PAGE TWO. THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, THURSDAY: AFTERNOON, MARCH 13, 1947 Buyers of Cinder Blocks Cinder blocks of all sizes on yard for Immediate loading, Blocks delivered within the hour of ordering in ville territory.goes Twelve Into all years of of our successful manufacturing experience blocks. A H. T. Ferron Phone 341-349 4 An J.
old friend is coming back to Virginia! 1 1 See this paper March 17 Strong Is Placed Under Probation For Five Years Judge A. D. Debney has entered order la Corporation Court at this time the W. D. 45, former lows el who tried Friday shooting Street home the Jr, 11, at the at of November 20.
the has placed on probation parted of Are another the acquitted who was tried on another warrant. at the ape to charging him with assault Strong by attempting to shoot bi reserving Strong case, the Judge bald circus would not at this da And gully of any often real who admitted his wife Violet wee shot la the left leg when entered house for the he mid of obtalalag dance for divorce. After the presentation of dence last Friday, the fudge would hold up say decision either case until he had heard voros bills Aled by Mr. and The divorce actions ended after hearing Tuesday with the granting of divorce Lang the grounds his Air Conditioning Hot Air Heating TOWN OR COUNTRY DUCT WORKS AND FURNACES FREE ESTIMATES Joyce Brothers Route 3, Box 100 Charlottesville, Ya. Phone Rural 9018-K bortly after his arrest told the court be was malias here the charge Employment definite.
personnel seeds will gregate 200, this demand will little effect upon the curreat plus since women be required In most instances plant. On the other hand, Job portunities in construction are tala to expand with the natura mild With a balance of rapply and mand for women, the report dieted that about May 1 there be 450 men 01 band for about Job Checking statistics, the report shows that a pai cent la labor supply has cocurred withthe past do days, 250 perremale unemployed cent of whom are veterans. Women comprise only of the Another 138 veteraas are expected to return to civilian Hie by May 4 along with 60 novice workers entering the Bald. The supply at present posed mainly of work. ere, whlle demands at present call for men in stone products when operations are but the laitial opesias date to J- a.
FRY'S SPRING BEACH CLUB JUST THE PLACE TO DROP. IN FOR DANCING DELICIOUS SANDWICHES BARBECUES 3 Open Dally 18 Nos Te 11:0 BY POPULAR MARCH 15th "THE HITS" HOT SWEET MUSIC AS YOU LIKE IT Hake Couples Mined Parties Only On "BEST BY TEST? It has often been said that CONCRETE MASONRY is as permanent: as the Pyramids of Egypt. So far as is known that is true because it is a fact that concrete grows stronger year aften year. The architectural designs obtained with VIBRAPAC. CONCRETE MASONRY made with Besser equipment are permanently beauti.
ful, too. And as time goes on you will find the upkeep cost of a CONCRETE MASONRY home is so low that the savings will buy the new furnishings and equipment: that make homekeeping 'more convenient and comfortable. For low cost, safety, healthfulness and comfort, VIBRAPAC CONCRETE MASONRY is. the building material to use. Ask your architect and builder about the possibilities of CONCRETE MASONRY for your new home.
Allied Supply CORPORATION PHONE 290-2990 1000 Herris St. Ve. Obituaries BOTHAM Fletcher Hargrove ham, 18, member prominent Virginia family, died yesterday ternoon Lynchberg, He base m1 when he muttered paralysis. He born in Amberst ty on June 34, son of the late Rufus Anderson. and catabotham, cad the last of eight children Mr.
inbotham twice married. His first wife late Margaret Brent Hill, daughter of William R. and Margaret Brent of Ambers. Hta second wife was the late Mrs. C.
Stratton, daughter of Charles and Mary Ogden Coffey, of Amberst. Surviving are seven children by the Drat and three the M. of ford; J. H. of Gladstone; Sidney F.
Wadesbota, N. Mr. R. Tyler of Washington, D. Mra.
H. C. Bradshaw, of Bluefield, W. Va; Mr. W.
Clark Brown of Mias Cyrie Higginbotham, of the University of Virginia; a Rufus botham, of Ales Thomas J. Higginbotham, of Miami, Fiat and Mrs. Lloyd 1 Owen, of Lynchburg, The funeral will be held d'olock tomorrow morning from Diuguide Memorial Chapel, -1016 Rivermont Avenue Urachburg. Intermant, with Masonio rites, win take place at soon at Amberst. ELMO R.
'TUPPO Funeral services for Lime Rae prominent Rockbridre County business man and leader, were held Bunday from the Fairfield Presbyterian Church. Mr. Flippo was the late Samuel Wood Flippe Martha Virginia Patrick Flippo, Nelson County, and born. Des. 11, 1871.
