 'Russian blast deliv ered In angry words by Dep uty oreign Minister Andrei Vi shinsky virtually charged a con spiracy within the United States to make war on Russia The speech 1 was described by ranking American delegates as fan tastic" that it would defeat itself and be written off in thlacountry and elsewhere in the non Commu nist world as straight out Russian propaganda" Secretary of State George fC Marshall was being advised along this line by top members of his delegation it was learned and while a final delegation decision as Overheated Moton are often caused no! i by radiator "BUY INSURANCE ROM EWING'S GROCERY Melvin McCALL'S GROCERY Melvin HEIRONIMUS GROCERY Reeiville THRIT MARKET Sobinn LESSLIE BROS Leei Creek Cashman Specialised Electrical Service ITT Main SL Phono 2277 Since lowers Are The inal Tribute Mrs William McCune spent Thorsdajr'and Thursday night with Miss Carolyn Cotner in Columbus Mrs Edith Arthur 303 Locust St PINT OR QUART CONE DISH 3 et SflL AYNE Mrs Ryan Named President Legion Auxiliary 4 Mrs William Ryan was reelected president of the Wilmington Unit of the American Legion AuxlUy at the annual business meeting Other officers named were Mrs Jack Wallace first vice president Mrs Glenn Mann second vice president Mrs Edward Guttman treasurer MrstJ Henry Nowold secretary Mrs Howard Sewell and Mra George Rhoades execu nAmmltiae tr At a social meeting held Tues day night plans were made for the Installation of officers A dinner will be held at the General Denver Hotel October preceding the Installation ceremonies An Jn 'intcrestlng program has been ar ranged and a full attendance is re quested Mrs I O' Page and Mra Eliza beth Carroll were hostesses for the September meetings vy BUY COEE BY HUNTER Thriving Dozen Club Meets in Wilmington Mr and Mrs Harry Buckley of Kingman entertained members of the Thriving Dozen Club and sev eral guests Wednesday night at the home of their daughter Mrs "Lloyd Werti and Mr Wertz In During the evening several mem bers who had been on extended vacation trips described some of the places they had visited and told interesting experiences' At the close of the evening the States Electronics Zenith Authorized Sales A Service Phone 2283 208 South It TELEVISION IS42OMING 3St3KXS9K2S3KKSE3EKSES! Be Safe! i Save Loss by ire! Every home! Every office Every etore room and plantahould have i YR YTER Wire Extlngulaher Equip Complete sales and service Bradford's Welding Shop 229 College St Phone 6065 Wilmington Delicious Dessert Then la nothing more satis lying' to your taste than a dish of our homemade lea 'cream for dessert after eat Ing ono ct our delicious plate dinners 8top In today' They Are Needed By Linton Dairy PLAN LIGHTING OR HONOR LI ST HOMEWORK of hearts that remember we handle them accordingly whether a blanket of roses or a simple cluster from the home garden All are carefully received and placed with cards assembled for later acknowledge ment hosts served a delicious lunch Members present Include Mr end Mre Alva Stlngley Mr and Mrs Everett Earley Mr' and Mrs Wel don McKay Mr 'and Mrs! Roy Conklin Mr and Mrs Walter L' Williams Mr and Mrs Bailey Mr and Bjzldaker Mr and Mrs Earl Mills Mrs Laura Collett and guests were Mr and Mrs Wertz Mr and Mrs I Richard Buckley and daughter 1 Ann Elaine' Williams and llene 1 Lynn THE ARTHUR UHERAL HOME 1907 1947 THE DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY phone with Solicitor Swaim who was at Sabina and told council Swaim said' council could pass a resolution accepting the land for the pafk providing the title Is aaf t' Carried Unanimously Councilman Charles moved that if be accepted Council man EmmettH Bailey seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously by the votes of Coun cilmen Kohler Bailey Mel Brown ing Lawrence Riehl William Michael and rank Tener Council man Charles Toops Is ill and was unable to attend the meeting Dr James Johnson treasurer of the Recreation oundations re ported to council that he has 813 14370 in the bank 210 In checks on hand and that Bill Brooks had 3 235 In checks Dr Johnson point ed out that this amounts to 313 58370 and with the pledge of the Lions Club 'of 83000 tn money or equipment 3300 voted by the Eagles and 3200 votd byTthe Veterans of oreign Wars Post the total amount' would exceed 318000' i Many other pledges and contri butions also are expected'' with the entire amount donated' pos sibly exceeding 320000 before the end of the year Dr Johnson said 237 persons al ready have contributed to the fund for the development of the park Stephens' explained to counell that only a few people have been conucted tor contributions it hav ing been decided that a house to' houe canvass would Interfere with the Community Cheat crlve which opens October 27 ollowing is a list of' tne ad ditional' contributors' to the1 park fund: rank Skimming 35 'Brown Office Supply 318 Mr and Mrs red Cherryholmes 325 Robert Hague 325 Buckley Bros 350 Donohue's Thrift Market 325 Barrett 4 Son 1 25 Dr Rob ert Brown 35 Compton Auto Repairs $25 Dr Michael $25 Dr Waring 35 When You BING ITBA to this mon you get SUPER SERVICE There is 7 place where your Chevrolet SUPER SERV ICE that's a Chevrolet dealer's own service department 7 where trained mechanics using only gets nine Chevrolet parts and factory recommended equipment diagnose its trouble and restore it skillfully 7 to new car performance The man who wears this badge is as deft 'with his tools