He postmaster and general merchant Fairbald, president of the Bank Rockbridge, a member of the Rockbridge County school board, of the Fairield Ruritan Club Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Nannie Kincemen one Francis Wood Flippo, and a daughe ter, Mrs. Everett Talman, of WashIngton, D. a. He also leaves three SOss Virginia' Mippe, Lynchburg: Mine Blanche Flippe, Richmond, and Mattie W.
Tippo, of Alton: and three brothO. Samuel Alton, and John T. Covingtos. Morris To Run On GOP. Ticket March 18 Joha J.
Morria, mayor of StanardaMille will be the Republican star dardbearer in the November general election for the post of monwealth's Attorney of Greene County, and not a candidate in the Democratia primary of August stated in a dispatch of Tuesday. Mr. Morris, chairman'. of the Greene GOP. Committee and format county trial la seekins the post hold by R.
N. Early, of who has "not whether he will be didate. to sucosed himselt. Delegates Of Salvation Army To Attend Mast Fourteen delegates from The Sale ration Army, accompanied by Captain and Xra. Meyd Terry, will leave Friday afternoon to attend the Young People's Divisional Council in Roanoke this week and.
Representatives from this state, West Virginia and the District of Columbia will be present. Territorial Commander Arnold and Commandar William Podell, territorial young people's secretary, will lead studies on the theme of spiritual and, vocational, ruidance. The local delegates are William Ball, Leroy Skinner, Ola Mae try, Mary Jane Gentry, Betty Orser, June MacDonald, Melvin Gentry, Carroll Mores Kenneth Jones, Granville Gentry, James Gentry, Mason Shimet, Earl Gibsom and Ollie Gibson. FLAKO1 CRUST FOR IS YEARS wed Fiako it a 4 Briefs HOLY COMMUNION A celebration of the Holy Come mualos will be, held Christ Church at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. and prayers will 1 be offered for the peace of the world and tor, those he the 3.
3 JOINS NAVY Sir. and Mra. C. 1100 Claude Lee Easton Jr. Hienheim Ave, has the Nary and in, training at Greet Lakes DAUGHTER IS BORN bora A at the Univesity Hospital last Louies Aiden, Friday to Mr.
and Mra Caries Byrd Welsiger, 1 GUEST SPEAKER Gus Tebell, baseball and baskst ball conch at. the was speaker at dinner given Wednesday Bight by the Kiwanis Club of lating the and basketball. 1 the High School. Mr. Tebell's talk, was on the value of sports, in the development of character and the rounding out' an individual's adcontion.
SON IN MORN A sow was born yesterday at the Martha Hospital to Mr. and Mra1 William at Aroda. BOARD MEETING. The regular March meeting of the City School Boned wilt be bald at 1:30 o'clock tonight In the board room at Lane High School MIRTH Mr. 1 and Mra.
Clarence Orcas Parsons, of 136 North First Street announce the birth af a daughter last night at the Martha Jefferson Hospital, TEACHERS TO MEET A meeting of the Charlotterville Teachers Association will be held at c'alock this afternoon at Lane High School, 3 DAUGHTER BORN Ta daughter was born last night the Martha Jefferson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Heary 8. Goodwin, Louise. COCAMONAL BAD A drinating rata felt this morning.
maximum temperature this degrees; morning, minimum, at forecast: with rain and wuth portions tonight: Charles Patreratty Hospital, where he had 1 January FOR 410. Allen 00 called Tye River her brother TONIGHT repeat performance at tonight auditorium. The toward, MAY the DiviaCapital District of Kiwanis Skin Irritations. many Emerald Oui been sold to help afterers And quick and comfort from the Robins torture of Pimples and many other caused aide eruptions Moone's for tinely, to not completely satiated, COT RATE DRUG MONTICELLO DEDG 00. Barter Theatre To Present Stars In 'Blithe Spirit' creams of Barter Theatre's astors and will compose the cast of "Blithe Spirit" which the troupe School will auditorium sage the morrow might, under the the Junior' Chamber ComeCasting Its members single production, Barter, ta this city, present such well-remembered from Jean Its De previous Wesse possibly a troupe's outstanding female: former, whe played the role Destrico la Shakespeare' Ado About Nothing," Herbert Netwho portrayed Captala schli "Arms and the Mast Wilson, remembered her role an Mary Mathews la of the Union," Chaucy Tom MoDermott, Mary Haden and Mar garet Thompson complete Red Cross Over Half Way To Goal Approximately 40 of the money needed to meet the Red Cross campalra goal of $12,000 been contributed, chairman, at the of the second week the drive which will and March This amount.
repressata in large part contributions from special gifta, commercial and duststal divisions, solloited by cars eat by the divisional chairman prior to the the general drive on March Mr. Miller went on to say that based on previous Cross drives, the response by individuals as yet has not come up to The Rad Cross waste everyone to become a member, he said, point Ins: out that Charlottesville and Albemarie County, have. taken pride in the past not only to the amounts falsed for the Red Cross but especially in the number persons participating, Mr. Miller urged all workers to their assigned districts promptly And to aak that those called upon be prepared to the total number of contributors. Jefferson Band To Give Concert Jaderson High School sand will present its annual spring tomorrow night the direction of La A.
False Also participattar in the concert he the City Recreation band, City Recreation dance Jaderson grammar school the Jefferson elementary dance tonsite community orchestra. band, band the and Culpaper CutAmong the selections to be play School "Roliday For by "Beria the Beguine," by Lave Call by Durias Intermission James Dorsey, bend of the departmest of the, North Carolina College at Durham, N. C. will speak. Chicago for the International vention June July Ralph Query, division Neutenant governor, has written sach of the clubs the division concerning reservationa.
The rica Division includes Charlottesville, Waynesboro, Staun. Harrisonburg, ton, Cutton Forge, and Coriastom. A at. 0. The March meeting of the Char lotterille Women's Christian Tomperence Union will be beld on Friday in the First Baptist Church at clock.
WOOLEN MILLS CHAPEL: Howard Hunt will conduct the prayer service the Woolen Mille Chapel tonight at 1 o'clock, NARCISSUS SHOW The Garden Club "of Virgiala Narcissus Show, which was to have been held in Lynchburg on March 2 and 37, has beeh postponed until April 4 and due to the weather. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment betheir plate dropped, slipped or wabbled at just time. De not live in fear of this happening to you, Just apriakle a little FAS TEETH, the (non acid) powder, en your plates, Holds taise teeth more firmly, no they feel more comfortable, Dows not sour. Checks "plate (denture breath). Get FASTEETA at any drug 03 For Delicious LAYER CAKES Call Brown's Food Department BROWNS Phone 37 facturing, struction, lumber and wood operators, stenographers, plasterers, tricians and service workers.
"A considerable aumber Jobs apparently will remals spite the carplas of men. primarily because avallable job seekers not mast fob requirements, or many Jobs are Inaccessible the workers who might' them," the report concludes. PARAMOUNT March And March 23 Only At The UNIVERSITY I MO CON ATE Ima The Razor's i- Edge WCHV 1240 PROGRAMS KC THURSDAY NICE 6:00 News, Sport By Martha Musta Te 3:45 Musical America, 1:00 Concert Decision Now- -Dram 1:45 3 Songs By Dinab $:00 Lam 8:15 America's Musta America's Town 0:30 Radio Musta Hall 10:00 World Security 10:30 Off The Record 11:00 Top Of The 11:06 News Of 11a5 "Just The You 12:00 Sire FRIDAY MORNING 6:30 Musical Clock, Farm News 1:00 News, Musical co*cky 7:30 Zake 7:45 Dinning Sisters, News Martha Bing Crosby Normas Kelsey $:40 Walteth Bavard Curt Massey Sings, News 0:00 Breakfast Cub- Don MeNetl 10:00 My True Story- Drama 10:25 Hymns of ah Churches 10:45 The Listening Poss 11:00 Breakfast in Hollywood 11:30 Hollywood -Dram 11:45 Ted 12:00 The Kanay Baker 12:30 News, Band, Town Crier 12:43 Walts Album 1:00 Bankhage Talking News 1:18 Of The Masters 1:45 Church Of The Air 2:00 Hernan's Cormer- News Ethel and Albert 3 3:00 3:30 8:15 Bride Ladies, Muale Eduta O. For Be Grocer Milady Busted! 1240 Club 6:00 Terry sad the Pizata 6:15 Sky Jack Armstrong. 8:45 Teen Age Club On The AMERICAN BROADCASTING CO.
MICKEY LEWIS SARA HADEN- ROMAY FAY HOLDEN -GRANVILLE DOROTHY FORD "BROOKLYN, I LOVE YOU" With Lee Durocher and his Baseball Playing BUMS. News Speaking Of Animals UNIVERSITY Ends Tonight Frank Coca Cecil Friday Saturday BOGART LAUREN THE MATCH THAT CANTO THE BIGS LEER: NEW WARNER SENSAOM VICES 3. LA FAYETTE TODAY ON THE STAGE! la Person EDDIE DEAN and his "Golden West -withTHE BROOME ON THE SCREEN Song of Oh Wyoming Prices This Attraction; Mat 400, Night Abc, C. Fri. Sat.