as the jeweler 'eho' regulates your watch to radio A psuxuu 9 i WdlwV IM 4UMS him Protect busy young eyes from strain by providing modern eye saving lamps for evening study and reading or good health good grades and the school success that influenced your childrens fu ture provide 'good lighting Certified Lighting 'Choose approved eye saving lamps with tall bases and wide flaring' white lined "Certified Limps thaj combine the right bulb the right shade and the right reflector for abundant light without glare orShadow Loo for the "Certified" tag shown here It identi fies the beautiful new lamps that meet all 105 sped ficatiou for superior lighting performance Asa i Sbcigl Happenings Accuracy dependability purity these ere our prime requisites in every prescription we fill GRANTHAM'S DRUG STORE Wilmington 2537 BRANDENBURG AUTO SALES CO 902 Main St Wilmington Phone 2542 ear High (Continued from Page On) manufacturer doee mean they are unaware of the dangerous Im plications of runaway prices or the possibility that a boom bust cycle msy still be In the economic cards Nor does It that op timism is unanimous They do claim (while admitting that prices on some foodstuffs are way out of line) that personal' in' come prices and production are still well enough In balance? to in dicate continued prosperity A directly contrary view is ex pressed by the' merchan disers and retailers They state that rising prices for foods is hav ing an nnhealthy effecton retail sales The consumer In other words is syphoning money into bls food budget that formally would spent In the department store nelghhborhohod shop LlNTONiLlNTON JERSEY MILK 'r Jr HIO KVC 7CA Screaming (Continued from' Page One) street causing unestimated dam 88 A'1" Clinic Unreofed i A three story health center clinic on Rampart street on the'edge oi the business district' was unroofed and one wall caved in under impact A residence NorthBroad street collapsed no injuries were reported There was no estimate of pos sible? casualties along the Gulf but it was feared that in juries and property damage would greatly exceed the toll in lorida Therewhere the storm struck two days ago only five lives were lost although property damage soared to many millions Acting Gov Emile Tenet order ed all state facilities for disaster placed at the disposal of the city of New Orleans State patrolmen were ordered to the lake front where police'report ed wide areas under water rising above the three foot mark Red Cross headquarters made an emergency appeal for small boats especially skiffs to navigate streets In the lake front area Authorities warned all residents of outlying areas to try1 to get to the center of the city by any means possible They said it was dan gerous to remain in outlying areas Airport Evacuated The control tower at' the New Orleans Airport has been evacuat ed The wind instruments broke after registering 90 miles an hour winds It Was reported that Weather Bureau elsewhere either at Wash ington or ort Worth may have to take over the task of Issuing advi sories Property damage already was high Lester "Lautenschlaeger chair man of the Red Cross disaster committee called police when a disorder broke out in the procedure of caring for evacuees he said a group of outside a shel ter in a public school grabbed milk before it could be taken inside to 1 babies Relief rushed to Municipal The last train reported to arrive here was the Southern Pacific Rail way Pelican which crept 1 Into the station after a hectic ride 1 across a railroad bridge spanning Lake Ponchartraln Crew mem 1 bers said the lake was rough as any ocean ever seen" The barometer dropped to 2879 the lowest in 2D years according! to Weather Buneau orecaster Allan I Alme He sal4 the all time low forj New Orleans was 2811 September! 29 1911 A huge air continuing unit atop! the Whitney National Bank wan! torn from its morrlngs lifted across! the building top and dumped into Poydras street in the down 1 town section Approximately 8500 persons huddled tn New Orleans Municipal Auditorium and another 20000 were reported sheltered in 40 city schools Dress Shoes All typei $298 up Coleman Lunch 206 South Open 6:300 10 MJ We positively have shoes to fit each member of the family Dept Store BLANCHESTER Phone 3301 City Assured (CeeitinveO from Psge Ono) tor an entrance to the park from Route 73 and ife avenue 'We make this offer with a desire to do something community and 'also to what wo consider to be a memorial to our eon This offer it being made to the city upon the condition that the City Recreation Commission or some other similar group shall first' raise the minimum sum of $10000 to develop lhe site" Bonecutter conferred by tele 1 II I 1 ixiXXXXXXXlXXIElIXIXlXXXnXXmi Stephens Soil i HARDWARE' Port Phone 304 Our clients appreci ate friendly service and unbiased advice on insurance problems They like to deal with an established agency which has complete facilities and full knowledgelof conditions in this community Accordingly we are proud that so many of our clients say without reservation insurance from Terrell Agency Phone 2350 A RlgW fr I JL Ifl If 'A'i iff 4 wWSvl 3 Bi A icsLsy i 11 's WftKk 1 ft 1 'm i 4' Vi' IAME mi a 1 yami Llli III IWisr MJ at I rTjPf Immm mfoam BBL I I ntonIunto I UEREYMiLK I I 2T 0 mo ft 7ca.

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Wilmington News-Journal from Wilmington, Ohio (2025)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.